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medical language4
Digestion System
Question | Answer |
The digestive system is also known as | gastrointestinal (GI) system |
or/o or smomat/o mean | oral cavity |
Digestion begins where | oral cavity |
Digestion is | the break down of food into small liquids |
oral means | pertaining to the oral cavity |
herpetic stomatitis | inflammation of the oral cavity caused by the herpes simplex 1 virus also know as a cold sore or fever blisters |
buccal | pertaining to a cheek |
gloss/o or lingu/o means | tongue |
glossectomy | surgical removal of the tongue |
sublingual | pertaining to under the tongue aka hypoglossal |
chemical digestion includes the secretion of | saliva HCl stands for hydrochloric acid. HCl is found in the stomach. |
gingivitis | inflammation of the gingivae (gums) |
Palat/o means | hard and soft palate the hard and soft palate are located at the roof of the oral cavity. |
palato plasy | surgical repair of the palate. |
pharyng/o means | pharynx (throat) |
pharyngitis | inflammation of the pharynx |
esophagus is the tube connecting to the | pharynx and the stomach |
esophogotomy | surgical incision of the esophagus |
gastroectomy | surgical removal of the stomach |
duoden/o | duodenum is the first section of the small intestine (small bowel) |
espohagogastroduodenoscopy EGD | viewing the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum with a lighted instrument. |
jejun/o | jejunum is the second section of the small intestine (small bowel) |
jejunojejuno anostomosis | a joining of anesection of the jejunum to another section of the jejunum. |
ile/o | ileum is the third section of the small intestine (small bowel) |
ileostomy | a new or artifical opening into the ilem |
enter/0 | small intestine or small bowel |
dysentery | a condition of painful small intestine |
cec/o | cecum is the first section of the large intestine (large bowel) |
ileocecal | pertaining to the ileum and the cecum |
append/o and appendic/o | appendix is a finger like projection off of the cecum |
appendix is located where | right lower quadrant |
appendectomy | surgical removal of the appendix |
appendicitis | inflammation of the appendix |
the asending colon | is the second section of the large intestine |
the transverse colon | is the third section of the large intestine |
the descending colon | is the fourth section of the large intestine |
sigmoid/o | sigmoid colon id the fifth section of the large intestine |
sigmoidoscopy | viewing the sigmoid colon with a lighted instrument |
rect/o | rectum is the sixth section of the large intestine |
rectocele | a herniation of the rectum |
an/o | anus is the last section of the large intestine |
anoplasty | surgical repair of the anus |
prot/o | anus and rectum |
proctologist | a specialist in the study of the anus and rectum |
col/o colon/o | colon or large bowel or large intestine |
colistis | inflammation of the colon |
colonoscopy | viewing the colon with a lighted instrument. |
hemat/o | liver |
The liver is located in the | Right upper quadrant RUG |
The liver is made up of sections called | lobes |
The liver is responsible for creating | bile |
Bile is | secreated by the liver and stored in the gall bladder. |
The function of bile is to | emulsify (emulsification) Emulsify means to break up fats. |
hepatitis | inflammation of the liver |
chole | bile or gall (way to remember it) (by golly) |
cholecyst/o | gall bladder |
The gall bladder is responsible for | storing the bile |
The gall bladder is located | inferior to the liver (below the liver) |
laparoscopic cholecystectomy | surgical removal of the gall bladder using a lighted instrument inserted through an opening in the abdomen. |
pancreat/o | pancrease |
The pancreas is located | posterior to the stomach (retro gastric) behind the stomach |
pancreas creates | enzymes that will aid in chemical digestion. |
pancreatitis | inflammation of the pancrease |
choledoch/o | common bile duct |
A duct is | a vessel |
choledocholithotripsy | crushing a stone in a bile duct. |
peritone/o or abdomin/o or lapar/o means | abdomen |
pertionitis | inflammation of the abdomen |
abdominal | pertaining to the abdomen |
laparoscope | a lighted instrument to view the abdomen |
diverticul/o | diverticulum(a) pural with adding the a |
Diverticula are | blister like lesions found in the large bowel |
diverticulosis | abnormal condition of diverticula |
diverticulitis | inflammation of the diverticula |
polyp/o | polyp |
polyp is | a premalignant lesion that can be found in the large bowel. |
polypectomy | surgical removal of a polyp. |
cholangioma | tumor or mass of a bile vessel |
cholecystitis | inflammation of the gall bladder |
choledocholithiosis | abnormal condition of stone(s) in a bile duct |
cholelithiasis | abnormal condition of a gall stone(s) |
gastritis | inflammation of the stomach |
gastroenteritis | inflammation of the stomach and the small intestine. |
gastroenterocolitis | inflammation of the stomach small intestine and colon. |
hepatoma | tumor or mass of the liver |
palatitis | inflammation of a palate |
polyposis | abnormal condition of polyp(s) |
proctoptosis | drooping or sagging of the anus and rectum aka prolapse of the anus and rectum |
abdominoplasy | surgical repair of the abdomen |
adhesion | tissue sticking together that should not be sticking together. |
GERD | GastroEspophagal Refllux Diease |
Reflux means | regurgitation |
ulcerative colitis | inflammation of the colon and the presence of ulcers |
choledocholithotomy | surgical incision of a bile to removal a stone which would be called a choledocholithectomy |
colectomy | surgical removal of the colon |
colostomy | a new opening or artifical opening in to the colon |
stoma means | a new or artifical opening |
diverticulectomy | surgical removal of a dicerticulum |
enterorrhaphy | suturing of the small intestine (bowel) |
esophagogastroplasty | surgical repair of the esophagus and stomach |
