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Advanced Biology FINAL EXAM Review Activity (2-4, 6-7, 9-11)

Atomic mass of an atom depends primarily on the number of protons and... Neutrons
Anything that has mass and takes up space Matter
The most abundant element by weight in the human body Carbon
An atom seeks to fulfill the ... Octet rule
Bond in which electrons are given up/taken resulting in two ions which are attracted to one another Ionic bond
The neutron has a ___ charge Neutral
A covalent bond in which electrons are not shared equally Polar covalent bond
Water flows freely but does not separate into individual molecules because water is ___ Cohesive
Compounds having an affinity for water are said to be ___ Hydrophilic
Water can absorb a large amount of heat without much change in temperature because it has a high ___ Heat capacity
Carbon requires how many electrons to complete its outer shell? Four
An amino acid is to a protein as a ___ is to a nucleic acid Nucleotide
Carbon chains can vary in ___, number of double bonds, and branching patters Length
Single units which are often joined to form larger functional units Monomers
Chain of monomers joined by a dehydration reaction Polymer
Glucose is an example of a ___ Monosaccharide
Amino acids in a protein are joined by ___ Peptide bonds
Which nitrogenous base is in RNA but not DNA? Uracil
Biological systems contain ___ that help keep the pH within a normal change Buffers
Has three, sometimes four levels of structure which define its individual function Protein
Specific combination of bonded atoms that always has the same chemical properties and therefore, always reacts the same way Functional group
Atoms of the same element that differ in the number of neutrons Isotopes
Molecules that have the same number of kinds of atoms but different chemical properties because of their unique arrangements Isomers
Substances in the environment can that can cause harmful chemical changes in cells damage DNA and also cause cancer... but may also be used beneficially in areas of medicine Radioactive
Substance that cannot be broken down into another substance by ordinary chemical means Element
Chains of carbon atoms that are bonded to only hydrogen atoms Hydrocarbon
Developed as a way to organize and display the elements for use Periodic table
Composed of glycerol and fatty acids Triglycerides
Triglyceride is another name for ___ Fats and oils
This subatomic article determines what element you're dealing with Protons
Statement that says all elements consist of tiny particles, each with the physical and chemical properties of that element Atomic Theory
__ molecules are soluble in water Hydrophilic
Contains deoxyribose sugar and is the chemical that makes up our genes DNA
Polymer of glucose that makes up the structure of plant cell walls Cellulose
Unlike prokaryotes, eukaryotic cells have a membrane bound... Nucleus
Eukaryotic cells are compartmentalized and contain small structures called Organelles
The ___ contains pores that allow substances to pass from the nucleus to the cytoplasm Nuclear envelope
Composed of DNA, protein and some RNA Chromatin
Interior membrane of the mitochondria forms the ___ Cristae
Eukaryotic cells compensate for low surface-to-volume ratio by ___ their activities into organelles Compartmentalizing
Produces subunits of ribosomes Nucleolus
After it leaves the nucleus, it attaches itself to a ribosome and polypeptide synthesis begins Messenger RNA
The ___ consists of a stack of 3 to 20 slightly curved, flattened saccules resembling pancakes Golgi apparatus
Microtubules are part of the ___ structure Cytoskeleton
Chloroplasts use __ to synthesize and store carbohydrates Solar energy
The mitochondria and ___ contain their own ribosomes and DNA Chloroplasts
Overcame the limit of light and allows us to see the surface features and fine details of cells Electron microscope
Fundamental units of all living things Cells
Increase surface area available for absorption for such cells as those within your intestines Microvilli
Regulates the movement of materials into and out of the cell Plasma membrane
Prokaryotes that ecompose dead remains and contribute to ecological cycles Bacteria
Produced by golgi apparatus and contain enzymes that carry out intracelluar digestion Lysosomes
Prokaryotic cells genetic material can be found in an area of the cell known as the ... Nucleoid
Small, membrane-lined channels called ___ span the cell wall and contain strands of cytoplasm which allow material to pass from one cell to another Plasmodesmata
