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Hormones of the Repr

Hormones of the Reproductive System

What does GnRH stand for? Gonadotropin-releasing hormone
What is the source of GnRH? Hypothalamus
What are the primary effect of GnHR? Stimulates FSH secretion and LH synthesis in males and females.
What is the regulation of secretion in GnRH? Males: inhibited by testosterone and possibly inhibin. Females: GnRH pulse frequency increased by estrogens, decreased by progestins.
What does FSH stand for? Follicle Stimulating Hormone
What is the source of FSH? Adenohypophysis
What are the primary effects of FSH? Males: Stimulates spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis through effects on nurse cells. Females: stimulates follicle development, estrogen production, and oocyte maturation.
What is the regulation of secretion of FSH? Males: stimulated by GnRH, inhibited by inhibin. Females: stimulated by GnRH, inhibited by inhibin
What does LH stand for? Luteinizing Hormone
What is the source of LH? Adenohypophysis
What are the primary effects of LH? Males: stimulates interstitial cells to secrete testosterone. Females: stimulates ovulation, formation of corpus luteum, and progestin secretion.
What is the regulation of secretion of LH? Males: stimulated by GnRH. Females: production stimulated by GnRH, secretion by the combination of high GnRH pulse frequencies and high estrogen levels.
What is the source of androgens? Interstitial cells of testes.
What are the primary effects of androgens? Establish and maintain secondary sex characteristics and sexual behvior; promote maturation of spermatazoa; inhibit GnRH secretion.
What is the regulation of secretion of androgens? Stimulated by LH.
What is the source of estrogens? Granulosa and thecal cells of developing follicles; coprus luteum.
What are the primary effects of estrogens? Stimulate LH secretion (at high levels); establish and maintain secondary sex characteristics and sexual behavior; stimulate repair and growth of endometrium; increase frequency of GnRH pulses.
What is the regulation of secretion of estrogens? Stimulated by FSH.
What is the source of progestins? Granulosa cells from midcycle through functional life of corpus luteum.
What are the primary effects of progestins? Stimulate endometrial growth and glandular secretion; reduce frequency of GnRH pulses.
What is the regulation of secretion of progestins? Stimulated by LH.
What is the source of inhibin? Nurse eclls of testes and granulosa cells of ovaries.
What are the primary effects of inhibin? Inhibits secretion of FSH (and possibly of GnRH)
What is the regulation of secretion of inhibin? Stimulated by factors released by developing spermatozoa (male) and developing follicles (female).
Created by: lindseyj7985
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