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English Vocabularry

wellig wavy
schick smart/smartly
lässig casual
gesellig sociable
gut aussehend good-looking
attraktiv attractiv
mittelgross medium height
lockig curly
gemütlich cosy
Terrasse terrace
oberste Etage top floor
winzig tiny
Knopf button
Batterie battery
Festplatte hard disk
artig, brav, wohlerzogen well behaved
unartig badly behaved
gut gekleidet well dressed
Vollzeit- full-time
selbst gemacht hand-made
Knoblauch garlic
Zutat ingredient
verführerisch, verlockend tempting
Nachtleben night-life
suchen to seek
dauerhaft long-lasting
Schmerzmittel painkiller
flüstern to whisper
fliessend fluently
leuchtend brightly
schäzen to treasure
erinnern to remind
einfach simply
restaurieren to restore
Häuschen cottage
Hütte hut
völlig fully
ausgestattet equipped
lindern to relieve
unersetzlich irreplaceable
sentimental sentimental
stark taff
praktisch practical
massiv solid
enorm immense
verbinden to associate
im Einklang mit in tune with
Kaninchen rabbit
Obstgarten orchard
sich treffen to get together
Feier celebration
Trainer(in) coach
Kuppel dome
Unterstand shelter
fettarm low-fat
abgepackt pre-packed
Panorama- panoramic
Schlamm mud
Vieh, Rinder cattle
zerfallen, zerbröckeln to crumble
Stein stone
Linsen lentils
Kurkuma, Gelbwurz turmeric
verantwortlich responsable
unsicher insecure
unabhängig independent
jm. verrückt machen to drive sb crazy
wie Tag und Nacht like chalk an cheese
stören bother
jung geblieben young at heart
Neugier curiosity
klar denken to think straight
Damentoilette the ladies
Keller basement
Küchengeräte kitchenware
Porzellan china
Glaswaren glasware
Gerät appliance
Kleidung wear
Schreibwaren stationary
Toilettenartikel toiletries
Wäsche linen
kaufen to purchase
Gelände, Gebäude premises
Ordner file
Treue loyalty
Sicherheit safety
Personal staff
strafrechtlich verfolgen to prosecute
abonnieren to subscribe (to)
Ausverkauf clearance
Wollsachen woollens
Garantie guarantee
ausverkauft sein to sell out
Tätowierung tattoo
Philosoph(in) Philospher
Kammer chamber
Kelch, Pokal goblet
Phönix phoenix
tödlich deadly
Heilige(r) hallow
Autor(in) author
Bestseller- best-selling
Masern measles
Waise orphan
Zauberer wizard
Langschrift, Handschrift longhand
zahlreich numerous
Exemplar copy
kündigen, zurücktreten to resign
wählen to elect
Institut institute
lancieren, auf den Markt bringen to launch
Warenzeichen, Markenzeichen trademark
Unterwäsche underwear
Schickimicki, Teil der Schikeria sein socialite
Besessenheit obsession
Ewigkeit eternity
Euphorie euphoria
einführen to introduce
Köstum fancy dress
Produzent(in) producer
nominieren, ernennen to name
Statistiken statistics
Bild image
Menge, Mob mob
Privatschule public school
Sreitpunkt, Knackpunkt sticking point
Kontinent, Erdteil continent
begeistert enthusiastic
mittelalterlich mediaval
gewalttätig violent
gewöhnt accustomed
häufig common
lösen, in Ordnung bringen to sort out
ein für alle Mal once and for all
völlig, total totally
Medien media
Freizeit leisure
Sportplatz, Gelände ground
antworten to answer/ to respond
Fussball soccer
Armut poverty
weg sein to be snapped up
sich profilieren, sich einen Namen machen to make your mark
Weibchen female
hitzig heated
Rivalität rivalry
investieren to invest
dominieren to domminate
begabt gifted
Erfolg the big time
regelmässig regular
unzählig, zahllos countless
brachliegendes Land waste ground
hassen to loathe
interessiert sein an to be keen on (She seems keen on the idea
verrückt sein nach to be crazy about
nicht ausstehen können can't stand
es macht mir nichts aus I don't mind
nicht ertragen können can't bear
gern haben, mögen to be fond of
Videospiel video game
sich bewerben um to apply for
stark powerful
Bahn track
Kraft, Stärke power
kontaktieren to contact
schaffen, machen to create
leidenschaftlich passionate
Reiten horseriding
antrengend, fordernd demanding
Doppel doubles
Wolkenbruch downpour
Fuchsjagd foxhunting
Einigung agreement
Mitgefühl, Beileid sympathy
gut, in Ordnung fine
Spass machen to kid
langsamer machen to slow down
in vollen Zügen to the full
sprechen to have a word
Streik strike
durchfallen bei to fail
verdorben spoiled
Def.spoiled person who behave badly, get everything he wants
Def.sociable person who is freandly and enjoys being with other people.
Def. shy person who doesn't like talking to strangers
Ant. shy taff
vernünftig sensible
Def. sensible person who common sense is practical
empfindlich sensitive
Syn. selfish self-centered, egoistic, uncaring
Def.selfish person who only thinks about himself
zuverlässig reliable
Ant. reliable unrealible
Def. moody person who is happy one moment and sad the next
launisch moody
Def. manipulative person who is good at influencing other people do what they want
einversüchtig jealous
unabhängig independent
Def. independent person who likes doing things by himself
wettbewerbsfähig competitive
Def. competitive person who always want to win
Def. charming person woh has a nice personality that makes people like him
charmant charming
Def. Bossy person who likes giving orders
herrisch bossy
Def. aggressive person who is alreasy ready for a fight
Def. affectionate person who shows that they love someone
liebevoll affectionate
Opp. warm and unfreandly warm and friendly
Opp. kind unkind
Opp. nice and pleasant mean and unpleasant
Opp. generous thightfisted/stingy
geizig thightfisted/stingy
Syn. easy-going sociable
zurückgeblieben retarded
Oppl. easy-going tense
angespannt tense
Opp. honest dishonest
ehrlich honest
Opp. good fun boring
spassig good fun
Def. broad-minded person who is open for different things
Opp. broad-minded narrow-minded
Syn. narrow-minded closed
Ant. self-confident insecure
zufrieden content
Ant. confident shy
Ant. ambitious content
Ant. punctual tardy/late
Ant. flexible inflexible
person who keeps losing things Def. careless/forgetful/absent-minded
person who always droops/breaks things Def. clumsy
person who thinks bad things will happen Def. pessimistic/negative
person who goeas to a lot of parties Def. outgoing/sociable/gregarious
person who keeps to himself Def. introverted/unsociable/withdrawn/closed
person who never smiles Def. bad-tempered, miserable
morgenmüfflig crumpy
person who makes you yawn Def. boring/uninteresting/dull
stumpf dull
person who likes trying things Def. creative/artistic
person who keep things tidy Def.neat/organised/efficient
ordentlich neat
person who never thinks about other feelings Def. uncaring/insensitive/selfish
person who always arrives late for meetings Def. unpuctual/unreliable
person who makes you laugh all the time Def. funny/humorous/silly
Syn. optimistic positive
person who hurts people or animals Def. cruel/sadistic/mean
grausam cruel
gemein mean
person who doesn't like talking about her achievements Def. modest/unassuming
bescheiden modest/unsassuming
person who is easy to get on with Def. friendly/affable/easy-going
umgänglich affable
person who brags about himself a lot Def. conceited/arrogant/big-headed
eingebildet conceite/big-headed
person who never changes her mind even she knows she is wrong stubborn/obstinate
stur stubborn
hartnäckig obstinate
Created by: omarimhof
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