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Anat Exam 3

What class are antibodies in? gamma globulins or immunoglobulins
What is the origin of plasma cells? Modified B-lympho is a plasma cell. An antigen becomes in contact with B and becomes large and active. The B starting shooting out protein into ECF. Then the lymph washes proteins into blood.
What is the product of plasma cells? Antibodies circulating in blood
Describe “heavy” and “light” portions of an antibody molecule? The heavy is the v of the Y, usually large molecules. Light is the bend of the Y.
What connects the “heavy” and “light” chains? Disulfide bridges
Where is the portion for specificity located? The recognition sites located at the end of the “v” are responsible for specificity.
Describe why antibodies are said to be bivalent? They recognized two molecules of the same antigen
What are the direct actions of antibodies? Agglutination, precipitation, neutralization of toxins, and lysis
What is agglutination? antibodies connect to antigens to form a solid mass which prevents antigens from moving
What is precipitation? Interacts with water, cancels out charges and becomes a solid and then settles to the bottom
What is neutralization of toxins? interacts with mechanisms so that the bacteria can't fit and inject virus
What is complement actviation? Complement activation: interacting series of proteins, interact in an avalanche
Complement activation is an indirect action, what are different results of complement activation? Lysis, osponiztion, chemotaxis, agglutination, viral neutralization, and inflammation
What is lysis? causes holes in bacteria, explodes from inside
What is opsonization? facilitation of phagoctics, puts sticky coat on outside of bacteria, makes the bacteria easier to catch.
What is chemotaxis? movement along a chemical gradient to macrophage, macrophages follow gradient to antigens
What is viral neutralization? Virus with protein coat, another coat made of compliment protein, can fuse onto so virus can inject anything
What is inflammation? more blood to site
What is the effect of antibody and antigen attachment to mast cells/basophils? Locks onto recognition site, basophil will release stored chemical (histamine), histamine will cause events of inflammation
Describe the production of cellular immunity? specific antigen activate t-lymphocytes which then produce cellular immunity. Stimulates cell division of T-lymphocytes
What are the direct actions of T-lyphocytes? AG + T-lympho = release of cytotoxin that destroys cellular invades. Killer T-cells kill foreign cells
What are the indirect actions of cellular immunity? Release of transfer factor (wanted posters) and attraction/activation of macrophages (kill everything)
What is the role of transfer factors? release chemicals that allow other cells to recognize antigens. Tells the b-lymphocytes where antigens are so that the b-lymphocytes can make antibodies without being in contact with the antigen
What are the components of the urinary system? Kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra
What is the excretory functions of the kidney? Regulates components of ECF, they maintain consistancy in body
What is the general endocrine functions of the kidney? makes hormones. Erythropoietin which stimulates bone marrow to make RBCS. Renin which controls BP
What are the major hormones of the kidney? Erythpoietin and Renin
What is it meant to be retroperitoneal? behind peritoneal membrane
What is pararenal fat? protects and cushions the kidney
What is the direct action of t-lymphocytes? Secret a cytotoxin that destroys cellular invaders “killers"
What is the kidney encapsulation? surround by parareanl fat, strong CT surrounds kidneysq
Where is the sinus of the kidney? internal open space
What are the contents of the kidney? inside space is pelvis and vessels
Describe the renal pelvis? expansion of the ureter which divides into 1-3 major calyces which then divides into 5-11 minor calyces
Describe the lobular nature of the kidney? 5-11 lobes, lobes become progressively more fused with time
Describe the appearance of renal pyramids? look like triangles with darker color
Identify the papilla and its opening? opening that inserts into minor calyx, contains 25 openings from tubules in striated pyramid
What are the components of the renal vasculature? Renal artery to interlobar arteries to accurate arteries to interlobular arteries, afferent arterioles, glomerulus, to efferent arterioles, peritulbular capillaries, and renal veins
What is the renal artery? enters into hilus and branches in sinus
What are interlobar arteries? in renal columns around striated medulla
What are arcuate arteries? pass over base of striated renal pyramid, between striated portion and the cortex
What are interlobular arteries? between lobes
What are afferent arterioles? brings blood to glomerulus, can change diameter to change BP
What is the glomerulus? capillaries, bed, little ball
What are Pertibular capillaries? form network around renal tubules
What is the functional unit of the kidney? the nephron
What are the components of the renal corpuscle? fist part of the nephron and then the glomerulus, the Bowman's capsule surrounds glomerulus
What are the layers of the Bowman's capsule and where are they located? The visceral and parietal layers. The visceral layer is the inside layer directly on the glomerulus. The parietal layer is located on the outside of the bowman's capsule
What are podocytes? Podocytes are a part of the visceral layer of Bowman’s capsule. They form filtration slits that are slit pores.
What is meant by renal tubules? extension from the parietal layer, single unbranched tubule
What is the proximal tubule? twisted in cortex
What is the Loop of Henle? Thin, long tubes that extends fro cortex into striated renal pyramid, look like hairpin. Its function is to form concentrated urine. reabsorb H20 into ECF from fitrate, urine more concentrated then plasma
What is the distal tubule? In cortex, shorter and convoluted
What is the relationship of the peritubular capillaries to the renal tubules? peritubular capillaries reabsorb things pumped by the renal tubules
What are the basic functional steps in urine formation? Filtration, Reabsorption,and secretion
Describe the filtration of blood that occurs in the glomerulus? ultra filtration
What are the three layers of the glomerulus? Endothelium, basement membrane(basal lamina), and podocytes
What is the function of the glomeruluar endothelium? its fenestrated (holly) it looks lacey. Fenestrations hold back formed elements
What is the basal lamina? under epithelium, meshwork of fibers, holds back proteins
What are the relations of the split pores of the podocytes in relation to the glomerulus? slit pores about 25 nm. podocytes provide physical support for basement membrane. Helps hold things together.
What are collecting ducts? They pass through striated pyramid and open at papilla (apex). Larger tubules form from many nephrons.
Created by: 515343359
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