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-Sex. & Asex. Rep-

In squirrels, the gene for gray fur (G) is dominant over the gene for black fur (g). If 50% of a large litter of squirrels are gray, the parental cross that produced this litter was most likely Gg x gg
Which cross could produce a child with type O blood? AO x BO
Which represents the genotype of a homozygous condition? bb
What percentages can be expected in the offspring of cross between a female carrier for color blindness and a male with normal color vision? 25% normal male, 25% colorblind males, 25% normal females, 25% carrier females
Geneticists have observed that fruit flies that commonly inherit vestigial wings also inherit lobed eyes. Observations such as this have helped to develop the genetic concept known as gene linkage
By which process are two daughter nuclei formed that are identical to each other and to the original nucleus? mitosis
Chromosomes normally occur as homologous pairs in a zygote
Because the gene for hemophilia is located on the X-chromosome, it is normally impossible for a hemophiliac father to pass the gene on to his son
A man with a blood genotype AO marries a woman with a blood genotype of AO. What blood types could be expected in their children? both type A and type O
When many hybrid tall pea plants are cross-pollinated, the offspring produced will probably be 50% heterozygous tall
A hybrid black-coated guinea pig produces two million sperm cells. Approximately what number of its sperm cells contain the recessive gene for white coat color? 1 million
Some individuals with blood group A may inherit the genes for blond hair, while other individuals with blood group A may inherit the genes for brown hair. This can be explained by the principle of independent assortment
The outward appearance (gene expression) of a particular trait in an organism is referred to as a phenotype
Sexual 1: Two parents take part
Asexual 1: Single parent
Sexual 2: Variation occurs in off springs
Asexual 2: Offspring's are genetically exact off springs their parents
Sexual 3: Fertilization takes place
Asexual 3: No Internal fertilization or External fertilization
Sexual 4: Gametes are involved
Asexual 4: No gametes
Sexual reproduction is more complex than asexual reproduction.
What requires the production of sex cells, or gametes, which have half the number of chromosomes of all other cells in the organism? Sexual reproduction.
The most important thing about sexual reproduction is its ability to switch around successful genes
Asexually reproducing organisms do not readily share genetic material, but they do reproduce much faster.
Created by: lydiajanetaylor
Popular Biology sets




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