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US History

court cases

Marbury v Madison judicial review
McCullough v Maryland state cannot tax federal
Gibbons v Ogden federal in control of interstate commerce
Dred Scott v Stanford slaves are property
Plessey v Ferguson separate but equal
Brown v Board of Education integrated schools. Black are now able to attend all white schools. This case overturned Plessey v Ferguson
Schenck v US limit of free speech during war time. "clear and present danger" Your rights are limited during time of war.
Korematsu v US citizens rights can be limited during times of war. It was ok to send Japanese Americans to internment camps if it was a safety issue.
Mapp v Ohio need a search warrant
Engle v Vitale no public led prayer in public schools
Hear of Atlanta v USA integrate hotels.
Miranda v Arizona when a person is arrested he must be read his rights or anything you get is not admissible in court.
Tinker v DesMoines arm bands and certain clothing is seen as freedom of speech and expresssion
Roe v Wade a woman has a right to decide if she gets an abortion or not. It is her right to choose
Created by: kherniman
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