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Us History

part 1

Triangle Trade led directly to the increased importation of enslaved Africans to the Western Hemisphere.
British Mercantilism Economic policy used by the British in which the American Colonies served as a source of raw materials and a market to sell goods.
Salutary Neglect Period of time when the British ignored the colonies because they only wanted to benefit from the econmic prosperity of the colonies
French and Indian War Caused by disputed land claims in the Ohio River valley between the French and the British.[the French and Indian were on the same side.
Virigina House of Burgesses/ Mayflower Compact/Town Hall Meetings They all contributed to the development of representative democracy
Albany Plan of Union[1754] Early attempt to unify American colonies but under British rule.
Declaration Independence State the colonial grievances aginast bristish rule, written by Thomas Jefferson, a statement of democratic principle rather than a framework for government, Take ideas from John Locke's theory of natural rights of people .similar to the Bill of Rights.
Thomas Paine Published Common Sense which was influential in persuading American colonists to support colonies independence from Bristish
Response to Mercantilist Policies committees of correspondence /Non- importation Agreements/Boston Tea Party First Continenetal Congress
Major Events Leading to Revolutionary War Sugar and Stamp Acts- tax forgone molasses and printed material. Quartering Act- requires colonists to house and feed British soliders. Townshend Acts- taxes imported good and tea. Boston Massacre- five people killed by British soldiers
Revolutionary War begins Shortly after the signing of the Delaration Independence
American Colonies win the war and independence with the help of familiar land and forgone aid(France)
At the end of the Revolutionary War the Mississippi became the western boundary of the U.S.
articles of confederation first form of goverment used by the U.S. after indepence from britain
Many amercians distrusted a strong central goverment because of their experiencies under the rule of great britian. They wanted to limit the central government's opportunies to infringe upon the people's liberties.
Decentralized power is broken up and divided among many groups not unified.
Problem and Weaknesses most power remained with the state government national government could not enforce its laws States had the power to collect taxes coin money and control trade.
Success of the aritcles its provided a system for goving the western territories and a process for admitting new states to the union
Created by: j10thousands
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