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Southern, Middle, and New England colonies

subsistence farming Self-sufficient farming; people often grew food on them to feed their family
export Send goods to another country for sale
import Receiving goods exported from another country
royal colony A colony that the British government controlled
proprietary colony A type of British colony; the king owned the land
triangular trade Shipping goods from Britain to West Africa for slaves. The slaves were then traded to the West Indies in exchange for goods. The goods were then brought to Britain.
frontier A border separating two countries
meeting house A Quaker place of worship
apprentice A person who is learning a trade from a skilled employer, having agreed to work for a fixed period at low wages
naval stores Goods used in building and maintaining ships
patroon A person given land and granted certain privileges regarding land in England under the former Dutch governments of New York and New Jersey
Great Migration The movement of 6 million African Americans out of the Southern colonies
conestoga wagon An invention that was used to help farmers transport their crops
commonwealth An independent country or community; often democratic or republic
cash crop A farm product to be sold
Puritans A group of English reformed protestants that wanted the Church to reform
Constitution Fundamental principles according that a state or other organization is governed by
separatist Someone who withdraws or supports withdrawal from the Church
fundamental order of Connecticut Orders that describe the government and structure of the colony of Connecticut.
pilgrims People who journey to a sacred place for religious reasons
tolerance Accepting something, esp. religion
Mayflower Compact The first governing document of the Plymouth colony; it was written by separatists later known as Pilgrims
pacifists People who believe that war and violence are unjustifiable
mercantilism Belief in the benefits of profitable trading; commercialism
toleration act A law where anyone who believed in Jesus Christ could freely worship in Maryland colony
Quakers A group of religious people in the Pennsylvania colony.
indigo A purple/blue cash crop that was used as dye and medicine in the Southern colonies
urban Life centered in cities
rural Life centered around small towns
artisan A worker in a skilled trade, especially one that involves making things by hand
tidewater Water brought or affected by tides
plantations A large piece of land where a specific crop is grown in large amounts
joint-stock company Business where stocks are traded
middle passage The stage in triangular trade where Africans were shipped to the New World
indentured servants Young people paid for their passage to the New World by working for an employer for a certain number of years
slave codes Sets of laws that defined the status of slaves and the rights/responsibility of slave owners
backcountry The Southerners' way of saying the land near the Middle colonies frontier and the Appalachian Mountains that wasn't good for farming
charter A document that was used to define a country's rights/priviledges
The Southern Colonies Virginia, Maryland, North & South Carolina, Georgia
The Middle Colonies New York, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania
The New England Colonies Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut
Metacomet King Philip; complex relationship with the colonists
Anne Hutchinson Puritan spiritual advisor
Samoset First Native American to make contact with the pilgrims of the Plymouth colony
Squanto Native American that helped the Pilgrims from Massachusetts
Pocahontas Virginian Indian who married John Rolfe and befriended John Smith and the Jamestown colony
Powhatan A Native American Group in Virginia; complex relationship with English settlers
John Rolfe One of the early English settlers in North America; married Pocahontas
Henry Hudson English sea explorer and navigator; died because of mutiny
8 aristocrats Wealthy people
James Oglethorpe British general who founded the colony of Georgia
John Smith English explorer, author, and soldier; leader of Jamestown (Virginia Colony)
Peter Minuit Founder of Colony of Delaware
Peter Stuyvesant Last general for the colony of New Netherlands (which was later renamed New York)
James Duke of York James II; king of England
John Mason English army major who migrated to New England; Moved to what would later become the Connecticut Colony
Ferdinando Gorges "Father of English Colonization in North America"; founder of province of Maine
John Carver Wrote the Mayflower Compact; first governor of New Plymouth Colony
William Bradford English Separatist leader; signed Mayflower Compact and went on Mayflower
John Winthrop A wealthy English Puritan lawyer; helped found the Massachusetts colony
Roger Williams An English Puritan; an early proponent of religious freedom and the separation of Church and State
Thomas Hooker An early Puritan colonial leader; founded the colony of Connecticut
Dutch People with origins from Germany or the Netherlands
John Berkeley An English royalist soldier; closely associated with James Duke of York; one of the founders of the New Jersey colony
George Carteret A town in North Carolina and a town in New Jersey are named after him
William Penn An early Quaker and the founder of the colony of Pennsylvania
Cecil Calvert First governor of province of Maryland; received Maryland after his father's death
Nathaniel Bacon Famous for his rebellion, where he burnt down parts of Jamestown (in the Virginia colony); colonist of Virginia
Created by: ccrane46
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