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Chapter 3

History - Colonial America

charter a document that gives the holder the right to organize settlements in an area
joint-stock company a company which investors buy stock in the company in return for a share of its future profits
headright a 50-acre grant of land given to colonial settlers who paid their own way
burgess elected representative to an assembly
expand to increase in size or scope
dissent disagreement with or opposition to an opinion
Puritan Protestants who, during the 1600s, wanted to reform the Anglican Church
Separatist Protestants who, during the 1600s, wanted to leave the Anglican Church in order to found their own churches
Pilgrim Separatist who journeyed to the colonies during the 1600s
Mayflower Compact a formal document, written in 1620, that provided law and order to the Plymouth colony
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut the first written plan for a government in America
policy plan of action
patroon landowner in the Dutch colonies who ruled like a king over large areas of land
proprietary colony colony run by individuals or groups to whom land was granted
pacifist person opposed to the use of war or violence to settle disputes
ethnic pertaining to a group sharing a common culture
function operate
indentured servant laborer who agreed to work without pay for a certain period of time in exchange for passage to America
constitution a list of fundamental laws to support a government
debtor person or country that owes money
tenant farmer farmer who works land owned by others and pays rent either in cash or crops
mission religious settlement
estate property, land
Created by: dcaeschliman
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