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BI-117 Wideman lab 3

Anatomy & Physiology

nucleus control center of the cell; necessary for cell reproduction; site of the genetic material (genes) DNA; contains nucleoli and is bound by nuclear membrane
plasma membrane separates cell contents from the surrounding environment; double layered lipid structure that the protein molecules float in; determines which substances enter/leave the cell
chromatin threadlike form of genetic material inside the nucleus when the cell is not dividing; coils and condenses to form darkly staining rod-like bodies called chromosomes during division
nuclear membrane double layered porous membrane surrounding nucleus; similar to other cellular membranes, but has particularly large nuclear pores which permit large molecules like protein and RNA to pass easily
cytoplasm the cell contents ouside the nucleus and is the major site of most activities carried out by the cell
microvilli minute finger-like projections that greatly increase the surface of the cell
cytosol the fluid part of the cytoplasm
organelles small organs; metabolic machinery of the cell; organized to carry out specific activities for the cell as a whole
ribosomes tiny spherical bodies composed of RNA and protein; sites of protein synthesis; seen floating free or attached to a membrane structure (ER) in the cytoplasm
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranous system of tubules that extends throughout the cytoplasm; rough ER is studded with ribosomes, smooth ER - a site of steroid and lipid synthesis, lipid metabolism and drub detoxification
golgi apparatus stack of flattened sacs w. swollen ends and associated small vesicles; found close to the nucleus; plays role in packaging proteins & other substances for export from the cell or into the plasma membrane as well as packaging lysosomal enzymes
lysosomes membranous sacs containing digestive enzymes (acid hydrolases); act to digest worn-out cell oranelles and foreign substances that enter the cell; if ruptured they have the capacity to totally destroy the cell
peroxisomes small lysosome-like membranous sacs containing oxidase enzymes that detoxify alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and other harmful chemicals
mitochondria rod-shaped bodies with a double-membrane wall; inner membrane has folds (cristae); contain enzymes that oxidize foodstuffs to produce cellular energy (ATP); 'powerhouses of the cell'
centrioles paired, cylindrical bodies lie at right angles to each other, close to the nucleus; direct the formation of the mitotic spindle during cell division; form the bases of cilia and flagella
microtubules cytoskeletal element; form the the internal structure of the centrioles and help determine cell shape
microfiliments cytoskeletal element; formed largly of actin, a contractile protein; are important in cell mobility - particularly in muscle cells
interphase stage of cell life cycle; longer period when the cell grow and carries out its usual activities; genetic material (DNA) is replicated
cell division stage of cell life cycle; when the cell reproduces itself by dividing; series of events called mitosis and cytokinesis
mitosis stage of cell division; nuclear division; increase number of cells for growth and repair
cytokinesis stage of cell division; division of the cytoplasm; after mitosis is nearly complete NOTE: at times cytoplasmic division does not occur & bi or multinucleate cells are formed; common in human liver & during ebryonic development of skeletal muscle cells
prophase stage of mitosis; chromatin threads coil & shorten to form densely staining, short, bar-like chromosomes;
chromatid formed during prophase; single strand of double stranded chromosomes
centromere button-like body connecting chromatid's to form chromosome
mitotic spindle
stages of mitosis interphase early prophase late prophase metaphase anaphase telophase cytokinesis
metaphase brief stage; chromostomes align along the central plane or equator of the spindle
anaphase centromeres split and the chromatids separate from one another & move toward opposite ends of the cell with their 'arms' dangling behind; complete when poleward movement ceases
telophase chromosomes uncoil and resume the chromatin form, the spindle breaks down and disappears, a nuclear membrane forms around each chromatin mass and nucleoli appear in each daughter nuclei
cytokinesis a cleavage furrow begins to form over the equator of the spindle and eventually pinches the original cytoplasmic mass into two parts; once formed, the daughter cells grow and carry out the normal spectrum of metabolic processes
Created by: megmac
Popular Biology sets




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