Contains proteins and polysaccharides produced by the cell that helps support cells and aids in communication between cells Extracellular matrix
Structure that provides support and shapes of cells Cell wall
Elongated, hollow appendage used to transfer DNA to other cells Conjugation pili
Gel-like coating outside the cell wall Capsule
Synthesizes lipids Smooth ER
Hair-like bristles that allow adhesion to surfaces Fimbriae
Location of the bacterial chromosome Nucleoid
Rotating filament that propels the cell Flagellum
Sheet that surrounds the cytoplasm and regulates entrance and exit of molecules Plasma membrane
Serves as a transport station that receives, modifies, sorts and repackages for transport/secretion Golgi apparatus
Ribosomes attached to it allow it to produce polypeptides that are modified and packaged for transport Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Site of cellular respiration Mitochondria
During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is ___ Reduced
During photosynthesis, water is ___ Oxidized
Oxygen is regenerated by the ___ Calvin cycle
CO2 fixation occurs by joining CO2 to a C3 molecule and pumping it into bundle sheath cells in a ___ plant C4
Carbon dioxide fixation occurs when CO2 combines with ___ RuBP
Enzyme that produces ATP from ADP + P in the thylakoid is... ATP synthase
The light reactions produce ATP, ___ and oxygen NADPH
Type of photosynthesis prevalent in plants in dry, arid environments... CAM
Photosynthesis occurs best at wavelengths that are within the ___ Visible spectrum
A leaf of a C4 plant differs from that of a C3 plant because ___ are protected from leaf spaces by a ring of mesophyll Bundle sheath cells
Energy for the Calvin Cycle is supplied ___ and NADPH from the light reactions ATP
During the light reactions of photosynthesis, ATP is produced when hydrogen ions move ___ a concentration gradient from the thylakoid membrane to the stroma Down
When electrons in the reaction center of PSI are passed to an energy-acceptor molecule, they are replaced by electrons that have been given up by___ Water
The raw materials of ___ are carbon dioxide and water Photosynthesis
In the term 'photosynthesis,' the photo- refers to which reactions? Light reactions
In the term 'photosynthesis,' the -synthesis refers to which reactions? Calvin cycle
Light reactions take place in the ___ Thylakoid membrane
The calvin cycle reactions occur in the ____ Stroma
Solar energy can be described in terms of its wavelength and its ___ Energy
Photosynthetic-like process bywhich some bacteria are capable of producing their own organic nutrients by oxidizing inorganic compounds is called... Chemosynthesis
Shortest wavelength of the visible spectrum Violet
Longest wavelength of the visible spectrum... Red
Occurs when a molecule gains a hydrogen ion Reduction
The ___ wavelengths are screened out by water vapor and CP2 before they reach the earth's surface Higher-energy
Green plants appear green because they ___ sunlight at that wavelength Reflect
Occurs when a molecule loses a hydrogen ion Oxidation
Light reactions are divided into two ___ Photosystems
Series of carriers that pass electrons from one to the other, releasing energy stored in the form of H+ Electron Transport Chain
Glucose and ___ are two very important sugars that plants synthesize from G3P Sucrose
___ can change ts shape and produce ATP and ADP + P ATP synthase
First step of the Calvin cycle Carbon dioxide fixation
Product of the Calvin cycle which is used to form glucose G3P
Plants which thrive in environments where temperature and rainfall tend to be more moderate are called ___ C3 plants
Photosynthesis seen in succulent plants in desert type environments CAM photosynthesis
Reside in membranes of thylakoids and all of them are used to absorb solar energy Pigments
Stored form of energy used by most organisms Carbohydrates
In photosynthesis, ___ is turned into chemical energy Solar energy
Take place in the thylakoid membrane Light reactions
Process which takes place in the stroma of the chloroplast Calvin cycle
Water for photosynthesis is obtained through the ___ of plants Roots
CO2 for photosynthesis enters the plants through the ___ Stomata
CO2 from the atmosphere is attached to RuBP and is now in a usable form Carbon dioxide fixation
Third step of the Calvin cycle Regeneration of RuBP
During the energy-harvesting steps of ___, which of the following ATP and NADH are produced Glycolysis
