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Adv. Biology Sem. I

Advanced Biology - Fall Semester I Test

The earth was formed as a hot mass of molten rock about ____ years ago 4.6
An atmosphere rich in hydrogen atoms and electrons while having little to no oxygen atoms Reducing atmosphere
Theory of the origin of life which proposes that life may have been put on earth by supernatural or divine forces Special creation
Theory which proposes that meteors or cosmic dust may have carried significant amounts of organic molecules to earth Panspermia
Experiment which proved that the origin of life was possible in atmosphere present on early earth Miller/Urey
Building blocks of life Amino acids
Earliest evidence of life appears in ____ Microfossils
Archaebacteria that survive in environments with little to no oxygen are said to be ____ Anaerobic
All organisms consist of one or more cells Cellular organization
All organisms responds to stimuli Sensitivity
All living things assimilate energy and use it to increase in size or number of cells Growth
All organisms undergo systematic gene-directed changes as they grow and mature Development
All living things pass their traits on from one generation to the next Reproduction
All organisms have regulatory mechanisms that coordinate internal processes Regulation
All living things maintain relatively constant internal conditions, different from their environment Homeostasis
All organisms on earth possess a genetic system based on the replication of DNA Heredity
The evolution of cells required early ____ to assemble into functional interdependent units Organic molecules
Describes the probable origin of the mitochondria and chloroplasts within cells Endosymbiotic theory
Biologists laced living organisms into six general categories called ____ Kingdoms
Theory states that all cells come from already living cells; except for the first which were generated spontaneously by early earth conditions Primary abiogenesis
Panspermia and spontaneous origin are the only ____ hypotheses of life's origin currently available Testable
Extreme halophiles and thermophiles are both types of ____. Archaebacteria
Process of producing offspring, with two copies of each chromosome by fertilization Sexual reproduction
Organisms which have a membrane-bound nucleus and organelles Eukaryotes
Second major group of bacteria with very strong cell walls and a simple gene structure Eubacteria
Chemical-concentrating bubble-like structures Protobionts
Complex, organized assemblages of molecules enclosed within membranes Cells
Most animals and plants reproduce by ____ Sexual reproduction
Meiosis involves two nuclear divisions with no ____ between them DNA replication
Chromosomes pair intimately and, during synapsis, pair together to that genetic material can be shared between them Homologous chromosomes
The adult human body is made up of roughly _____ 100 trillion cells
The second meiotic division is like a mitotic division, but results in ____ daughter cells Four nonidentical
Cell formed from the fusion of egg and sperm Zygote
Body cells Somatic cells
Stage of prophase I begins when synapsis is complete and can last for many days Pachytene
Result of meiosis I and II are ____ haploid daughter cells Four
Diakinesis is followed by what phase of meiosis? Metaphase I
Pull the homologous chromosomes apart during anaphase I Microtubules
Meiosis is a _____ process Continuous
Chromosomes condense tightly in what stage of prophase I? Leptotene
Hold homologues together during the process of crossing over Synaptonemal complex
Prophase and metaphase make up ____ of the time spent in meiosis 90%
In telophase I, the sister chromatids are not identical due to ____ Crossing over
Large protein assemblies that aid in the process of crossing over Recombination nodules
End result of meiosis is four ___ daughter cells Haploid
Sexual reproduction does not ____ chromosome number Increase
In sexual reproduction, haploid cells or organisms alternate with diploid cells or organisms Alternation of generations
X-shaped structures observed when there is a genetic transfer between homologous chromosomes Chiasma
Sexual reproduction plays a key role in generating tremendous ____ which is the raw material of evolution Genetic diversity
Fusion of gametes to produce a new cell is called ____ or syngamy Fertilization
Some forms of a character are more likely to be _____ than their alternatives Represented
Some forms of an inherited character ____ among the offspring of a cross Segregate
Heritable feature is also known as a ___ Character
Father of genetics Gregor mendel
Characteristic ratios found to exist in Mendel's offspring generations Mendelian ratios
Mendel's first law of heredity is known as ____ Law of segregation
Frequency of any particular possibility is referred to as its ___ Probability
Most characters reflect the action of ____; when multiple genes act jointly to influence a character Polygenes
Differences between humans are both inherited and affected by the ____ Environment
Abnormal gland secretion, leading to liver degeneration and lung failure Cystic fibrosis
Defective hemoglobin causing red blood cells to curve and stick together Sickle cell disease
Degeneration of nervous system, starting at middle age Huntington's disease
Extra fingers and toes Polydactyly
Inability to form blood clots Hemophilia
Inability to straighten the little finger Camptodactyly
Lack of melanin pigmentation Albinism
Presence of hair on the middle segment of fingers Middigital hair
Short fingers Brachydactyly
Wasting way of muscles during childhood Muscular dystrophy
____ dominance is when the offspring is an intermediate between both parents Incomplete
Evidence when the phenotypes is representative of both parental phenotypes Codominance
Exchange of genetic information across chromosome arms Genetic recombination
A(n) ___ allele is one which has more than one effect on the phenotype of an individual Pleiotropic
Characteristic which differs strikingly from normal organisms of the same species Mutant
Breeding experiment between two individuals that differ in two traits Dihybrid cross
Central role for chromosomes in heredity was first suggest in the 1900s by ___ Karl Correns
Collaborative effort to sequence the entire human genome Human Genome Project
Three or more genes that are located on the same chromosome Syntenic genes
One gene interferes with the expression of another Epistasis