gastrojejunostomy(stoma) | a new or artifical opening of the stomach |
gingivectomy | surgical removal of a gingiva |
glossorrhapy | suturing of the tongue |
lapareotomy | surgical incision of the abdomen |
cholangiogram | a record of a bile vessel |
cholecystogram | a record of the gall bladder aka GB series |
endoscope | a lighted instrument to view within |
esophagoscope | a lighted instrument to view the espohagus |
espophagoscopy | the proess of viewing the espophagus with a lighted instrument |
gastroscope | a lighted instrument to view the stomach |
gastroscopy | the process of viewing the stomach with a lighted instrument |
proctoscope | a lighted instrument to view the anus and rectum |
proctoscopy | the process of viewing the anus and rectum with a lighted instrument |
sigmoidoscope | a lighted instrument to view the sigmoid colon. |
aphagia(g-gag) | a condition of no swallowing |
bradypepsia | a condition of slow digestion |
abdominocentesis | surgical puncture of the abdomen |
dyspepsia (dyspepsic) | a condition of difficult digestion |
dysphagia (g-gag) | a condition of difficult of painful swallowing |
dysphasia(s-speech) | a condition of difficult speech |
gastrodynia | a condition of stomach pain |
gastroenterologist | a specialist in the study of the stomach and small intestine. |
gastromalacia | a condition of softening of the stomach |
glossopathy | disease condition of the tongue |
nasogastric | pertaining to the nose and stomach |
pancreatic | pertaining to the pancreas |
peritoneal ( the captain and...) | pertaining to the peritoneum (abdomen) |
proctosigmoidoscopy | a process of viewing the anus, rectum, and sigmoid colon with a lighted instrument. |
stomatogastric | pertaining to the oral cavity and stomach |
hern/o | hernia |
hernia is | a protrusion of an organ through the muscular wall in which it is contained |
hernoirrhaphy | suturing of a hernia |
hiatal hernia | herniation of the stomach through the diaphram |
sphincter | a ring of muscles that opens and closes |
inguinal hernia | herniation of the intestine into the scrotum |
unbilical hernia | herniation of the intestine through the abdominal wall at the umbilicus aka the belly button |
strangulated hernia | the hernia occludes the blood supply to the protruding tissue |
anorexia (anorexic) | a condition of no appetite |
ulcer | an erosion (wear away) of the skin and mucous membrane |
ileus | a bowel obstruction |
Upper GI Series (UGI) means | barium swallow |
Lower GI Series means | barium enema BaE or BE |
Barium is a | radiopaque (contrast) material |
radiopaque | (contrast) material will illuminate when exposed to x-rays |
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) | process of recording the bile ducts and pancreatic ducts using x-rays and a lighted instrument. |
resection | excision |
espophageal artesia | a congenital closure of the espophagus |
endoscopic ultra sound (EUS) | process of recording the GI tract using sound and a lighted instrument |
Hemoccult, Hema-check, colo-rect, hematest, seracult, or guaiac mean | a test for occult blood in the stool |
occult means | hidden blood that cannot seen with the naked eye |
stool | semi solid waste expelled through the anus |
another medical term of stool is | fessies |
the act of exspelling feces from the body is called | defecation or BM (Bowel Movement) |
a normal BM is | Brown and formed like a baby ruth candy bar |
impaction | an acccumulation of feces in the bowel |
ascites | abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdomen |
diarrhea | loose watery stools |
constipation | difficult defecation (drink more water to help) |
obstipation | constipation caused by a bowel obstruction (ileus) |
flatus or flatulence | gas expelled through the anus |
gastric lavvage | washing out the stomach aka pumping out the stomach |
gavage | process of feeding a person through a nasogastric (NG) tube aka feeding tube. |
emesis(emetic) | pertaining to vomit(ing) |
hemoptysis | expectorating blood |
postprandial | pertaining to after meals |
peforation(perforate) | to stretch out or inflate |
Jaundice | a yellowish orangish discoloration of the skin and or sclera aka icterus (icteric) |
Jaundic (icterus) | is caused by a distruction of erythrocytes called hemolysis |
Dead, broken up erythrocytes are called | bilirubin |
hyperbilirubinemia | a blood condition of excessive bilirubin |
peristalsis (peristaltic) | pertaining to a wave like action of the bowels that propels the undigested food through the GI tract |
borborygmos | the groaning and gurgling sounds made during peristalic a activity |
colic | painful spasms of the GI tract |
Halitosis | bad breath |
eructation (eructate) | belching or burping |
melena (melanotic) | pertaining to black, tarry, pungent stools indicative of blood in the fecal matter |
pungent | a very strong aroma |
Dental caries | extreme dental (tooth) decay |
hepatomegaly | enlargement of the liver |
cirrhosis | a chronic degeneration of liver cells |
absorb (absorption) | movement of nutrients into the blood stream |
enzymes | chemical catalysts |
chemical catalysts are | chemicals that causes a reaction to occur |
N+V | nausea and vomitiong |
BS | Blood Sugar or bowel sounds or breath sounds |
IBD | inflammation bowel disease |
Peg | percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy |
TPN | total parenteral nutrition aka hyperalimentation (hyperal) |
O+P | Ova(eggs) and parasites(worms) |
PUD | peptic ulcer disease |
LFT's | liver function tests |
LFT's include | 1. SGOT aka AST 2. SGPT aka ALT 3. ALKaline phosphatase (ALK. Phos) |
SL | sublingual |
AC | before meals |
DX | diagnosis |
P.C. | after meals |
PO | by mouth |
NPO | nothing by mouth |
QD ORQD | everyday |
BID | twice a day |
TID | three times a day |
QID | four times a day |
QOD | every other day |
q | every |
qh | every hour |
q 2 h | every two hours |
a | before |
p | after |
c | with |
s | without |