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Respiratory System


(T/F) - The resp system consists of the respiratory zone and the confucting zone? True
The resp zone is the site of _____ exchange? Gas
The resp zone consists of ____ ____, ____ ____, ____? Resp bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveoli
The conducting zone conducts ____? Air
The conducting zone includes all structures from the ____ to the ____ ____? Nose; terminal bronchioles
Resp system function is the supply the body with ____ and dispose of ____ ____? Oxygen; carbon dioxide
What are the four processes of the resp system? Pulmonary ventilation, external respiration, transport, internal respiration
What is pulmonary ventilation? Moving air into and out of the lungs
What is external respiration? Gas exchange between the lungs and the blood
What is the transport process of the respiratory system? The transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs, tissues, and blood
What is internal respiration? The gas exchange between blood and tissues
The following are the functions of what respiratory organ: providing an airway for respiration, moisten, warm, and filter inspired air, resonation of sound, olfaction? The nose
The nasal cavity lies ____ and ____ to the external nose? In and posterior
The nasal cavity is divided by a midline called the ____ ____? Nasal septum
The nasal cavity opens posteriorly into the ____ ____? Nasal pharynx
The ____ and ____ bones form the roof of the nasal cavity? Ethmoid and sphenoid
The floor of the nasal cavity is formed by the ____ ____ and the ____ ____? Hard palate; soft palate
The nasal cavity lining contains ____ ____ skin, ____ mucose, and ____ mucosa? Hair bearing; olfactory, respiratory
What is the function of hair bearing skin? Filter air
The olfactory mucosa contains ____ receptors? Smell
The respiratory mucosa is made of ____ ____ ____ epithelium? Psuedostratified Columnar Ciliated
The respiratory mucosa contains glands that secrete ____? Mucus
The respiratory mucosa glands that secrete mucus contain ____ and ____ to help destroy bacteria? Lysozyme; defensins
The lateral wall of the nasal cavity contains ____ ____, ____ ____, and ____ ____which protrude medially? Superior concha, middle concha, inferior concha
The concha increase mucosal ____ ____ and air ____? Surface area; turbulence
What are the four paranasal sinuses? Frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, maxillary
Paranasal sinuses are ____-lined and ____ filled spaces? Mucus; air
What is the function of the paranasal sinuses? Lighten the skull and help to warm and moisten the air
The ____ is funnel shaped; connects the nasal cavity and mouth superiorly to the larynx and esophagus inferiorly? Pharynx
The pharynx is divided into what three regions? Nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx
The nasopharynx is strictly an ____ ____? Air passage
The nasopharynx is lined with ____ ____ epithelium? Psuedostratified columnar
The nasopharynx closes during swallowing to prevent food from entering the ____ cavity? Nasal
The ____ tonsil lies high on the posterior wall of the nasopharynx? Pharyngeal
What is another name for the pharyngeal tonsil? Adenoids
____ ____ from the middle ears open into the lateral walls of the nasopharynx? Auditory tubes
The ____ extends from the level of the soft palate to the root of the tongue? Oropharynx
The oropharynx opens to the oral cavity via the ____ of the ____ fauces? Isthmus of the fauces
The oropharync is line with ____ ____ epithelium? Stratified squamous
____ tonsils lie in the lateral wall of the fauces? Palatine
____ tonsils lie at the base of the tongue? Lingual
The ____ pharynx lies posterior to the upright epiglottis? Laryngopharynx
The laryngopharynx is lined with ____ ____ epithelium? Stratified squamous
The ____ pharynx leads into the larynx and the esophagus? Laryngopharynx
The three functions of the ____ are to provide an airway, act as a switching mechanism to route air and food into the proper channels, function in voice productions? Larynx (voicebox)
What are the three main cartilages of the larynx? Epiglottis, thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage
The ____ is an elastic cartilage that covers the laryngeal inlet during swallowing? Epiglottis
The ____ ____ has a midline laryngeal prominence (Adam's apple)? Thyroid cartilage
The ____ ____ contains three pairs of small cartilages called arytenoid, cuneiform, and corniculate? Cricoid cartilage
What are the two types of vocal cords called? True and false vocal cords
True vocal cords and the medial opening between them form the ____? Glottis
_____ is inflammation of the vocal cords? Laryngitis
False vocal cords are mucosal folds (inferior/superior) and (medial/lateral) to the true vocal cords? Superior; lateral
(True/False) vocal cords vibrate to produce sound as air passes? True vocal cords
