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European Exploration

Exploration and the Settlement of the 13 English Colonies

Protestant Reformation A religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches.
Glorious Revolution Following the English Civil War, this event involve the British Parliament overthrowing their monarch in 1688-1689. James II was expelled and William and Mary were made king and queen. Marks the point at which Parliament made the monarchy powerless.
Mercantilism An economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought.
Columbian Exchange A global exchange of people, plants, animals, technology, and disease from Americas to Europe. This began as a result of Christopher Columbus voyages, starting a commercial revolution and introducing the idea of mercantilism.
Joint-Stock Company A company in which investors buy stock in the company in return for a share of its future profits.
Head Right System Headrights were parcels of land consisting of about 50 acres which were given to colonists who brought indentured servants into America. They were used by the Virginia Company to attract more colonists.
Triangular Trade System Trading system between Europe, Africa, and the colonies; Europeans purchased slaves in Africa and sold them to the colonies, raw materials from the colonies went to Europe, while European finished products were sold in the colonies.
Indentured Servant Colonists who received free passage to North America in exchange for working without pay for a certain number of years.
Quakers English dissenters who broke from Church of England, preache a doctrine of pacificism, inner divinity, and social equity, under William Penn they founded Pennsylvania
Pilgrims Group of English Protestant dissenters who established Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts in 1620 to seek religious freedom after having lived briefly in the Netherlands.
Salem Witch Trials In 1692, several girls in Salem, Massachusetts, accused their neighbors of witchcraft. More than 100 people were tried as witches, and 19 women and one man were executed. Puritan minister Cotton Mather eventually helped stop the trials and executions.
Magna Carta English document written in 1215 that limited the King's ability to tax English nobles and that guaranteed due process and a right to trial
English Common Law The centuries-old body of legal rules and procedures that protected the lives and property of the British monarch's subjects.
English Bill of Rights King William and Queen Mary accepted this document in 1689. It guaranteed certain rights to English citizens and agreed to support a limited monarchy, a system in which they shared their power with Parliament and the people.
Mayflower Compact Document was drafted in 1620 prior to settlement by the Pilgrims at Plymouth Bay in Massachusetts. Pilgrims agreed to accept majority rule and participate in a government in the best interest of all members of the colony.
Virginia House of Burgesses First elected legislative assembly in the New World established in the Colony of Virginia in 1619. Representatives set up by England to make laws and levy taxes but England could veto its legislative acts.
Natural Rights Rights that belong to people by nature simply because they are human beings. Life, liberty, and property.
Great Awakening Religious revival in the American colonies of the eighteenth century during which a number of new Protestant churches were established.
Navigation Acts Series of acts passed in 1660 passed by British parliament to increase colonial dependence on Great Britain for trade, limited goods that were exported to colonies; caused great resentment in American colonies.
Salutary Neglect English policy of relaxing the enforcement of regulations in its colonies in return for the colonies' continued economic loyalty.
Created by: sweitzern2
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