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poetry test terms

symbolism,When one thing represents itself literallyand something else figuratively.
ex.An eagle figuratively represents freedom
couplet,a pair of rhyming lines
connotation,the feelings or emotions surrounding a word
denotation,The dictionary definition of a word
diction,a writer's or speaker's choice of words
tone,The feeling the writer has towards the written topic. It is created by diction(word choice)
mood,The feeling the reader gets from the writing.
rhyme scheme,the pattern of rhyme in a poem
onomatopoeia,using words that imitate the sound they denote
alliteration,use of the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable in a line of verse.
Sally sells seashells by the seashore. sssssss
internal rhyme,rhyme that occurs within a line of poetry
ex. The cat in the hat was sad.
metaphor,comparison not using like or as
simile,a comparison using like or as
imagery,Description that appeals to the senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste)
limerick,a humorous verse form of 5 anapestic lines with a rhyme scheme aabba
haiku,a major form of Japanese verse, written in 17 syllables divided into 3 lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables, and employing highly evocative allusions and comparisons, often on the subject of nature or one of the seasons.
narrative poem,a poem that tells a story and has a plot
ex. The Raven
dramatic poem,Poem that reveals character through monologue or dialogue
Usually found in a play.
ex. "The Seven Ages of Man".
sonnet,a verse form consisting of 14 lines with a fixed rhyme scheme
stanza,a fixed number of lines of verse forming a unit of a poem
figurative meaning,When the words mean something other than what they say.(Connotative meaning)
literal meaning,dictionary meaning of a word
speaker of a poem,person that speaks the poem
pun,a humorous play on words
assonance,repetition of vowel sounds
ex. I need to eat and sleep. (the long e sound)
personification,A figure of speech in which an object or animal is given human feelings, thoughts, or attitudes
refrain,A line that repeats itself in a poem.
lyric poem,a poem that does not tell a story but expresses the personal feelings or thoughts of a speaker
ex." I wandered Lonely as a Cloud"
Free verse,Poetry that does not have a regular meter or rhyme scheme
blank verse,unrhymed verse (usually in iambic pentameter)
example: Romeo and Juliet is considered blank verse.
iambic pentameter,a common meter in poetry consisting of an unrhymed line with five feet or accents, each foot containing an unaccented syllable and an accented syllable.
Created by: ingrid69
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