During cellular respiration, glucose is ___ Oxidized
During cellular respiration, ___ is reduced. Oxygen
During the energy-investment step of glycolysis, what is consumed? ATP
The ___ results in the release of carbon dioxide Citric acid cycle
The prep reaction and the citric acid cycle all occur in the matrix of the ___ Mitochondria
The strongest and final electron acceptor in the ETC is ___ Oxygen
The ___ in the ETC undergo oxidation and reduction Carriers
Which of the organic molecules cannot enter the cellular respiration pathways? Nucleic acids
____ during glycolysis and the citric acid cycle, 4 ATP are are produced Substrate-level ATP synthase
Anaerobic breakdown of glucose, small amount of ATP is produces as well as sustaining levels of NAD Fermentation
Occurs in the cytoplasm just outside the mitochondria Glycolysis
Oxidation of ___ is a fundamental part of cellular respiration Substrates
Provide the energy needed for your muscles to contract and are produced during cellular respiration ATP molecules
During glycolysis, glucose is broken down into 2 molecules of Pyruvate
If oxygen is not available for glycolysis, pyruvate is reduced to ___ which is a less beneficial and easy to remove by-product Lactate
Only the ___ of amino acids can be used by the cellular respiration pathways Carbon backbone
The ___ is a metabolic pathway located in the matrix of the mitochondria Citric acid cycle
Area located between the outer and inner membrane of the mitochondria which is used to create a H+ gradient Intermembrane space
The ___ produces a substrate that can enter the citric acid cycle Prep reaction
The complete break down of glycerol and ___ results in many more ATP per molecule than does the breakdown of glucose, but is substantially more difficult for the cell Fatty acids
Final acceptor of hydrogen atoms during fermentation Pyruvic acid
When yeasts carry out fermentation they produce ___ and carbon dioxide Ethyl alcohol
Metabolic process which produces most of the ATP molecules within the cell Electron transport chain
Growing or metabolizing in the absence of oxygen Anaerobic
A human cell contains (pair) of sex chromosomes 1
During meiosis I, ___ pair up together and face opposite spindle poles Homologous pairs
__ may results in a variety of disorders including Turner syndrome Gamete nondisjunction
Inactive X chromosome Barr body
Separation of sister chromatids of a dyad in anaphase II results in ___ Daughter chromosomes
Molecular bond created by means of sharing electrons Covalent bond
When the sharing of electrons within a covalent bond is relatively equal it results in a(n) ___ Nonpolar covalent bond
Type of nuclear division that is important in sexually reproducing organisms Meiosis
Protein complex called the ___ holds the sister chromatids together to form a chromosome dyad Centrosome
Allows us to visualize all of a person's chromosomes Karyotype
Egg and sperm join in a process called ___ Fertilization
Egg and sperm join to form a(n) ___ Zygote
During ___ the game between the two meiotic division, no DNA replication occurs Interkinesis
Involved in the growth and development of an organism Mitosis
Chromosomes which occur in pairs are known as __ and are near identical in appearance Homologues
Process which produces sperm cells Spermatogenesis
Process which produces eggs Oogenesis
Homologous chromosomes of each pair come together and line up side by side, during meiosis I in an event called ___ Synapsis
Likelihood of nondisjunction occurring increases with a mother's ___ Age
Refers to all the reproductive events that occur from one generation to the next Life cycle
Y chromosome carries the ___ which codes for most of the male characteristics SRY region
Mitosis ___ the chromosome number Maintains
Meiosis ___ the chromosome number Reduces
May occur only between members of a tetrad Crossing over
Before cell division, the ___ must first condense into chromosomes Chromatin
Different versions of a gene Alleles
Includes only one division and replication of DNA at end of each cycle Mitosis
Meiosis introduces __ into a species Genetic variety
Process by which cell membrane pinches off to form two complete cells Cytokinesis
Trisomy 21 Down Syndrome
XO female Turner syndrome
XXY male Klinefelter syndrome
The law of __ states that factors separate during gamete formation, new individuals carries two factors for each trait - one from each parent Segregation
CF is a recessve disorder in humans, if two unaffected individuals have a child with CF, what is the chance a 2nd child will also have the disease? 25%