(True/false) vocal cords have no part in sound production; help close the glottis during swallowing? Fals vocal cords
____ maneuver is when air is temporatily held in the lower respiratory tract by closing the glottis. This causes intra-abd pressure to (fall/rise)? Valsalva's maneuver; rise
Valsalva's maneuver can help with what three functions? Defecation, lifting heavy objects, child birth
The ____'s framework is made of C-shaped rings of cartilage? Trachea
The ____ is the last tracheal cartilage. Marks the end of the trachea and beginning of the bronchi? Carina
Approx how many times do the air passages of the lungs branch? 23
The trachea divides to form the _____? Right and left main (primary) bronchi
Once inside the lungs, each main bronchus divides into ____? Lobar (secondary) bronchi
The lobar bronchi branch into _____? Segmental (tertiary) bronchi
Passages smaller than 1mm diameter are called ____? Bronchioles
Passages smaller than 0.5mm diameter are called ____? Terminal bronchioles
The lobar (secondary) bronchi supply air to what part of the lung? Each supply a lung lobe
The segmental (tertiary) bronchi supply air the what part of the lung? Each supply one bronchopulmonary segment
Which primary bronchus is more vertical? Because of this it is more common for an inhaled foreign object to become lodged. Right
The resp zone begins as the ____ ____ and feed into the ____ ____ within the lung? Terminal bronchioles; respiratory bronchioles
The respiratory bronchioles lead into winding ____ ____? Alveolar ducts
The alveoli ducts lead into terminal clusters of alveoli called ____ ____? Alveolar sacs
Where is the site of gas exchange? Alveoli
What is the comparison of the alveolar sac and alveoli to grapes? Alveolar sac-bunch of grapes / Alveoli-individual grapes
What accounts for most of the lung volume and provide tremendous surface area for gas exchange? Alveoli
There are approx how many gas-filled alveoli? 300 million
The walls of the alveoli are composed primarily of a single layer of squamous epithelial called called ____ ___? Type I cells
The external surfaces of the alveoli are densly covered with a "cobweb" of ____ ____? Pulmonary capillaries
Gas exchanges occur readily by simple diffustion across the ____ ____? Respiratory membrane
Scattered amid the type I aquamous cells tha tform the major part of the alveolar walls are cubiodal ____ ___ cells? Type II cells
Type II cells secrete ____? Surfactant
____ is a detergent-like substance. Its role is to reduce the surface tension of the alveolar fluid. Surfactant
The ____ occupy all of the thoracic cavity except the mediastinum? Lungs
The ____ is the site of vascular and bronchial attachments? Lung root
The anterior, lateral, posterior lung surfaces lie in close contact with the ribs and form the continuously curving ____ ____? Costal surface
Just deep to the clavicle is the ____, the narrow superior tip of the lung? Apex
The concave, inferior surface that rests on the diaphragm is the ____? Base
On the mediastinal surface of each lung is an indentation, the ____, through which pulmonary and systemic blood vessels, bronchi, lymphatic vessels, and nerves enter and leave the lungs? Hilum
The ____ ____ is a concavity in the left lung that accomodates the heart? Cardiac notch
The (left/right) lung is subdivided into superior and inferior lobes by the ____ fissure? Left; oblique
The (left/right) lung is subdivided into superior, middle, and inferior lobes by the ____ and ____ fissures? Right; oblique; horizontal
Each lobe contains pyramid-shaped ____ ____ separated from each other by a conncetive tissue called ____? Bronchopulmonary segments; septa
How many bronchopulmonary segments does each lung contain? 10
Each bronchopulmonary segment receives air from which level of bronchus? Tertiary
The lungs are perfused by what two circulations? Pulmonary and Bronchial
Systemic venous blood that is to be oxygenated in the lungs is delivered by the ____ ____? Pulmonary arteries
Freshly oxygenated blood is conveyed from the respiratory zone of the lungs to the heart by the ____ ____? Pulmonary veins
The ____ ____ provide systemic blood to all of the lung tissue except ____? Bronchial arteries; alveoli
The ____ is the thin, double-layered serosal membranes? Pleurae
The (visceral / parietal) pleura covers the thoracic wall and superior surface of the diaphragm. It continues around the mediastinum and between the lungs? Parietal pleura
The (parietal / visceral) pleura covers the exteral lung surface? Visceral pleura
The pleurae produce ____ ____? Pleural fluid
Pleural fluid is contained in the ____ ____? Pleural cavity
The mediastinum contains what five major organs? Heart, great vessels of the heart, esophagus, trachea, thymus
The mediastinum extends from the ____ in front to the ____ ____ in back? Sternum; vertebral column
Created by: kmking
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