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356 Dr. Lowe Final

What is #1 of the 4 factors relating to the message and how well it can be affected by a speech reader? Degree of visibility of movement: only 33-40% of 1/3 of the sounds are visible on the lips.
What is #2 of the 4 factors relating to the message and how well it can be affected by a speech reader? Speed of articulatory movement: how fast the message is
What is #3 of the 4 factors relating to the message and how well it can be affected by a speech reader? Similarity of visual charachteristics: viseme, homophemes, homonyms, homophomeous words
What is #4 of the 4 factors relating to the message and how well it can be affected by a speech reader? Intersubject variations and movements: different way people produce the same sound
What are the 5 facilitative strategies? Anticipatory, attending, constructive, instructional, message tailoring
What is the facilitative strategy: anticipatory? The client anticipates a topic of conversation and the related vocabulary prior to the communication interaction
What is the facilitative strategy: attending? The client pays attention to the situation/a particular word in a msg to deduce a partially understood message.
What is the facilitative strategy: constructive? a stategy designed to optimize the listening environment
What is the facilitative strategy: instructional? Interchange in which the hearing impaired individual asks the speaker to change the delivery of the message
What is the facilitative strategy: message tailoring? Interchange in which the speaker tailors the msg to constrain and facilitate the response of the hearing individual
What are the 6 receptive repair strategies? Repeat, rephrase, simplify, key word, elaborate, alternate communication mode
What is the receptive repair strategy: repeat? Request for simple repetition of the message
What is the receptive repair strategy: rephrase? Request for the use of different words to convey the same message
What is the receptive repair strategy: simplify? Request to simplify the message by shortening the sentence or breaking it into segments
What is the receptive repair strategy: key word? Request for a key word or topic word from the msg
What is the receptive repair strategy: elaborate? Request for elaboration on the topic in order to elicit understanding
What is the receptive repair strategy: alternate communication mode? Request for demonstration writing/finger spelling when verbal message can't be understood w/other repair strategies
What is an expressive repair strategy? Tactic used to correct a communication breakdown caused by the recievers unintelligible reply to a communication partner
The following is an example of what? Ex)Please repeat what you just said? Receptive Repair Strategy: Repeat
The following is an example of what? Ex)I misundertood. Could you rephrase that please? Receptive Repair Strategy: Rephrase
The following is an example of what? Ex)Could you just simplify what you said? Receptive Repair Strategy: Simplify
The following is an example of what? Ex)What topic are you refferring to? Receptive Repair Strategy: Key Word
The following is an example of what? Ex)Please tell me more. Receptive Repair Strategy: Elaborate
The following is an example of what? Ex)Could you show me what you are talking about? Receptive Repair Strategy: Alternate Communication Mode
The following is an example of what? Ex)Hearing impaired individual produces an unintelligble reply or merely repeats what he thought he heard Expressive Repair Strategy
What assistive device would you reccommend for to following? Ex.) The school will purchase the most appropriate device for a child located in a 3rd grade classroom who has a mod to severe HL and has his own BTE's. BTE Boot
What assistive device would you reccommend for to following? Ex.) A 1st grader who has normal hearing w/ADD needs something in the classroom and his teacher specifically stated she wants the child to hear only her. Personal FM
What assistive device would you reccommend for to following? Ex.) An SLP working in the hospital needs something to use with two of her clients who just came in who are hard of hearing. Hardwire
What assistive device would you reccommend for to following? Ex.) Deaf/blind individual needs something to use to wake themself up in the morning. Tactile device such as bed shaker
What assistive device would you reccommend for to following? Ex.) Non-ambulatory elderly paitent who is living on a fixed income needs something to use w/his family when they come to visit him? Hardwire
What is the loudest low fz phoneme? /aw/
What are the three softest high fz phonemes? Both /th/'s and /s/
What can the concentration of energy in the low fz be attributed to? Vowels
As a group, which sounds are more easily heard? Vowels
As a group, which sounds are more easily seen? Consonants
What are the 2 softest low fz phonemes? /v/ & /z/
What do the softest and high fz sounds have in common? All fricatives
What do the softest high fz phonemes have in common? All fricatives
Why is the BTE the best option for a child? 1.) The earmold can be remade to accommodate for the growth in the pinna and canal as the child grows 2.) Safer due to the soft mold
Which hearing aid is best for a vain 41 yr old w/a mild to moderate bilateral SNHL? CIC
The amplifier in a hearing aid does what? it increases the voltage of the electrical signal
Is the following example a candidate for Cochlear Implant? Ex.) 6mth old w/a cogenital profound hearing loss due to genetic causes No, needs a 6mth HA trial
Is the following example a candidate for Cochlear Implant? Ex.) 6mth old who was recently deafened due to bacterial meningitis Yes
Is the following example a candidate for Cochlear Implant? Ex.) 36 year old who has had late onset deafness at age 34 due to genetic causes Yes
Is the following example a candidate for Cochlear Implant? Ex.) 25 year old who accquired a profound SNHL at 4yrs old due to bacterial meningitis No
Is the following example a candidate for Cochlear Implant? Ex.) 12 1/2 year old born w/profound hearing loss bilaterally due to lack of neural integrity No
What 5 sounds are more missed w/someone w/a SNHL? /s/, /p/, /k/, /d/, /vl th/
The following is an example of what strategy? Ex)Could you repeat what you just said please? Repair: Repeat
The following is an example of what strategy? Ex)Could you tell me more about this, please? Repair: Elaborate
The following is an example of what strategy? Ex)The listener moves so that he can sit in the front row of the church service to hear better. Facilitavie: Constructive
The following is an example of what strategy? Ex)The listener anticipates the vocabulary that might be used at a doctors office when he goes for a visit. Facilitative: Anticipatory
