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NMS Pathology


Osteogeneis Imperfecta Brittle Bone Disease Hereditary Disease Insufficient Synthesis of type I Collagen No cure/ Rodding & Exercise for TX
Osteopetrosis Marble Bone Disease Abnormality of osteoclasts Overgrowth in sclerosis of the bones Interrupts Density Malignent-evident en utero/ autosomal recessive Benign-autosomal dominant
Achondroplasia Dwarfism Most common of growth defects No tx, 20% family, 80% Genetics
Rickets & Osteomalacia Rickets(Child) Osteomalcia(Adults) Vit. D Def. Soft Easily Deformed Bone
Osteoporosis Decreased total mass of bones Senile(Aging)-Post Menopausal(estrogen def.)-Prolong. Mobilization(disuse atrophy)-Endocrine Disease(hypothyroid)
Paget's Disease Common Genetics-Slow virus infections of osteoclasts Osteolytic-Osteoclastic/Osteoblastic-Osteoblastic-Osteosclerosis Lion Face
Osteomylitis Staph Infections Root-Hematogenous spread-direct penetration fever, chills, leukocytosis tx-antibiotics, surginal wound clean, hyperbolic O2 therapy
Bone Fractures Simple(closed)-intact overlying skin Compound(open)-disrupted skin complete-extends through entire bone thickness ankle plate-greenstick fracture Comminuted-bone breaks into 3 or more parts traumatic-mechanical injury spontaneous-struct. abnormal bo
osteosarcoma common malignant bone tumor
Ivory Osteoma Benign-Round sessile mass found in facial and skull bones
Osteoid Osteoma Painful Benign- Round/Oval mass found in diaphsys of long bones
Osteosarcoma Malignant-gray mass in long bones near knee 10-25 yo / 50 + yo Grade 1(Sclerotic) Grade 2(Osteolytic) TX-Surg, radiation, chemo, 60% survival
Encondroma Benign-encapsulated found in small bounds and feet young adults, TX-Removal if necessary
Chondrosarcoma Malignant-large bulky lobulated mass in axial bones(pelvic) 45+ males, Grade 1 (well diff) Grade 2(poorly diff) spread-blood to the lung
Ewing's Sarcoma Rare/Ex. Malignant fleshy mass w/ hemmo and necrosis onion skin in diaphysis and long bones 10-30 yo males Spread-local or blood to many organs
Osteoclastomas(Giant Cell Tumor) Malig-Green/Brown fleshy mass w/ hem. & necrosis at epiphysis of long bones knee, proximal humerus & distal radius 20-40 y.o. female
Osteoarthritis Degenterative Joint Disease ariculiar cartilage and weight bearing joints Prim-mostly males, midlife Sec-prev. damaged joint cong. abnormal age depent degen. process-age, weight bearing joints, stress biochem. metabolic change in old age-
Rheumatoid Arthritis Auto immune-diff tissue (joints) females 20 40 yo form. IGM antibodies Fc of IGG(rheumatoid factor) HLA-DR4 Synovitis, Periarticular infl. Synovial Fluid SubCutan Nodules, Cardio System Gradual Onset, Symmetric Polyarthritis
Sjogren's Syndrome RA-Autoimmune Destructive of salvary & lagrimal glands
ankylosing spondylitis Autoimmune assoc. w/ HLA B-27, Back Pain primary issue
Reiter's Syndrome History of recent infections-Conjunctivitis, urethritis, ulcers on genitals, arthritis
Psoriatic Arthritis Arthritis associated with psoriasis of fingers and nails.
Gout Results from deposition of sodium urate crystals in CT, whenever uric acid (end-product of purine metabolism) in blood exceeds 7 mg/dL
Muscular Dystrophy inherited,childhood onset
Myasthenia Gravis common •20-40 years females formation of AB (IgG) against acetylcholine (ACh) receptors on neuromuscular plate
Botulism causes generalized muscular weakness and death from failure of respiratory musclesexotoxin of Clostridium botulinum blocks release of acetylcholine (ACh) at motor endplate
Neoplasms Benign  rhabdomyoma (rare) Malignant rhabdomyosarcoma highly malignant Children <10 yo
Cerebral Herniation 1. Transtentorial (uncinate) herniation-temporal lobe 2. Tonsillar herniation-foramen magnum 3. Subfalcine (cingulate) herniation-falx cerebri
Hydrocephalus Excessive accumulation of CSF leading to dilatation of the ventricles1. Non-communicating (obstructive) 2. Communicating
Meningitis Inflammation of the meninges, may be either acute or chronic. 1. Acute pyogenic meningitis-Strep 2. Acute lymphocytic meningitis -Virus 3. Chronic meningitis-TB
Rabies Bite of an infected animalHippocampus - Brain stem - Intra-cytoplasmic inclusions
Epidural Hematoma Rupture of a meningeal artery (most common the middle meningeal artery) usually due to a fracture of temporal bone. Btw Skull and Dura
Subdural Hematoma A collection of blood between the dura & arachnoid Rupture of bridging veins passing from cerebral cortex to superior sagittal sinus Older Persons
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Rupture of Berry aneurysms in circle of Willis - Caused by congenital defect of media → bulging of arterial wall into small saccular aneurysms
Intracranial Tumors relatively rare direct infiltration & destruction of brain tissue - within cranial cavity by CSF
Astrocytoma - Most frequent type of brain tumors - 2 types: cerebellar and cerebral
Oligodendroglioma oligodendroglia in white matter of cerebral hemisphere * Slowly growing, gelatinous
Ependymoma ependymal cells lining ventricles and central canal * Age: more common in children * Site: floor of 4th ventricle,
Medulloblastoma primitive neuroectodermal cells * Age: most common intracranial tumor of children * Site: cerebellum
Meningioma meningothelial cells of arachnoid * Age: 40-50 years with female predominance * Site: occurs along venous sinuses
Schwannoma Schwann’s cells (produce collagen & myelin) * Site: along the course of 8th cranial nerve at cerebellopontine angle
Neurofibroma Schwann cells & fibroblasts * Non-capsulated fusiform expansion of nerve * Nerve fibers are scattered within tumor (mass can not be removed surgically without sacrificing the nerve)
Dementia 1. Anxiety and depression with difficulty in memory and comprehension 2. Decreased recent memory and judgment -Loss of ability to solve problems - 3. The patient is totally withdrawn, motionless and mute
Alzheimer’s disease Progressive loss of neurons in the entire cerebral cortex especially frontal lobes
Pick's Disease Age:pre-senile,agegroupfrom40-65years - Cause:unknown - Clinically: similar to Alzheimer’s disease
Senile Disease Age: usually over 60 years - Evidence of atherosclerosis - Neurofibrillary tangles & senile plaques are less abundant than Alzheimer’s diseas
Parkinson's Disease 5% 70 yo>mask-like face - slow difficult speech - slow difficult movements - increased muscle rigidity (lead pipe rigidity) - resting tremors
Huntington's Disease Inherited,autosomaldominant - Onset:30-50yearsInvoluntary movements (chorea) 2. Dementia, Depression 3. Slow progressive course 4. Death in 15-20 years
Wilson's Disease Hepatolenticulardegeneration - Inherited,autosomalrecessive - Disorder of copper metabolism
Created by: 596795233
Popular Biology sets




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