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Indonesian Mem. Card
Indonesian Vocubalry Assists
Question | Answer |
ada | be present,to have/own, there is |
lebih | more |
tempat | to be/place |
takut | afraid |
besar | big |
beritahu | to inform |
biasa | usual, normal, customary |
matang | ripe/cooked |
warna | colour |
tolong | to help |
beda | difference |
lengkap | complete |
jawab | answer/repky |
kumpul | to assemble/ associate |
gaul | associate |
pakai | to use/wear |
buka | open/ take off |
milik | possession |
heran | surprosed |
harga | price,value,cost |
membawa | to bring s.t or s.o |
membutuhkan | to need |
dengar | to hear |
senang | happy |
ikut | to go along/follow/join |
weak, worn out | lelah |
to put/place | taruh |
right, correct | betul |
thought,idea,to think | pikir |
to help | tolong |
to look/seek | mencari |
to try/ make an attempt to do s.t | coba |
noise, sound | bunyi |
to enter | masuk |
to like, pleasure | suka |
friend | teman |
mambantu | to help/assist |
fine/good | baik |
to speak | ber/bicara |
aim, purpose | maksud |
dirty | kotor |
dirty | mengurus |
to meet s.o | bertemu |
to wash s.t | cuci |
taste, feel | rasa |
to run | lari |
push | dorong |
to live | hidup |
to forget | lupah |
acceptance | terima |