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media sources of our news and information about curren tevents
watchdog one who stands guard and sounds an alert if something is wrong
expose story designed to expose wrongdoing
unbiased not favoring any veiw
soundbite something said in 15 seconds or less
gatekeeper one who stands guard at a gate and decided who gets threw
medium a method of communicating information, entertainment, and other messages
mass media methods of communicating with large numbers of people
commercial word that means for profit
biased favoring one view over another
political parties an organized group of people who share simialar political veiws and work to influence government
write-in-candidates a candidate whose name a voter must hand write on the ballet
public policy the stand the government takes about how issues should be handled
minority party political party that does not have a majority of the elected members
third party a political party other than republican or demacratic
platform set of statements describing a party's views on major issues
political views a person's ideas how government should run and how issues should be solved
Created by: keatbd5
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