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Miss Durie's Roots/Bases/Prefixes/Suffixes

Act To do, drive
Alt High
Ann, Enn Year
Aqua Water
Aster, Astro Star
Aud To hear
Biblio, Bibli Book
Bio Life
Cede To go, yield
Cent 100
Chrono Time
Circ, Circum Around
Cred To believe, trust
Dem People
Dent Tooth
Dic, Dict To say, speak, or assert
Fin End, limit
Gen Race, family, kind
Geo Earth
Graph, gram To write, draw, record
Hab To have, hold, or dwell
Hydro Water
Med, Medi Middle
Jur, Jus, Judic Law, right, judgment
Leg Law
Loc Place
Logue, Logo Idea, word, speech, reason
Hypo Under, below
Meter, Metr To measure
Mov, Mob, Mot To move
Mono One
Morph Form
Noc, Nox Night
Micro Small
Phon Sound, voice
Photo Light
Pyr Fire
Petr Rock
Ped Foot
Peri Around
Port To carry
Sign Mark
Sci To know
Scope To see
Spec, spect To see, look at, behold
Scrib, script To write
Syn, sym Together
Techn Art, skill
Temp Time
Therm Heat
Dur Hard, lasting
Tract To pull, draw
Vis, Vid To see, look
Ab- From, away from
Ad- To, motion toward, addition to
Aero- Air
Amphi- Both, around
An- Not
Ante- Before
Anti- Against, opposite, reverse
Ap- To, nearness to
Auto- Self
Bene- Good
Co-, Con- Together
Contra- Against
De- Opposite of, away from, undo
Dis- Opposite
Ex- Out, beyond, away from, former
Extra- Outside, beyond, besides
For- Not
Fore- Before
Hyper- More than normal, too much
Il- Not
Im- Into, not
In- Not, go into
Inter- Among, between
Intra- Within
Ir- Not
Mal- Wrong, bad
Mis- Wrong, bad, no, not
Non- Not, opposite of
Ob- Against
Per- Through
Post- After
Pre- Before
Pro- Before, for, in support of, forward
Re- Back, again
Retro- Backward
Se- Apart
Self- Of the self
Semi- Half, partly
Sub- Under, beneath
Super- Over
Sur- Over, above
Trans- Across, over
Ultra- Extremely
Un- Not
-able, ible Able to be, capable of being
-ade Action or process
-age Action or process
-al, -ial Of, like, relating to, suitable for
-ance Act, process, quality, state of being
-ant One who
-ary Of, like, relating to
-ate Characteristic of, to become
-cle, -icle Small
-cy Fact or state of being
-dom State or quality of of
-ence Act or state or being
-ent Doing, having, showing
-er One who, that which
-ery Place for, act, practice of
-esque Like
-ess Female
-ful Full of
-ic Relating to, characteristic of
-ify To make, to cause to be
-ion Act, condition, or result of
-ish Of or belonging to, characterized by
-ism Act, practice, or result of, example
-ity Condition, state of being
-ive Of, relating to, belonging to, tending to
-ize Make, cause to be, subject to
-less Without
-let Small
-like Like, characteristic of
-logy Study or theory of
-ly Every, like, characteristic of, resembling
-ment Action or process, state or quality of, product or thing
-ness State or quality of being
-or One who
-ous Having, full of, characterized by
-ship State or quality of being
-some Like, tending to be
-tude State or quality of being
-y Characterized by
Bi- Two
Cardio Heart
Chromo Color
Dec- Ten
Derma Skin
Di-/Dia- Two
Duo- Two
Dyna Power
Dys- Abnormal, bad
Equi- Equal
Helic Spiral, Circular
Hemi- Half, partly
Hept- Seven
Hex- Six
Lat- Side
Macro- Large
Manu Hand
Milli- Thousand
Multi- Many
Neo- New
Mort Death
Nov- Nine
-onomy Science of
Oct Eight
Pent- Five
Pan- All
Phobia Fear of
Omni- All
Poly- Many
Psycho Mind
Quad- Four
Quint- Five
Sept- Seven
Terra Earth
Tetra- Five
Tri- Three
Uni- One
Volve Roll
Created by: TargetHillary
Popular Languages sets




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