Gregor Mendel conducted his hereditary experiments using ___ Garden Peas
Used to determine whether an individual with a dominant trait has two dominant factors for that trait Test cross
Controlled by polygenes subject to environmental influences Multifactorial traits
Used to predict the outcome of a genetic cross Punnett Square
Alleles an individual receives at fertilization Genotype
The expression of the alleles an individual has Phenotype
Genes are arranged linearly on the chromosome at specific gene ___ Loci
The first generation from a genetic cross First filial
The organisms from which a genetic cross is conducted Parental generation
Contain information for the production of a specific protein Genes
Father of Genetics Gregor Mendel
Heterozygous for two traits Dihybrid
In the garden pea, ___ is produced in the anther and contains the sperm Pollen
In the garden pea, ___ in the ovary contains eggs Ovules
Has the ability to mask the expression of another allele Dominant allele
Is not seen unless it is the only type of allele present Recessive allele
States that each pair of factors segregates independently and all possible combinations of factors can occur in the gametes Law of independent assortment
Organism which has two of the same type of allele Homozygous
Organisms which has two different forms of a gene Heterozygous
Fruit fly Drosophilia melanogaster
Garden pea Pisum sativum
Says that the chance of two or more independent events occurring together is the product of their chances of occurring separately Rule of multiplication
Exhibited when the heterozygote has an intermediate phenotype between that of either homozygote Incomplete dominance
Human blood type Codominance
Expected result of a two-trait cross of parents that are heterozygous 9:3:3:1
SS Homozygous dominant
Ss Heterozygous
ss Homozygous recessive
Contain information for the production of proteins Genes
Transcription produces ___ Ribonucleic acid
Translation produces ___ Polypeptides
Changes on codon of a gene Point mutation
Changes all of the codons following it Frameshift mutation
Sought to show that DNA was the genetic material of the cell and not proteins Hershey and chase
Determined the structure of DNA which earned them the Nobel prize Watson and Crick
Found that each species has its own % of each nucleotide Chargaff
Application of computer technologies tot he study of the genome and proteome Bioinformatics
Process of making an identical copy of DNA molecule DNA replication
Study of genomes Genomics
Computer imaging of 3D shapes is important because structure relates to ___ Function
Any breaks in the DNA backbone due to unwinding and adding of bases is repaired by the enzyme ___ DNA ligase
Composed of DNA and code for proteins which affect metabolic processes Genes
DNA replicates in the ___ direction 5 prime to 3 prime
DNA replication takes place at numerous sites called ___ Origins of replication
DNA strands are ___, run side by side but in opposite directions Antiparallel
13 year effort of human DNA sequencing Human Genome project
Adds complementary bases to the DNA template DNA polymerase
Explores the structure and function of cellular proteins Proteomics
A with T and C with G Complementary base pairing
Separates and unwinds the DNA double helix for replication Helicase
ALL nucleotides contain a phosphate, 5-C sugar and a ___ base Nitrogenous
DNA replication is said to be ___ because each new DNA molecule contains one new strand and one old one Semiconservative
Assists mRNA during protein synthesis by bringing amino acids to the ribosomes Transfer RNA
Composes the ribosome subunits Ribosomal RNA
Four bases supply 64 different triplets Triplet code
First to propose that each gene directs the synthesis of one enzyme Tatum & Beadle
States that genetic information flows from DNA to RNA to protein Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
Takes place in cytoplasm; sequence of mRNA bases determines sequence of amino acids in a protein Translation
Change in the sequence of DNA bases Mutation
Takes place in the nucleus; portion of DNA serves as a template for mRNA formation Transcription
Composed of one large and one small subunit Ribosome
Several ribosomes attached to and translating the same mRNA a the same time Polyribosome complex
Carries genetic information from DNA in the nucleus to the ribosome in the cytoplasm Messenger RNA
Created by: SavannahElkins
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