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MRKT301 exam 2

chapters 7-12

Tariff A govt tax on goods or services entering a country, primarily serving to raise prices on imports
Protectionism The practice of shielding one or more industries within a country's economy from foreign competition through the use of tariffs or quotas
Quota A restriction placed on the amount of a product allowed to enter or leave a country
World Trade Organization Institution that sets rules governing trade between its members through a panel of trade experts
Global competition Exists when firms originate, produce, and market their products and services worldwide
multidomestic marketing strategy A multinational firm's strategy of offering as many different product variations, brand names, and advertising programs as countries in which it does business
Global marketing strategy The practice of standardizing marketing activities when there are cultural similarities and adapting them when cultures differ
Global brand A brand marketed under the same name in multiple countries with similar and centrally coordinated marketing programs
Global consumers Consumer groups living around the world who have similar needs or seek similar benefits from products or services
Cross-cultural analysis The study of similarities and differences among consumers in two or more nations or societies
Values A society's personally or socially preferable modes of conduct or states of existence that tend to persist over time
Customs Norms and expectations about the way people do things in a specific country
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (1977) A law that makes it a crime for U.S. corporations to bribe an official of a foreign govt or political party to obtain or retain business
Cultural symbols Things that represent ides or concepts in a specific culture
Back translation Retranslating a word or phrase back into the original language using a different interpreter to catch errors
Currency exchange rate The price of one country's currency expressed in terms of another country's currency
Exporting Producing goods in one country and selling them in another country
Joint venture When a foreign company and a local firm invest together to create a local business, sharing ownership, control, and the profits of the new company
Direct investment When a domestic firm actually invests in and owns a foreign subsidiary or division
Dumping When a firm sells a product in a foreign country below its domestic price or below its actual cost
Gray market A situation in which products are sold through unauthorized channels of distribution
Secondary data Facts and figures that have already been recorded before the project at hand
Primary data Facts and figures that are newly collected for a project
Sales forecast The total sales of a product that a firm expects to sell during a specified time period under specified conditions
Market segmentation Aggregates potential buyers into groups that have common needs and will respond similarly to a marketing action
Market segments The relatively homogeneous groups of prospective buyers that result from the market segmentation process
Product differentiation The strategy of using different marketing mix activities to help consumers perceive a product as being different and better than competing products
Usage rate The quantity consumed or the number of store visits during a specific period
80/20 rule The idea that 80% of a firm's sales are obtained from 20% of its customers
Market-product grid A framework relating the segments of a market to products or marketing actions of the firm
Product positioning The place a product occupies in consumers minds on important features relative to competitive products
Product repositioning Changing the place a product occupies in consumers' minds relative to competitive products
Perceptual map A means of displaying the position of products or brands in consumers' minds
Consumer products Products purchased by the ultimate consumer
Business products Products organizations buy that assist directly or indirectly in providing other products for resale
Product item A specific product that has a unique brand, size or price
Product line A group of products that are closely related because they are similar in terms of consumer needs and uses, market segments, sales outlets or prices
Product mix All the products lines offered by a company
Four I's of services The four unique elements that distinguish services from goods: intangibility, inconsistency, inseparability, and inventory
Idle production capacity When the service provider is available but there is no demand for the service
New product process The seven stages an organization goes through to identify business opportunities and convert them into salable products or services.
7 stages of product process 1. New-product strategy development 2. Idea generation 3. Screening and evaluation 4. Business analysis 5. Development 6. Market Testing 7. Commercialization
Customer experience management (CEM) The process of managing the entire customer experience within the company
Product life cycle The stages a new product goes through in the market place: introduction, growth, maturity and decline
Branding An organizations use of a name, phrase, design, symbol or combination of these to identify and distinguish its products
Brand name Any word, device (design, shape, sound or color), or combination of these used to distinguish a seller's goods or services
Brand personality A set of human characteristics associated with a brand name
Brand equity The added value a brand name gives to a product beyond the functional benefits provided
Multiproduct branding A branding strategy in which a company uses one name for all its products in a product class
multibranding a branding strategy that involves giving each product a distinct name
Eight P's of services marketing Expanding the four P's framework to include productivity, people, physical environment and process
Capacity management Integrating the service component of the marketing mix with efforts to influence consumer demand
Off-peak pricing Charging different prices during different times of the day or days of the week to reflect variations in demand for the service
Value The ratio of perceived benefits to price
Profit equation Profit = total revenue - total cost
Demand curve A graph relating the quantity sold and the price, which shows how many units will be sold at a given price
Price elasticity of demand The percentage change in the quantity demanded relative to a percentage change in price
Break even analysis A technique that examines the relationship between total revenue and total cost to determine profitability at different levels of output
Pricing objectives Expectations that specify the role of price in an organizations marketing and strategic plans
price constraints Factors that limit the range of prices a firm may set
Created by: rtennyson
Popular Marketing sets




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