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Ms. R Yellow 6

Ms. R's Social Studies Pre-History Review Questions: Test Dec. 2

How does a surplus of food lead to the growth of cities? Population growth, surplus of food makes people stay in one place, cities grew with government and religion.
Name another reason how a surplus of food leads to the growth of cities. People divided up the jobs and became artisans (skilled craftsmen)
Who was the Iceman of the Alps? 5,000 year old frozen body found in the Alps that is the oldest preserved human body in the world.
Why was the Iceman of the Alps important? The Iceman was found with a copper-headed ax and bow and arrow
What does excavate mean? To dig up; to dig or scoop out (earth, sand, etc.)
When archaeologist excavate a site, what do they learn about people who lived thousands of years ago? Name 2. They study the tools and bones to figure out where they fit in time, for example a copper axe had to come from a time when copper was discovered.
How do archaeologists figure out how old a preserved body or fossil of an animal or plant is? Give 2 examples. They use radiocarbon dating-half of carbon 14 disappears every 5,730 years from a dead plant or animal. Also, knowing the scientists are able to figure out how old anything is that was once plant or animal life
How do archaeologists figure out how old footprints in the stone are? Archaeologists use potassium-argon dating
What does potassium change into at a known amount of time? Argon
How do archaeologists determine the age of bones? Explain. They measure the flourine content in the bones. Bones absorb flourine from ground water. The older the bones, the more flourine in the bones.
How do archaeologists use stratigraphy? The deeper down the artifact is buried, the older it usually is.
Name 3 differences between the Old and New Stone Age? Most of prehistory took place during the Old Stone Age, People got their food from hunting and gathering, and in the New Stone Age, there was farming and domesticating animals, which allowed people to settle in one place.
Define Archaeologist a specialist in archaeology, the scientific study of prehistoric peoples and their cultures by analysis of their artifacts, inscriptions, and monuments.
Define artisan a person skilled in an applied art; a craftsperson
Define domesticate No longer wild, a tamed to live in close association with human beings as a pet or work animal and usually creating a dependency so that the animal loses its ability to live in the wild.
Define history the record of past events and times, especially in connection with the human race
Define irrigation Application of water to land to assist in the production of crops.
Define nomad A member of a people or tribe that has no permanent abode(home), but moves about from place to place, usually seasonally and often following a traditional route.
Define oral tradition A community's cultural and historical traditions passed down by word of mouth or example from one generation to another without written instruction.
Define prehistory Human history in the period before recorded events, known mainly through archaeological discoveries, study, and research; history of prehistoric humans
Define surplus Extra; an amount, or quantity, greater than needed
Define fertile Rich soil that produces an abundance of crops
Define social class A broad group in society having common economic, cultural, or political status.
Define stratigraphy [struh-tig-ruh-fee] a branch of geology dealing with the classification and interpretation of stratified ( beds or layers of) rocks.
Created by: smcauliffe
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