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Ind & Transportation

Industry & Transportation p.96-100

turnpike road one has to pay a fee, or toll, to access
National Road America's first usable road; Maryland to the Ohio River Valley; 1818
Robert Fulton designed the first commercially successful steamboat
Erie Canal completed in 1825; connected Lake Erie to the Hudson River
Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the 1700's and spread to the U.S. around 1800; shift from manual labor to use of machines (mechanized)
Samuel Slater came to U.S. from Britain with knowledge of technology; built the United States' first water-powered textile mill in 1973
Francis Cabot Lowell using secrets he gathered in England, he built the first mill to manufacture cloth in the U.S. in 1813
"Lowell girls" young ladies who worked in Francis Cabot Lowell's factories; held to strict rules for behavior
interchangeable parts identical parts that can be used in place of one another; idea introduced to the U.S. by Eli Whitney
Eli Whitney introduced interchangeable parts to U.S.; invented the cotton gin
Samuel F.B. Morse invented the electric telegraph and Morse code
Morse code electrical pulses read in a series of dots and dashes
Created by: jhanes2
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