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chapter 16

Social Studies

deciduous describing trees that shed their leaves in the autumn
harness to get control of and use
irrigate to supply land with water through ditches or pipes
complex highly developed
oasis a fertile area that rises in a desert wherever water is regularly available
homogeneous made up of many things that are the same
yurt a large, circular structure made of animal skins that can be packed up and moved from place to place; used as a home in Mongolia
significant important
climate (central asia) the climate of central Asia is mostly an arid climate because it is very dry
equestrian (central Asia)
Syr Dar’ya the rivers flow through mountains and through deserts and are used for irrigation The Syr Dar’ya begins in the eastern Fergana Valley and flows northwest through Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan where it empties into the Aral Sea.
Amu Dar'ya this river flows through mountains and deserts and is used for irrigation and it flows into the Aral sea
Turkmenistan twice the size of minesota . Has the smallest population in central asia. Has a big deposite of oil and gas resources abour the samew size as uzbekistan
Uzbekistan important oil and gas resources. about the same size as turkmenistan. the biggest population in central asia.
conquerers big prize the big prize was the silk road
Created by: 22jvelasco
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