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Anat and Phys W1

Anatomy The structure of an organism
Physiology The study of the function of the organism and its parts. Also, the forces exerted and the potentials that exist.
What are the five categories of "anatomy?" 1) Clinical - the treatment of diseases 2) Descriptive - character, form, size, position of organs and parts - not related to diseases 3) Gross - things that are visible to the naked eye 4) Microscopic 5) Developmental - from conception to adulthood
What are the 3 categories of the building blocks for an organism? 1) Tissues 2) Organs 3) Systems
What are the 4 categories of TISSUES? 1) Epithelial - surface/protective layer 2) Connective - support 3) Muscular - stimulated when contracted 4) Nervous - communicative
What are the three categories of joints? 1) Synarthoses - immoveable 2) Amphiarthroidal - partially moveable 3) Diarthroidal - moveable (most common)
Condyle A rounded prominence at the end of a bone, most often for articulation with another bone.
Foramen A natural opening or passage, especially one into or through a bone.
Fossa A hollow or depression, especially on the surface of the end of a bone,
Head The proximal articular end of the bone.
Neck The region of bone between the head and the shaft.
Meatus A body opening or passage, especially the external opening of a canal.
Process A relatively large projection or prominent bump.
Sinus A cavity within a cranial bone.
Spine A relatively long, thin projection or bump.
Rostral/Caudal Head/Tail* (may be interchangeable in humans)
Dorsal/Ventral Back/Belly
Lateral/Medial Side/Middle
Anterior/Posterior Front/Back
Superior/Inferior Top/Bottom* (may be interchangeable in humans)
Proximal/Distal Close/Distant
Superficial/Deep Surface/Deep
Internal/External Inside/Outside
Sinister/Dexter Left/Right
Peripheral/Central non-CNS/CNS
Afferent/Efferent Toward the brain/Away from the brain
Peripheral Nervous System Away from the center; outside of CNS; cranial nerves are not a part of CNS; 12 cranial nerves; 31 spinal nerves
Central Nervous System Situated at or pertaining to center; principal or controlling; includes brainstem and spinal cord
Why is the pia mater important? Pia Mater (adheres to cortical surface - cerebral spinal fluid flows b/w the arachnoid and pia mater)
What is the basic central auditory system pathway? Cochlea -> Auditory Nerve -> Cochlear Nucleus -> Superior Olivary Complex -> Lateral Lemniscus -> Inferior Colliculus -> Medial Geniculate Body -> Auditory Radiation -> Heshl's Gyrus in Temporal Lobe -> Corpus Callosum
What are the Cranial Nerves? I - Olfactory; II - Optic; III - Oculomotor; IV - Trochlear; V - Trigeminal; VI - Abducens; VII - Facial; VIII - Auditory (Vestibular); IX - Glossopharyngeal; X - Vagus; XI - Spinal Accessory; XII - Hypoglossal
Which cranial nerves are sensory, motor, or, both? I - sensory; II - Sensory; III - Motor; IV - Motor; V - Both; VI - Motor; VII - Both; VIII - Sensory; IX - Both; X - Both; XI - Motor; XII - Motor
What is a mnemonic device for knowing the cranial nerves? On Old Olympus' Towering Top A Fin And German Viewed Some Hops.
What does the trigeminal (CN V) innervate? Tensor tympani for malleus Tensor Veli palatini for eustachian tube Ear canal
What does the facial nerve (CN VII) innervate? Chorda tympani in TM Stapedius muscle in middle ear Courses alongside CN VIII Ear canal and many facial structures
What does the auditory (CN VIII) innervate? Hearing Vestibular system
What does the glossopharyngeal (CN IX) innervate? Ear canal Middle ear lining
What does the vagus (CN X) innervate? Levator veli palatini for eustachian tube Ear canal
What is a mnemonic device for knowing the cranial nerves being sensory, motor, or both? Some Say Marry Money, But My Brother Says Big Business Makes Money.
What are the types of connective tissue? Areolar - Cushion surrounding organs, connecting tissues, & supporting blood vessels are a few of the functions. Bone - hardest connective tissue. Blood - arise from the marrow; suspended in a matrix of plasma Fibrous - binds structures together.
Which nerves are play a role within the ear? Cranial nerves: V (trigeminal); VII (facial); VIII (auditory/versitbular); IX (glossopharyngeal); and X (vagus)
Created by: duda713
Popular Biology sets




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