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50 Diseases Study List for Final

AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus
AIDS Unprotected sex; Infected blood; Contaminated needle; Mother to child
AIDS Avoid risky behavior that
AIDS Combinations of three classes drugs
AIDS Lack of energy, weight loss fevers, & sweats, skin rash, short term memory
"African Sleeping Sickness Trypanosoma (Protozoa)
"African Sleeping Sickness Tsete Fly (Vector)
"African Sleeping Sickness Avoiding insect bites
"African Sleeping Sickness 2 stages: Pentamidine & Suramin; Melarsoprol & Eflornithine
"African Sleeping Sickness Personality change, Weight loss, Irritability, Loss of concentration, Progressive confusion, Slurred speech, Seizures, Difficulty walking and talking,Sleeping for long periods of the day, Insomnia
Amoebiasis Entamoeba histolytica
Amoebiasis "Vehicle transmission (contaminated food or
Amoebiasis Personal hygiene, protective, Clothing.
Amoebiasis "Replace fluids and electrolytes; Metronidazole; Iodoquinol
Amoebiasis "Appendicitis like pain; Blood in
Anaphylaxis Histamine, Leukotrienes,
Anaphylaxis Food, Wasps, & Bee stings
Anaphylaxis Avoid know allergen, Pretreatment with Corticosteroids & Antihistamines
Anaphylaxis CPR if needed, Carry
Anaphylaxis Severe itching of eyes or face
Anthrax Bacillus anthracis
Anthrax Air-borne spores; skin contact ;contaminated meat consumption; contact with animal products
Anthrax Vaccinate livestock; Vaccinate humans with a series of 6 shot over 18 months
Anthrax Ciprofloxacin;doxyxyxline;
Anthrax Papule, bloody diarrea
Ascariasis Ingestion of food contaminated with fecal matter containing Ascaris eggs
Ascariasis Don't use toilet facilites; Wash hands; Protection of food from dirt and soil
Ascariasis Mebendazole, Piperazine; Albendazole; Pyrantel; Thiabendazole; Corticosteroids
Ascariasis Peritoniis; Inflammation enlargement of the liver or spleen; Toxcity; Pneumonia
Ascariasis Round Worm
Bacterial Meningitis Niesseria meningiditis
Bacterial Meningitis Airborne droplets
Bacterial Meningitis Aggressive therapy with pencicillin; cephalosporins
Bacterial Meningitis Fever; Headache; Stiff Neck; Nausea; Vomiting; Rash that does not fade away when pressed
Blastomycosis North American blastomycosis
Blastomycosis Blastomyces dermatitidis
Blastomycosis Amphotericin B
Blastomycosis Cutaneous ulcers; Extensive abscess formation and tissue destruction
Blastomycosis Soil in Mississippi Valley
Blastomycosis Stay away from Mississippi Valley
Botulism Clostridium botulinum
Botulism Foodborne intoxication
Botulism Antitoxin
Botulism Proper can foods; Infants should not have honey
Bacterial Meningitis Respiratory tract
Bacterial Meningitis Capsular vaccine against A, C, Y, W-135
Chickenpox Varicella-zoster (Herpesvirus
Chickenpox Repiratory droplets; Fomites; Contact
Chickenpox Vaccinations
Chickenpox Symptomatic treatment only: Acyclovir for immunocompromised patients; preexposure vaccine
Chickenpox Vesicles/lesions in most cases confined to face, throat, and lower back; Complication: Reye's Sydrome
Cholera Vibrio cholerae
Cholera Fecally-contaminated food and drink
Cholera High standards in sanitation; Oral vaccines
Cholera Doxycyclin; Rehydration.
Cholera "Rice Water Stools" 12 or 20 liters (3 to 5 gal.) of fluids daily; secrete water and electolytes, especially potassium; Violent vomiting; Low blood pressure; shock; Kidney failure; Death
Cryptococcosis Cryptococcus neoformans
Cryptococcosis Inhaling soil contaminated with spores; Contamination is done by pigeons or chickens droppings
Cryptococcosis No Prevention
Cryptococcosis AmphotericinB; flucytosine
Cryptococcosis Respiratory distress, with primary lesion; meningitis, with intense frontal headache, seizures
Diphtheria Corynebacterium diptheriae
Diphtheria Respiratory droplets; Contact
Diphtheria Immunization (DTaP vaccine)
Diphtheria Antitoxin with penicilin and erythromycin
Diphtheria Sore throat; Fever; Respiratory obstruction leads to suffocation; Swollen "bull" neck; Temporary facial and neck paralysis
Created by: mgree057
Popular Biology sets




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