Characteristics that can be passed only from one living thing to its young Traits
Alleles paired together for a specific trait are identical Homozygous
When one allele masks the presence of another Dominant
An allele that is masked by another Recessive
All the forms of a gene for any given trait Allele
Grid system used to determine possible genotypes of offspring Study of heredity
Physical result of a gene combination Phenotype
Genetic make-up, or combination, of an organism Genotype
Alleles paired together that are different from each other Heterozygous
22 pairs of perfectly matched chromosomes in both males and females Autosomes
A female with only one X chromosome (XO) Turner syndrome
An individual resulting from an XXY zygote Klinefelter's syndrome
Gene located on Y chromosome which plays a key role in development of male characteristics SRY
Homologues or sister chromatids fail to separate properly in meiosis Primary nondisjunction
Humans who've lost one copy of an autosome Monosomic
Inactivated X chromosomes Barr body
Individuals with an extra copy of an autosome Trisomic
Trisomy 21 Down syndrome
X and Y chromosome Sex chromosomes
The actual synthesis of DNA of E. Coli is the function of Polymerase III
The sequence of bases in a nucleic acid is usually expressed in the ___ direction 5' to 3'
First nuclear transplant from an animal to an egg that produced a normal adult was performed on a ___ Frog
___ is a complex containing catalytic subunits, proofreading subunits, and sliding clamp subunits Polymerase III
Since the first nucleotides cannot be linked in a newly synthesized strand in DNA replication, ____ is required RNA primer
Okasaki fragments are used to elongate the ____ away from the replication fork Lagging strand
In nucleic acids, the free hydroxyl group is attached to the ____ carbon of the sugar 3'
Single enzyme is specified by a single ___ Gene
Hammerling chose Acetabularia as his model organisms because it was large and _____ Differentiated
Each individual zone of a chromosome replicates as a discrete section called a(n) ____ Replication unit
Transfer of genetic material from one cell to another that can alter the genetic makeup of a recipient cell Transformation
Non-human species that is extensively studied to understand particular biological phenomenon Model organism
Virus that specifically attacks bacterial cells Bacteriophage
Units of hereditary information Genes
Created today's 3D model of a strand of DNA Watson and Crick
Dehydration bond formed between the phosphate group of one nucleotide and the hydroxyl group of another Phosphodiester bond
DNA molecule is a double helix with the strands held together by ____ Base-pairing
Guanine pairs with... Cytosine
Thymine pairs with... Adenine
In RNA, the base ____ replaces thymine Uracil
DNA replication is called ____ because half of the original duplex appears in the duplex formed in replication Semiconservative
Helix is opened and untwisted by Helicase
Each unit of nucleic acid consisting of a sugar, attached phosphate group and a base Nucleotid
Join DNA fragments to the lagging strand Ligases
DNA is made up of a phosphate group, an organic base and .... A sugar
Unwinds the double helix Helicase
Synthesizes RNA primers Primase
Synthesizes DNA DNA polymerase III
Structure formed by actively dividing strand of DNA Replication fork
Stabilizes single-stranded regions Single-stranded binding protein
Relieves torque DNA gyrase
Erases primer and fills gaps DNA polymerase I
Joins the ends of DNA segments DNA ligase
Change in the ____ of a portion of the genetic message is referred to as recombination Position
Change in the content of the genetic message - base sequence of one or more genes Mutation
All ____ begins with alterations in the genetic message Evolution
The DNA in any multicellular organism is the final result of a long series of ____ Replications
Genetic message can be altered in two broad ways: mutation and ____ Recombination
Exchange of genetic material between bacterial cells Conjugation
Encode proteins that prevent binding of cyclins Tumor-suppressor genes
____ in a chromosome have an effect on recombination Inversions
Primary effect of UV radiation is the the production of... Pyrimidine dimers
The price of smoking a pack of cigarettes is ____ hours of one's life 3.5
Slipped mispairing may cause deletions resulting in ____ Frame-shift mutations
Cells leave a tumor and spread throughout the body Metastasis
RSV is a ____ associated with chicken sarcomas Virus
___ when individual genes that may move from one place in the genome to another Transposition
Cause gene to be read in the wrong three-base groupings Frame-shift mutation
Changes in gene position affect ____ of genes Expression
Alterations that involve only one or a few base pairs in the coding sequence Point mutation
Mutations in ____ tissues are not passed from one generation to the next Somatic
Encoded protein contains large piece of meaningless information in between its actual base pairs, leaving it incapable of performing its set function Insertional inactivation
Component of sunlight which is greatly absorbed by pyrimidines Ultraviolet radiation
Double covalent bond formed between two pyrimidines Pyrimidine dimer
High energy forms of radiation Ionizing radiation
Mobile bits of DNA Transposons
Orientation of a portion of chromosome is reversed Inversion
Results when both phosphodiester bonds of DNA helix break Double-strand break
Segment of one chromosome becomes part of another chromosome Translocation
Unequal crossing over tends to cause an increase in the number of ____ of a gene Copies
Carcinomas are tumors arising from ____ Epithelial tissue
Chromosomal rearrangement may result in____ Aneuploidy
Pyrimidine dimers are Double covalent bonds
Mutations that impact evolution most occur in ____ Germ-line cells
Cluster of cells produced by uncontrolled cell division Tumor
Uncontrolled cell proliferation Cancer
Cancer causing chemicals Mutagens
Test for whether or not a specific chemical may cause cancer Ames test
Type of cancer which is responsible for the most cancer-related deaths in the US Lung cancer
Cancer-causing genes Oncogene
Protein which signals the initiation of cell division Epidermal growth factor
Work implied that the position of genes is not constant McClintock
Small, circular extra-chromosomal DNA segments Plasmids
Transfer of genes between bacteria Conjugation
Created by: SavannahElkins
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