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SCIN 100 Chapter 1-6

Chapters 1-6 Study Guide

What best defines a mineral and a rock? In a mineral the constituent atoms are bonded in a regular, repetitive, internal structure; a rock is a lithified or consolidated aggregate of different mineral grains.
Atoms of the same element, zinc for example, have the same number of ____. Protons in the nucleus
What mineral is the hardest known substance in nature? Diamond
Which of the following minerals is a silicate? Feldspar
The ion at the center of a silicon-oxygen tetrahedron is surrounded by _____. Four oxygen ions
Which mineral is easily soluble in water at room temperature conditions? Halite
The strong tendency of certain minerals to break along smooth, parallel planes is known as ________. Cleavage
Which group of minerals are the most abundant in the Earth's crust? Silicates
Which of the following is NOT one of the eight most common elements in the Earth's crust? Carbon. (Included of the eight are potassium, aluminum, calcium, oxygen, silicon, magnesium, sodium and iron.)
TF:Mineral luster is broadly classified as either being metallic or opaque. False.
TF: Electrically neutral atoms have equal numbers of electrons and protons. True.
TF: More than 100 elements are currently known. True.
TF:Diamond and quartz are both minerals composed of a single element. False.
TF: Nonmetallic minerals like halite and gypsum have no industrial uses. False.
TF: Isotopes of the same element have the same mass number. False.
As the rate of cooling increases, the size of the crystals that form _____ decreases.
Granite and gabbro ______ have a similar texture.
This igneous texture is characterized by two distinctively different crystal sizes porphryitic
Sedimentary rocks _______ all of the above. (may contain fossils, hold important clues to Earth's history, may be economically important.)
Detrital sediments would predominate in al of the following environments except _____ salt flat.
The most abundant chemical sedimentary rock is _________ limestone.
Metamorphism may result from _________ all of the above. (heat, pressure, and chemical action)
This dense, nonfoliated metamorphic rock is produced most often from standstone. quartzite.
Which of the following lists the rocks in the order of increasing grain size and increasing grade of metamorphism? slate, phyllite, schist
TF: Bowen's reaction series predicts the sizes of the different mineral grains that grow from crystallizing magmas. False
TF: Glassy igneous rocks form when magma cools too fast for mineral grains to grow. True
TF: Evaporites have a biochemical origin. False
TF: Particle size is the primary basis for distinguishing among various detrital sedimentary rocks True
TF: Slate is associated with high-grade metamorphism False
TF: Metamorphism can affect only sedimentary rocks. False
Clay minerals formed from gabbro or diorite bedrock illustrate which kind of weathering? Chemical
All the following are factors that affect rates of weathering except for _______ geological age of earth materials.
Which of the following is an important, mechanical weathering process for enlarging fractures and extending them deeper into large boulders and bedrock? frost wedging
Which one of the following statements concerning mechanical weathering is NOT true? Involves a major change in the mineral composition of the weathered material.
Which term describes a soil formed by weathering of the underlying bedrock? residual
Of the following, which one would most likely be triggered by an earthquake? rock avalanche.
Which mass wasting process has the slowest rate of movement? creep
The most rapid type of mass movement is a ________ rock avalanche
All of the following are possible indicators that creep is occurring except for ___________ an extremely thick soil profile
TF: Quartz weathers readily to aluminum-rich clay minerals. False
TF: Quartz is quite resistant to weathering and is an important component of sands in riverbeds and on beaches. True
TF: Like most other liquids, water decreases in volume when it freezes. False
TF: Ferromagnesian minerals that crystallize at high temperatures in Bowen's reaction series are generally much less susceptible to chemical weathering than quartz. False
The steepest, stable, slope angle possible in unconsolidated, granular materials like sand and gravel is called the angle of retention. False
Repeated freezing and thawing can be important in soil creep movements. True
Which one of the following statements is correct? Sea level drops when water is stored in expanding ice sheets and continental glaciers.
Which of the following is NOT part of the water cycle? Calcium carbonate dissolving in soil water and groundwater.
If you were to examine the profile of a typical river, you would probably find that the gradient is ________ steepest near the head.
At a bend in a river, the main erosion is ________ on the outside of the bend.
The suspended load of a stream ________ usually consists of fine particles
__________ is an abandoned, cutoff, meander loop An oxbow
The single most important erosional agent is _________ running water
Which of the following is associated with areas of karst topography? all of the above (sinkholes, soluble rock, caverns)
An artesian well is one in which _______ water rises above the top of the aquifer without any pumping.
TF: Alluvium refers to stream deposits, mainly sand and gravel True
TF: A V-shaped valley and no floodplain indicate a youthful, downcutting stream True
TF: Floods are the least destructive of all geologic hazards False
TF: Most caves and caverns originate by solution of limestone True
TF: The formation of stalactites and stalagmites occurs in the zone of saturation False
TF: Karst topography is most commonly associated with areas underlain by massive sandstone strata False
A name commonly used as a synonym for the Ice Age is _______ Pleistocene epoch
Which one of the following is NOT true of glaciers? exist only in the Northern Hemisphere.
A ________ cross-valley profile is typical of canyons and valleys eroded and deepened by alpine or valley glaciers. U
_________ are erosional features produced by valley/alpine glaciers Cirques
A _________ forms when a block of ice is buried in drift and subsequently melts, creating a pit. Kettle
A broad accumulation of stratified drift deposited adjacent to the downstream edge of an end moraine is an __________ outwash plain
Which one of the following is true? Despite infrequent rainfalls, erosional and depositional features of running water are important in desert landscapes
The loess deposited in many parts of the Midwest ______ was once glacial outwash deposits
Inselbergs are _________ bedrock hills in a highly eroded desert landscape
TF: When a glacier is retreating, the upstream ice is still moving forward toward the downstream terminus of the glacier. True
TF: The Pleistocene epoch is the only glacial period for which evidence exists. False
TF: Eskers and kames are deposited by meltwater streams, and they are composed of stratified sand and gravel True
TF: Running water is an importan erosional agent in many arid lands despite infrequent rainfalls. True
TF: The Basin and Range region of the western United States is an excellent example of a mountainous desert landscape. True
TF: The Colorado River is an example of a large wash. False
Created by: tchitch
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