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CH 14 textbook vocab

Abolitionist a person who strongly favors doing away with slavery
Suffrage the right to vote
Temperance the use of little or no alcoholic drink
Transcendentalist an group of New England writers who stressed the relationship between human beings and nature, spiritual things over material things, and the importance of the individual conscience
Utopia community based on a vision of a perfect society sought by reformers
Underground Railroad a system that helped enslaved African Americans follow a network of escape routes out of the South to freesom in the North
Revival a series of meetings conducted by a preacher to arouse religious emotions
Antebellum Era the period before the Civil War (1800-1860) in which many different reform movements occurred.
Second Great Awakening A revival of religious faith in the early 1800’s where new spirit of reform lead to movements for women’s, workers, and slaves’ rights
Created by: kguilmino225
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