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Plant Kingdom Unit

Angiosperm flowering plant that produces seeds within a fruit (covered seed)
Chlorophyll green pigment captures light energy for photosynthesis
Cuticle waxy coat on leaves that prevent water loss
Cellular Respiration process by which cells use oxygen to produce energy from food
Fertilization fusing of sperm and egg inside ovule
Gymnosperm vascular seed plant whose seeds are not covered and do not produce flowers nor fruit
Germination early growth stage, "sprouting" of seed
Photosynthesis food making process
Stoma opening in leaf that allows gas exchange
Pollination transfer of pollen from male to female reproductive parts
Transpiration loss of water through stomata in leaves
Tropism movement or growth of a plant toward or away from a stimuls
What are the two stage in a plant's life cycle? sporophyte (produce spores) & gametophyte (produce sex cells)
What are the basic characteristics of plants? autotroph, eukaryote, cell wall, cuticle, muticellular, chlorophyll, reproductive cycles, photosynthesis
How are vascular and nonvascular plants different from on another? Vascular plants have tranport tubes (xylem, phloem, roots, stems & leaves). Nonvasular plants do not.
How do seedless nonvascular plants survive on land? They grow small to the ground, live in damp places, absorb water through their entire surface, & need water to reproduce.
How do seedless vascular plants survive on land? Seedless vascular plants have roots, stems, leaves, cuticles, & need water to reproduce
How are gymnosperms different from angiosperms? Gymnosperms do not have: a covering on their seeds, flowers nor fruit. Angiosperms have all of the above.
What do seeds consist of? young plant, stored food in cotyledon, seed coat*
What are the four groups of gymnosperms? gnetophytes, cycads, conifers, ginkgoes
What does the xylem do for vascular plants? supports plant and moves water and minerals
What does the phloem do for vascular plants? moves food throughout plant
What are the two types of roots? fibrous, taproot
What are the functions of roots? store food, absorb water/minerals, anchor plant
What are the two types of stems? herbaceous, woody
What are the functions of stems? transports materials, supports plant, store materials
What are the two types of leaves? simple, compound
What is the function of leaves? site of photosynthesis and captures sunlight for process
What are the reactants of photosynthesis? carbon dioxide, water, sunlight
What are the products of photosynthesis? glucose sugar, oxygen
What are the reactants of cellular respiration? glucose sugar, oxygen
What are the products of cellular respiration? carbon dioxide, water, ATP (energy)
How is cellular respiration different from photosynthesis? Cellular Respiration: releases energy, produces carbon dioxide & water, site: mitochondria
Where does photosythesis take place in the leaf? Middle of leaf (chloroplast within palisade & spongy layers)
What materials move in and out of the leaf through the somata? carong dioxide, oxygen, water
Positive Phototropism Growth of plant towards light
Positive Gravitropism Growth of plant towards gravity (roots)
Negative Gravitropism Growth of plant away from gravity (stem & leaves)
How do seedless plants reproduce? Seedless plants require water for sex cells to meet
How can seeds be dispersed (spread)? water, wind, animal
Identify the 3 methods of asexual reproduction in plants plantlets, tubers, runners
Created by: jmebuckley
Popular Biology sets




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