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SRGT Ch6 Terminology

Urinary System Ch6 Terminology

Functions of the urinary system: -cleans the blood -regulates blood pressure -maintains homeostasis
The act of releasing urine is called: -urination -micturition -voiding
Average person urinates ... 5 times a day and usually 1.5 liters
Kidneys (nephr/o), (ren/o)
Ureters (ureter/o) move urine from kidneys to bladder
Bladder (cyst/o) (vesic/o) sac that stores urine until it is excreted
Trigone (trigon/o) triangular area in the bladder between the ureter's entrance and the urethral outlet
Urethra (urethr/o) tube that conducts urine out of the body
Urinary meatus (meat/o) opening in the urethra
Kidneys located: retroperitoneal -behind the lining of the abdominal cavity
Size of kidney is: size of your fist
Cortex (cortic/o)
Medulla (medull/o)
Renal pelvis (pyel/o)
Calyx/calix (calic/o)
Hilum (hil/o) -ureter, renal vein and artery enter the kidney
Albuminuria * albumin in the urine
Bacteriuria * bacteria in the urine
Glycosuria * sugar in the urine
Hematuria * blood in the urine
Pyuria * pus in the urine
Pyopyelectasis a dilation of the renal pelvis caused by an accumulation of pus
Anuria * no urine
Dysuria * painful urination
Nocturia * excessive urination at night
Oliguria * scanty urination
Polyuria * excessive urination
Enuresis bed wetting
Polydipsia excessive thirst
Incontinence inability to hold urine
Retention inability to release urine
Urgency intense sensation of the need to urinate immediately
UTI urinary tract infection
Polycystic kidney disease -inherited -bilateral -enlargement due to cysts
Renal colic severe pain associated with kidney stones lodged in the ureter
Urolithiasis (urinary calculi) stones anywhere in the urinary tract
Nephrolithiasis (kidney stones) stones in the kidney
Nephropathy disease of the kidney
Renal sclerosis (nephrosclerosis) hardening of the arteries of the kidneys
Nephroptosis prolapse or sagging of the kidney
Nephritis inflammation of the kidney
Pyelonephritis infection/inflammation of the renal pelvis of the kidney
hydronephrosis -dilation of renal pelvis and calices -caused by obstruction -can cause renal failure
ARF Acute renal failure
CKD Chronic kidney disease
Cystitis inflammation of the bladder
Cystocele herniation of the bladder
Urethritis inflammation of the urethra
Urethral stenosis (urethral stricture) narrowing of the urethra
Ureterocele prolapse of the terminal end of the ureter into the bladder
Vesicoureteral reflux abnormal backflow of urine from the bladder to ureter
Renal cell carcinoma hypernephroma or adenocarcinoma of the kidney
Nephroblastoma (Wilms tumor) cancerous tumors of the kidney, usually discovered around child's 3rd birthday
UA urinalysis -a physical, chemical and/or microscopic examination of the urine
BUN blood, urea, nitrogen -increased level is an indicator of kidney dysfunction
GFR glomerular filtration rate
IVU or IVP intravenous urography or intravenous pyelography -radiographic (x-ray) imaging of the kidney, ureters and bladder WITH a contrast medium
KUB kidneys, ureters and bladder -imaging of the kidney, ureters and bladder WITHOUT a contrast medium
Cystoscopy visual examination of the urinary bladder using a cytoscope
Cystourethroscopy visual examination of the urinary bladder and urethra using a cytoscope
Catheter hollow, flexible tube that can be inserted into a vessel, organ or cavity of the body to withdraw or instill fluid
Stent tubular device for supporting hollow structures during surgical anastomosis or for holding arteries open after angioplasty
Laparoscope visualize peritoneal (abdominal cavity)
Cytoscope visualize bladder
Nephroscope visualize kidney
Lithotrite used to crush a calculus (stone) in the bladder
Lithotripter machine used to crush stones
Urinometer used to measure urine output
Transurethral procedures * any procedure conducted through the urethra
Urethrolysis * destruction of adhesions of the urethra
Vesicotomy * incision of the bladder
ESWL extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
Nephrolithotomy incision of the kidney to remove a kidney stone
Nephrotomy incision into the kidney
Nephrostomy opening made into the kidney so that a catheter can be placed
Nephrectomy resection (removal) of kidney
Nephropexy suspension or fixation of kidney
CAPD continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
GU genitourinary
ESRD end stage renal disease
TURP transurethral resection of the prostate
TURBT transurethral resection of the bladder tumor
Na sodium (natr/o)
Cl chloride
EUA exam under anesthesia
K potassium (kal/i)
Poly- profuse, excessive
Dys- painful, abnormal
Di- through, complete
-cele herniation
-dipsia thirst
-pexy fixation, suspension
-ptosis drooping; prolapse
azot/o nitrogen
cyst/o bladder; cyst; sac
gluc/o, glyc/o sweet; sugar
lith/o stone
nephr/o kidney
pyel/o renal pelvis
ren/o kidney
vesic/o bladder
olig/o scanty; few
DI Diabetes insipidus deficiency of antidiuretic hormone, causes polyuria and polydipsia
DM Diabetes mellitus metabolic disease caused by absolute or relative deficiency of insulin
Acidifiers drugs that DECREASE the pH of the urine to help prevent kidney stones
Alkalinizers drugs that INCREASE the pH of the urine to treat acidosis or promote excretion of some drugs and toxins
Anticholinergics drugs that help control urinary incontinence by blocking nerves that control bladder and sphincter muscles
Antidiuretics drugs that suppress the urine formation
Antiinfectives drugs that fight infection in the urinary system
Antispasmodics drugs that help prevent muscle spasms in the bladder in the treatment of incontinence
Diuretics drugs that increase the formation of urine by promoting excretion of water and sodium
Created by: alyseg
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