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Week 1, 9-13


q. what are responsable for the production of Oxygen and Nitrogen? a. Organisms
q. What uses organisms to degrade environmental waste? a. Bioremediation
q. What can synthesize products like ethanol, pesticides, antibiotics and dietary amino acids? a. Bacteria
q. what is known as introducing genes of one organism into an unrelated organism to confer new properties on the organism? a. Genetic engineering
q. more people died of what disease than died in both world wars combined? a. Influenza
q. When was the Golden Age of Microbiology? a. Golden Age was 1854-1914, after theory of spontaneous generation was disproved.
q. Between what years were most disease causing bacteria discovered? a. 1875-1918
q. What two types of diseases are the most common today? a. Respiratory and GI tract diseases are most common.
q. How many estimated species of bacteria reside in and on the human body? a. 500-1000 species.
q. Bacteria outnumber cills in the body by what ratio? a. 10:1 and they keep disease causing organisms from breaching host defenses.
q. All living things can be classified in one of three groups known as domains, organisms in each domain share certain properties which distinguish them from organisms in other domains, What are the three domains? a. Bacteria, Archaea("arkia"), and Eucarya("ukaria").
q. Which two of these domains are termed prokaryotes and contain no membrane bound nucleus? a. Bacteria and Archaea.
q. Which two domains do not contain any other organelles and have cytoplasms surrounded by a rigid cell wall? a. Bacteria and Archaea.
q. Which domain is termed Eukaryote(true nucleus) and contains internal organelles and a membrane bound nucleus? a. Eucarya.
q. Are Eucarya single or multicellular? a. they can be either single or multicellular.
q. Which domain type is most common in human infection? a. Bacteria.
q.What two domain types have specific rod,spherical,or spiral shapes, multiply through bionary fusion and move by means of a flagellum? a. Bacteria and Archaea.
q. Unlike Bacteria which have a rigid cell wall, Archaea have chemical compositions of cell wall which differ from the other domains in what way? a. they are found in extreme environments, such as with salts and extreme temps.
q. All members of Eucarya domain are eukaryotic and are in three basic categories, what are they? a. Algae, Fungi and Protazoa.
q. Which of the Eucarya include single and multicellular organisms and have rigid cell walls and chlorophyll? a. Algae
q. Which of the Eucarya are both single celled(yeast) and multicellular(molds) organisms that are mostly found on land and Gain energy from organic materials? a. Fungi.
q. Which member of the Eucarya domain are microscopic, single-celled organisms that are found on both land and water? a. Protozoa.
q. Which of the Eucarya are complex, much larger than prokaryote and do not have a cell wall? a. Protozoa.
q. Do Protozoa gain energy from organic matter and most of which are motile a. Protozoa.
q.Nomenclature is a binomial naming system where the first word the _____________ name. a. Genus name
q. The genus name is always ____________? a. capitalized.
q. The second word is the ___________ name but is not capitalized. a. the second word is the species name.
a. When writing the full name the genus is usually abreviated and the full name is always _________________ or ___________________. a. underlined or italicized
q. Minor antegenic differances are so minor we keep them in the same genus but all them a different ____________. a. Strain.
Created by: tim sopp
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