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Stack #792087

roles of minierals in the body enegry metabolism collegen formation bone and teeth mineralization Antioxdant activity cell excitability blood clotting
calicium food sources milk cheese sardines clams
phosphorus food sources meat chicken eggs
magnesium food sources whole grain cereal nuts legumes
Iron food sources liver steak baked beans raisins
sodium potassium and chloride food high in NacL lunch meats soup Gravies
foods high in potassium tomatoes potatoes orange Juice
iodie food sources fresh fish diary products
selenium food sources halibut salmon scallops
chromium food sources whole grains meats
bron food sources leafy green vegetables nuts legumes
vanadium food sources breakfast cereals juices shellfish
calcium RDA for men and women 19-50 1000 mg
calcium functions bone teeth resorption
calcium functional messenger system contractions of muscles heart beat hormone and neurotransmitters relese blood clotting
calicum imbalance results in lower peak bone mass osteomalacia
phosphorus RDA for men and women 19 -50 years old 700mg
phosphorus functions structure of bones, skeletal, and teeth cell membranes - phospholipids part of ATP
sodium , potassium, and chloride functions regilations of body fluids both interacellular and extracellular
Sodium potassium and chloride imbalances Hypontermia Hyperkalemia
magnesium RDA 19-30 men and women and 31 and over 19-30 400 both men and women ages 31 and over men 420 and women 320
Magensium functions protein systensis interacts with phosphate group of ATP to increase efficiency of there use of muscle
hemm and Noheme heme Animal product only vs nonheme animals and plants
iron functions hemoglobin, myoglobin ferritin Cytochromes are key componets in electron transfer chain in the mitochndria
zinc functions is a cofactor in 200 enzyme reactions evry cell contains zinc- muscles, kindeys, bones etc protien digestion bone matrix antioxidant production
copper functions cofactor for enzymes reactions collegen formation electron transport ferroxidation-oxidation of iron
iodide functions used to make thyroid hormone
selenium functions componet of enzymes glutahione peroxidase wich involved in the antixidant process
chromium function vital in the effective metabolism of glucose and insulin sensitivty
boron function involved in bone metabolism
vanadium function glucose metabolism
iron imbalances anemia
sports gels and glucose tablets easy to carry packets and tubes contains 100 kcals of carbohydrate use for instance energy into your system
sprots drinks fluid and electrolyet replacement during exercise lower carohydrate content after training highr carboydrate comsumption
recommendations depends on itnetsy of exercise level of training sweat rate, and size of the athlete recmondations fro use are after an hour of training as neede to replace electroytes from sweat losses
Carnitine found in variety of tissue and is concentrated in the muscle thought to increase fat utilization which could reduce the rate of glycogen loss during endurance exercise research has not reveled a postive influence on either fatty acid utilization glycogen
choline a derivate of the amino acid methionie proposed to be a neurotransmitter, wich could reduce the rate of glycogen loss during exxercise research has shown that choline levels decrease follow enduraces ecercise it does not improve endurance oerformance
chromium is an essental mineral believed to be a vital in metabolism enegry nutrients though to aid in weight reduction increase lean body mass not prove to incearse lean body mass or reduce weight
Coenzyme Q10 belived to exist attached protiens of the electron tansport functons as antixodasnt an dthought to enance arobic engery meatbolism in the muscle ia an antoxidant
creatine derived arginine glycine and methionie marketed enhance muscle cp levels increase anaerobic atp regenerating potetainal muscle fiders enhances quick burst and high power activites rearche has shown creat phosphate enhance power performance lean body mass
DHEA steroid hermone producde realsed from the adreal glans. marked to increase testrone promote great lean body mass strenght and power. dhea does not effectively increase testostrone leves. concern is dea supplemnt tation is conversion to eatrogen
glutamine Nonessential Amino acid belived to increase protein synthesis rearch lacking not been prove to inpove muscle protein production
glycerol serves as the back bone for fat moclues my be importan source for glucose my help hyper drat prioe to wamer climates may help hyperdany gastro intental disconfort
HMB meatabolite the essential amino acid leucine markted decerase muscle catabolsim associated with resitane traing prograg not infulenc on trained people
inosine is the form of AMP that increase ATP levels in the muscle tissue rearch to date does not indicate such an effect
medium chained trglycerides have been mareketed to enchance fat utlization during exercise rearsch has not supported this notion
ribose is a five carbon carbohydrate speculated to increase ATP levels in the skeletal muscle research is lacking
Vanadium a minor mineral marked is be involved in insulin metabolism mimics activity of insulin research lacking in menerail
sports doping violations a probiibted substance found to be persent in athglets body tisse or fluid an athlete takes advated of a probitied technique'an athelete admits
doping classifications stimulants caffine epherdra amphetmines NARCOTIC AGENTS OPIATES anabolic angents glycoprotiens erythropietn used in response to reduce oxygen levels oxygen carrying caapity of blood by stimulateing RBC production by cyclists alcohol
arginine, ornithine and lysine lysine is an essentail amino acid arginine is semi essentail amino acid ornithine is nonessentail amino acid props to enhance fro groth hormone leves greater muslc mass development amion acid have gound on incerase in muscle acid
aspartic acid aspartic acid is a nonessentail amino acid in protiens and urea formaion. proposed to prevent premature fatigue uring exercise rearshe has falis to inprove aspatic acid has infulence on performance
bron is essnetail minerial in bone metablosim propose to have influence on steriod hermone metabolsim was foudn to incerse testrone levels in women in athletes has not prove tesetrone
branched chained amino acids rearched has not prove that bcca will help decrease fatigue after exercise
caffine ergogenic \stimulates the central nerverous system may have a derect effect on calicum transport and glygocin break down muslce fidersmat stimulayte modlization of fatty acids research shows suggest that caffine conusption could enhance performance
Popular Sports Medicine sets




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