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Adolf Hitler German leader of the Nazi Party, rose to power by promoting racist and nationalist views.
Benito Mussolini Fascist dictator who ruled Italy
What is a dictatorship? Form of government in which the ruler has absolute power, not restricted by a constitution, laws, or any opposition
What is Facism Political philosophy that promotes the glory of the state over the rights of individuals. Characterized by extreme nationalism.
What countries did Germany take control of prior to WWII and throughout WWII? Germany took over the Rhineland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, France
What was the Lend Lease Act? Plan that allowed US to sell, lend, or lease arms or other war supplies to any nation considered "vital to the defense of the US". In practice, this met that the allies were supplied by the United States.
Who were the Axis Powers? Germany, Italy, and Japan
Who were the Allied Powers? Great Britain, France, United States, and Russia/Soviet Union
What is the policy of Neutrality? A country refusing to take a side or participate in a dispute or war
What key event occurred December 7th, 1941 that will "forever live in infamy"? The surprise attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese
What ultimately leads the United States to enter World War II? The surprise attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese
In what ways did Americans on the Home front contribute to the war effort? Growing Victory Gardens, rationing important resources, recycling, and buying war (victory) bonds.
Rosie the Riveter Symbol of American women who went to work in factories during the war. It began as a propaganda poster used to recruit women to work in factories.
What was the Supreme Court case "Korematsu v. United States"? What ruling was made? This case was about the legality of Japanese Internment Camps. The Supreme Court ruled that internment camps were legal and upheld the precedent that individual rights may be restricted during times of war
What role did United States manufacturing play in World War II? The United States was able to overwhelm the Axis Powers through mass production of key war materials like tanks, aircraft, battleships, and ammunition.
Who was the emperor of Japan and why what was unique about his position in Japanese culture? Hirohito was the emperor of Japan - He was revered as a living god to the Japanese.
Approximately how many Jews died in the Holocaust? How many other people were purged by Hitler because he believed they were "undesirable"? 6 million Jews were exterminated. 5-11 million others will purged as well.
What was Executive Order 9066? This order specified that the military could set up "exclusion zones" where they could prohibit people from leaving or entering. This was used against the Japanese to round them up and place them in Internment camps, resulting in loss of property/rights
What was a kamikaze? A Japanese fighter pilot who would fly his plain into ships in order to blow them up.
What was Bushido? It is a code of honor practiced by the Japanese that meant "The Way of the Warrior". It emphasized obedience and loyalty to superiors and the emperor, and that it was dishonorable to surrender
What event sparked the official start of World War II? The invasion of Poland by Germany Sep. 1, 1939.
What was the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact? This was an agreement made by Germany and the Soviet Union to not attack one another and to divide Poland
Which President made the decision to drop the atomic bomb? President Harry Truman
What were the Nuremberg Trials? German leaders were put on trial for war crimes committed during WWII
What is Blitzkrieg? It means "lightning warfare" and refers to the new style of battle that Germany used to quickly attack and overwhelm other countries.
What was the Battle of the Bulge? It was the last desperate attempt by Germany to push Allies back from invading Germany. After losing this battle, Germany crumbles.
What was the Battle of Britain? This four month long battle took place as Germany bombarded Great Britain with its air force.
What was Hitler's "Final Solution"? He opened 6 new camps for the specific purpose of mass extermination or mass genocide of Jews.
Why is the Treaty of Versailles often blamed for being partially at fault for causing WWII? It was a harsh treaty that destroyed German pride in their country, and it created economic problems by forcing on the Germans large reparation payments.
How did Americans at home contribute to the war effort? By recycling, rationing, growing victory gardens, buying war bonds, and by joining the workforce.
When did the attack on Pearl Harbor take place? December 7th, 1941 - "A day which will forever live in infamy"
What political party did Hitler utilize to gain power and control in Germany? The Nazi Party
What was the Munich Pact? British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and France signed this pact with Germany, giving the Sudetenland away to Germany in exchange for a promise that Germany would halt its European expansion
Who is the United States President that leads the country through most of WWII? Franklin Roosevelt
What were the United States Neutrality Acts? Acts passed in the mid 1930s that made it illegal to loan money or ship goods to countries at war -- intended to keep the U.S out of war.
What conflict occurred in Southeast Asia in the early 1930s? Japan invaded the Chinese province of Manchuria in order to gain access to raw materials. Japan invaded much of Southeast Asia.
Who was the British Prime Minister that led Great Britain during most of WWII? Winston Churchill
What was the Cash and Carry Policy? Revises Neutrality acts by allowing countries at war to obtain American goods by paying cash and transporting them with their own ships.
What was Operation Overlord? The invasion of France at Normandy. This invasion allowed the Allies to eventually re-take Europe. Known as D-Day.
What was Operation Torch? The Allied invasion of North Africa.
Why was North Africa an important area for the Allies to maintain control over? Because they relied on obtaining oil from this region.
What was Operation Deception? The Allied produced and stationed ballon tanks, planes and trucks in Great Britain before launching the D-Day invasion
Who was Tojo? Leader of the military dictatorship that controlled of Japan
Who was Hirohito? Was the emperor of Japan--the Japanese revered him as a living god
Who was Joseph Stalin Dictator of the Soviet Union
Who was Erwin Rommel? Key general who led German forces in North Africa - nicknamed the Desert Fox
Who was Dwight D. Eisenhower? United States general who was appointed as the commander of all Allied forces in Europe. In charge of D-Day invasion.
What was the Manhattan Project? It was the massive top secret project organized by the United States to produce a working atomic bomb. Top scientists from around the world contributed in this project.
What was the Bataan Death March After defeating the combined Filipino and American army in the Philippines, the Japanese forced the captured soldiers on a 65 mile death march that resulted in the deaths of 10,000+
V-E Day Victory day in Europe when Germany officially surrendered - May 8, 1945
V-J Day Victory day in Japan - Japan surrendered after two atomic bombs are dropped.
What were the important battles fought in the Pacific Front as part of the Island Hopping Campaign? Guadalcanal, Saipan, Philippines, Midway, Okinawa, and Iwo Jima
Why was the Battle of Stalingrad significant? It was the turning point of WWII in the Eastern Front; the war turned against Germany
"a day which will live in infamy" -- What speech is this famous phrase from? FDR's speech asking for a declaration of war from Congress the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor
What is the policy of appeasement? The decision to give into someone's demands in order to avoid conflict and preserve peace
Created by: chris22h
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