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US History - Industrialization Unit Test

The period after the Civil War, from 1865-1877, when former slaves gained political power was known as? Reconstruction
Describe the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This amendment abolished (got rid of) slavery in the United States.
Describe the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This amendment gave all citizens, including African-Americans, equal constitutional protection.
Describe the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This amendment gave African-American males the right to vote.
What economic impact did monopolies and trusts have on the working class? Monopolies and trusts raised the prices of goods and services by eliminating competition.
“The federal government adopted a laissez-faire attitude toward big business” What does this statement mean? This means the government would not interfere with big business.
What was the purpose of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act? This law made trusts and monopolies illegal.
Define the term “collective bargaining.” This is when workers negotiate as a group, not as individual workers.
Give two reasons why Americans reacted negatively toward immigrants. A-Immigrants looked different. B-Immigrants had different languages, cultures, and traditions. C-Americans were afraid that immigrants would take over jobs.
Whose interests were represented by the Grange organization? Farmers
Name two accomplishments of the Populist Party. A-Graduated income tax B-Direct election of senators C-Secret Ballot
How did the Supreme Court case of Plessy v. Ferguson affect the daily lives of African-Americans? It made segregation constitutional and called for “separate but equal” facilities.
What was the purpose of the Jim Crow laws? These were the segregation laws that separated whites and blacks.
Define "Poll Tax" A tax a citizen must pay before they are allowed to vote.
Define "Literacy Test" Before being allowed to vote, a citizen must prove their ability to read and write.
Define "Grandfather Clause" This law made the poll taxes and the literacy tests applicable only to African-Americans by exempting anyone whose grandfather would have been eligible to vote prior to 1860.
What are the Civil War amendments? 13th , 14th, and 15th.
What was the outcome of the 1876 presidential election? A deal allowed Hayes to be president and ended Reconstruction.
Created by: JTC111
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