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Ch6 Circulatory Sys

McGraw-Hill Emergency Care 2nd Edition Ch6 part 2

Circulatory System cardiovascular and lymphatic systems
Cardiovascular System 3 main parts= heart, blood, and blood vessels
Lymphatic System lymph, lyphm nodes, lymph vessels, tonsils, splee, and the thymus gland
Great Vessels attach heart to the chest- pulmonary arteries and viens, aorta, superior and inferior vena cavae
Atria 2 upper chambers (right and left)- recieve blood from body and lungs
Ventricles 2 lower chanbers (right and left)- pump blood to lungs and body
Plasma liquid portion of blood - carries oxygen, blood cells, vitamins, proteins, glucose, and other substances
Erythrocytes 1. pick up oxygen from the lungs and transport to body tissues 2. pick up carbon dioxide from body tissues and transport it to lungs
Leukocytes white blood cells- attack and destroy germs that enter body
Platelets thrombocytes- irregular shaped blood cells that are sticky
Arteries arteries carry blood AWAY from the heart
Arterioles smallest branch of arteries
Capillaries smallest and most numerous blood vessels
Venules smallest branches of veins
Veins vessels that RETURN blood to the heart
Pulse regular expansion and recoil of an artery - movement of blood from heart
Pulses carotid, femoral, radial, brachial, posterior tibial, dorsalis pedis
Blood Pressure force exerted by blood on the inner walls of heart and arteries
Systolic Pressure pressure in artery when heart is pumping
Diastolic Pressure pressure in artery when heart is at rest
Perfusion flow of blood through an organ or part of body
Shock hypoperfusion- inadequate flow of blood through an organ or part of body
Nervous system collection of specialized cells conduct info to and from brain -voluntary/involuntary activites and higher mental function
Central Nervous System consists of brain and spinal cord
Cranium protects the brain
Foramen Magnum spinal cord and canal pass through this
Meninges covering of brain and spinal cord
Cerebrospinal Fluid clear liquid circulated continuously and acts a shock absorber
Cerebrum largest part of the human brain
Corpus Callosum thick bundle of nerve fibers and joins the 2 hemispheres
Frontal Lobe control goal oriented behavior, personality, short term memory, programming and integrationof motor skills and speech
Parietal Lobe recieves and processes info on touch, taste, pressure, pain, heat, and cold
Occiptal Lobe recieves and interperts visual info
Temporal Lobe recieve auditory signals and inerperts language. Also involved in personality, behavior, emotion, long term memory, taste, smell, and influence on balance
Cerebellum 2nd largest part of brain- controls precise movement, posture, and balance
Diencephalon between cerebrum and brainstem - contains the thalamus and hypothalamus
Thalamus relay station for impulses going to and from cerebrum
Hypothalamus control of thirst, hunger, and body temp.
Brainstem midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata - relay station for auditory and visual signals
Spinal Cord Continuous w/ medulla and center for reflex activities
Pons respiration- bridge connects parts of brain w/ other by tracts
Medulla Oblongata lowest part of brainstem- controls respiration, reflexes, coughing, sneezing, and vomiting
Peripheal Nervous System 12 pairs of cranial nerves linked directly to the brain
Spinal Nerves 31 pairs that relay impulses to and from the spinal cord - sensory, motor, and mixed nerves
Somatic Division voluntary receptors and nerves concerned w/ external enviroment
Autonomic Division involuntary recepters and nerves concerned w/ internal enviroment
Sympathetic Division mobilizes energy - fight or flight response
Parasympathetic Division conserves and restores energy
Integumentary System skin, hair, nails, sweat glands, and oil glands
Epidermis outer portion of skin
Dermis thick layer of skin below epidermis- hair follicles, sweat and oil glands, small nerve endings, and blood vessels
Subcutaneous thick and lies below the dermis- fat and insulates body from temp changes
Ingestion digestive system brings nutrients, h2o, and electrolytes into body
Digestion chemically breaks down food into smaller parts for easier absorption
Absorption moves nutrients, h2o, electrolytes into circulatory system so can be used by body cells
Defecation eliminates unabsorbed waste
Chyme partially digested food
Small Intestine 20 feet long, small diameter, 3 sections= duodenum, jejunum, ileum
Large Intestine 5 feet long. sections= cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, and anal canal
Liver largest internal organ, produces bile
Gallbladder stores bile until it's needed by small intestine
Pancreas secretes juices that contain enzymes for protein, carbohydrates, and fat digestion into small intestine
Endocrine System system of glands that secrete chemicals into circulatory system
Thyroid Gland in the neck just below the larynx, and stimulates body heat and bone growth
Parathyroid Gland behind thyroid gland and secretes hormones that maintain calcium levels
Adrenal Gland on top of each kidney and releases epinephrine and norepinephrine
Pituitary Gland deep in cranial cavity and regulates growth and controls other endocrine glands
Pineal Gland center of brain, produces melatonin, and regulates daily rhythms
Islets of Langerhans located in pancreas, alpha cells=glicagon and beta cells= insulin
Thymus Gland body's immune system
Ovaries secrete estrogen
Testes secrete testosterone
Reproductive System makes sperm or eggs that allow continuation of human species
Male Reproductive Ducts epididymis, vas deferns, ejaculatory duct, and urethra
Seminal Vesicles secrete fluid to nourish and protect sperm
Prostate Gland secretes fluid to speed sperm movement up and neutralize acidity in vagina
Penis outlet for sperm and urine
Scrotum loose sac of skin housing the testes
Ovaries almond shaped organs that produce eggs
Fallopian Tubes recieve and transport eggs to uterus after ovulation
Uterus hollow muscular organ (fertilized eggs implant and recieve nourishment until birth)
Vagina birth canal
Mammary Glands milk production after delivery of infant
Kidneys produce urine and maintain h2o balance, regulate blood pressure
Ureters tubes that drain urine from kidneys to the bladder
Urinary Bladder temporary storage for urine
Urethra canal that passes urine from bladder to outside the body
Created by: redbone7266
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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