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ch.1-7 Test

True/False- A midsagittal plane vertically divides the body through the midline into two equal left and right portions or halves? True
True/False**A horizontal or transverse plane is any plane dividing the body into left and right portions? False
True/False--A sagittal plane is any plane parallel to the midsagittal or median plane, vertically dividing the body into unequal right and left portions ? True
True/False--The organs of any cavity are referred to as the viscera True
True/False--The term parietal refers to the walls of a cavity True
True/False--Pleural is the term that refers to the covering of the lungs True
True/False--Mast cells function in the production of heparin and histamine True
True/False--Adipose tissue is tightly packed, dense connective tissue False
Specialized connective tissue that lines the cavities of freely moving joints is called the synovial membrane True
True/False-- The skin weighs about 6 lbs True
Epithelial cells are anchored to each other and to underlying tissues by a specialized membrane called ? Basement Membrane
Glands that have ducts that lead the secreted material away from the glands to the surface of a passageway or the skin are known as Exocrine Glands
Ductless glands that secrete hormones are known as? Endocrine Glands
The serous membrane that lines the entire abdominal cavity is the? Peritoneum
The inner lining of the heart is called the? Endocardium
The outermost layer of the skin is called the ? Epidermis
The pigment responsible for variations in skin coloring is? Melanin
Individuals who have no pigment in their skin or appendages of the skin with resultant white hair, pink eyes, and very fair skin, suffer from ? Albinsim
burn involving the epidermis only? 1st degree
Burn involving the epidermis and the dermis? 2nd Degree
Burn involving the epidermis and the dermis and usually requires skin grafts? 3rd Degree
A chronic skin disorder that is characterized by red patches covered with thick dry silvery scales? Psoriasis
The same virus that causes chicken poxs? Shingles
Highly contagious, staphylococcal skin disease of children characterized by small blisters that rupture easily and produce a honey colored crust Impetigo
The most common type of skin cancer Basal Cell Carcinoma
The visible portion of the hair? Shaft
what can be prevented by wearing proper shoes and correctly aligned trimming the toe nail? Onychocryptosis
What is known as Baldness Alopecia
Disorder of the skeletal system characterized by decrease in bone mass with easy bone fractures Osteoporosis
Rupture of the fibrocartilage surrounding an inter-vertebral disk Herniated Disk
Largest sesamoid bones in the kneecap known as? Patella
Breaking a bone is known as a ? Fracture
accentuated outward curvature of the back (hunchback) is known as? Kyphosis
Inward curvature of the back (swayback) is known as? Lordosis
Abnormal curvature of the spine in the thoracic region is known as? Scoliosis
First 7 ribs? True Ribs
Ribs 8-10 False Ribs
Ribs 11-12 Floating Ribs
Connects bone to bone ligament
Connects muscle to bone tendon
Created by: 803024450
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