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Unit 4 Lesson 3 Notes 2

Laissez-faire A policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering.
New Deal Economic program implemented by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR).
Women's Suffrage The right of women to vote
Prohibition A period of time between 1920-1933 when the law prohibited the selling, making, and/or transportation of alcohol in the United States.
Speakeasies Popular but illegal liquor-serving bars where you had to give a password to enter, hence the name
Isolationism The United States decided to pull back from involvement in outside economics or politics
Hands Off Attitude The government policies of the 1920's supported the "hands off" attitude to the US economy.
Herbert Hoover A 1920's president who believed in Laissez-Faire policies or a "hands off" approach to managing the US economy.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) The 32nd president of the United States who lead the country during the 1930's and the Great Depression. Founded policies such as the New Deal and Social Security.
Social Security Act A federal act passed in the 1920's that guaranteed federal payment for retired persons 65 years of age and older.
Repeal To reverse a law or policy.
Al Capone A crime leader from the 1920's who committed crimes and broke the laws of prohibition.
18th Amendment A constitutional amendment that outlawed the buying, selling, and transportation of alcohol in the United States.
19th Amendment A constitutional amendment passed in 1919 that became law in 1920 and gave women the right to vote.
Created by: jhanes2
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