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India Vocabulary 12/16/15 Quiz

a spiritual parent or teacher Guru
the main religion of India which includes the worship of many gods and the belief that after you die you return to life in a different form Hinduism
the three main gods of Hinduism Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva
the belief that when you die you will come back to life here on earth in a different form Reincarnation
fate Karma
the language used in Hindu holy books Sanskrit
a religion without a god that is based on the teachings of Gautama Buddha that believes in reincarnation Buddhism
the final bliss that overcomes suffering, karma, and reincarnation Nirvana
a Buddhist teaching; eight steps to follow in your life so you will reach Nirvana Eightfold Path
the social class system of India Caste System
Created by: Mrs.Luck
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