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OW Road to Amer Rev

American Revolution

Proclamation of 1763 British policy issued after French and Indian War; Colonists angry - wanted to move west of appalachians - helped win war
Stamp Act Brittan made colonists pay for war by paying taxes on anything printed on paper; Colonists protest and boycott British goods
Cause of Boston Massacre Colonists did not like having British soldiers in their city.
Tea Act British passed a law that put a tax on tea sold by East India Company.
Boston Tea Party Sons of Liberty, dressed as indians and threw tea into the Boston Harbor.
Intolerable Acts Punishment for Boston Tea Party, Britain had more control over colonies, closed port of Boston, made colonists quarter soldiers
Quartering Act Colonists were forced to give food and shelter to British soldiers
Taxation without Representation British collected taxes from colonists to pay for war; colonists angry because they had no one to speak for them in Parliament.
French and Indian War Fought over who owned the land west of the Allegheny Mountains - French and Indians against the Colonists and British
Townshend Acts Parliament (Britain) passes acts that placed taxes on paper, wool, tea, etc. to show that British were still in charge.
Created by: burkinss
Popular U.S. History sets