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Colonies 2015

Life in the Colonies

What is an indentured servant? a person who agrees to work 5-10 years in exchange for passage to North America
What is a merchant? person or company involved in trade; often with other countries
William Penn Founded Pennsylvania; responsible for largest colonial city Philadelphia; Quaker; he believed in religious freedom
The main reasons for the settlement of the colonies freedom of religion; farming; economics
Plymouth settled by the Pilgrims
primary jobs of women in the colonies working in the home, cooking, and sewing
Cash crop that saved Jamestown Tobacco
cash crop a crop produced for its commercial value rather than for use by the grower.
Georgia first settled by debtors; named after King George II; founded by William Oglethorpe;
New England Colonies rocky, sandy soil, many trees, and a short growing season?
The Lost Colony Roanoke
artisan a person who is skilled at making things by hand
The reason Jamestown almost failed bad leadership; almost starved to death
why was slavery more widespread in the South large plantations needed more laborers
Puritans settled in New England for religious freedom
large plantations Southern Colonies
mild climate, fertile soil, a longer growing season and rivers Middle colonies
New England Colonies Massachusettes, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island
Middle Colonies Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania
Southern Colonies Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia
Created by: Andersonclass
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