The following is an example of what strategy? Ex)Do you want to go to the movies at 7pm or at 9pm? Facilitative: Message Tailoring
What is #1 of the 4 types of auditory training? Sound awareness
What is #2 of the 4 types of auditory training? Sound discrimination
What is #3 of the 4 types of auditory training? Identification
What is #4 of the 4 types of auditory training? Comprehension
The following is an example of what type of auditory training? Ex)March to the beat of a drum and stop when the drumming stops. Sound awareness
The following is an example of what type of auditory training? Ex)Play w/sets of farm animals. Identification
The following is an example of what type of auditory training? Ex)Play w/2 animals and the child points to the dog for "woof, woof" and the snake for "ssss." Sound discrimination
The following is an example of what type of auditory training? Ex)Dance when the music is on and sit when the music is turned off. Sound awareness
The following is an example of what type of auditory training? Ex)Push the toy car whenever the clinician says "Vrrrm" or "Hop hop." Sound discrimination
The following is an example of what type of auditory training? Ex)Listen to a read aloud story and answer questions about it. Comprehension
What hearing aid style would you reccommend for someone with dexterity issues? ITE
What is the smalles hearin gaid w/a volume wheel? ITC
What auditory training test would you use for the following? Ex) What test would you use for a 17yr old when you want to know everything about her auditory comprehension as well as speech reading ability? MAC Battery
What auditory training test would you use for the following? Ex) What test would you use for a 3yr old implantee who just receieved her implant 4wks ago and was turned on yesterday? DASL
What auditory training test would you use for the following? Ex) What therapy program would you use for the speech perception development of a 4yr odl who had worn aids for 3yrs? SPICE
What auditory training test would you use for the following? Ex) Need a comprehensive assessment for a 17yr old. MAC Battery
What auditory training test would you use for the following? Ex) Need a comprehensive assessment for a 3yr old? DASL or SPICE
What auditory training test would you use for the following? Ex) Want to look at speech perception and perception of environmental sounds for a 5yr old? DASL
What auditory training test would you use for the following? Ex) Need to look at perception of sentences for a 78yr old. CUNY Sentences
What auditory training test would you use for the following? Ex) Look at a 78 yr olds ability to perceive speech in noise? HINT
What auditory training test would you use for the following? Ex) Need to look at consonant recognition for an 88yr old Iowa Consonant Confusion Test
What auditory training test would you use for the following? Ex) Want to look at speech perception in the words of a 6yr old? WIPI
What auditory training test would you use for the following? Ex) Assess all auditory abilities of a 38yr old? MAC Battery
What auditory training test would you use for the following? Ex) Want to look at perception of speech sounds in syllable context in an 8yr old? Nonsense syllable test
What are the top 3 most visible sounds? /p/, /b/, /m/
What are the last 3 most visible sounds? /ch/, /th/, /l/
What are all of the 11 most visible sounds? /p/, /b/, /m/, /w/, /wh/, /f/, /v/, /sh/, /ch/, /th/, /l/
What are the 8 less visible sounds? /k/, /g/, /s/, /z/, /t/, /d/, /n/, /r/
To help individuals learn to maximize the use of residual hearing they possess through listening training, is the definition of what? Auditory training
What approach uses non-speech stimuli, phonemes, syllables, words and the LING sounds? Analytic
What approach uses sentences, communication discourse and is meant to help with understanding meaning? Synthetic
What are the 3 aspects of the written goal? Performance, Condition and Criteria
The performance aspect of the written goal is what? The response you are wanting to elicit from the client
The condition aspect of the written goal is what? The visual prompts used
The criteria aspect of the written goal is what? How much you want the client to succeed before increasing difficulty
The following is an example of what type of auditory training? Ex)Using many toy animals, the child hands you the animal when you make the appropriate sound. Identification
The following is an example of what type of auditory training? Ex)Respond to the command Comprehension
The following is an example of what type of auditory training? Ex)Play the same or different game. Sound discrimination
The following is an example of what type of auditory training? Ex)Child throws a ball through a hoop each time he hears you say a ling sound Sound awareness
The following is an example of what type of auditory training? Ex)Play 20 questions Comprehension
The following is an example of what type of auditory training? Ex)Child points to the correct corresponding picture each time clinician says the appropriate LING sound. Identification
A person with speech perception difficulties usually have minimal difficulty with what? Vowels
Which sounds are louder? Vowels
What is the #1 of 4 variables affecting speech reading? Speaker
What is the #2 of 4 variables affecting speech reading? Speech Reader
What is the #3 of 4 variables affecting speech reading? Signal & Code Speech
What is the #4 of 4 variables affecting speech reading? Environment
Visual receptive capabilities are critical to the listener. Why? The rate of speech is 15 phonemes per second but they ey can only process 8-10 discrete movements per second, thus 25% of the message is missed.
What is a viseme? A speech sound that has been classified by its place of articulation or by shape of mouth
What is a homopheme? Different speech sounds that look the same on the lips/mouth such as /p/, /b/, /m/
What is a homophone? Sounds that sound alike but are spelled differently such as /s/ in sing and /c/ in city
What is a homonym? Words that sound the same but are spelled differntly and have different meaning (hi vs high)
What are homophenous words? Words that look alike on the mouth (mad vs bat)
How does the size of a room affect acoustics? Acoustics are better in a small room but in a large room, the acoustics will be better when near a wall or in a corner.
The assessment of auditory skills begins w/a basic hearing evaluation that consists of what 4 things? PTA, SRT, WID and Immitance Testing
What 3 things does SRT entail? Words, syllables and sentences
Auditory training can only ensue after what? An accurate assessment of auditory abilities is made
Created by: msprinkle1987
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