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GED Language Chap 1

GED Language Chapter 1 Sentence Basics

Action Verb a verb that describes the action in a sentence (The tall man GATHERED up his coat and hat.)
Antecedent the word or words that a pronoun refers to in a sentence (Yolanda saw the BOOK and immediately bought it.)
Command a sentence that tells someone to do something; the subject is always understood to be "you" (Be at the warehouse at noon!)
Compound Subject a subject that consists of two or more simple subjects (The MANAGER and her STAFF went out to lunch.)
Compound Verb a predicate that consists of two or more verbs (James SIGNED his timecard and HANDED it in.)
Direct Address a noun set off by commas that refers to the subject in a sentence; never the subject of the sentence (JOHN, please sign here.)
Here or There Statement a sentence that starts with the word here or there; the subject comes after the verb (HERE are the order forms. THERE seems to be something wrong.)
Homonyms two or more words that sound alike but are spelled differently and have different meanings (The disk should be put back in ITS sleeve. I believe IT'S time for our lunch break.)
Linking Verb a verb that links the subject of a sentence to words that describe or rename it (The tall man SEEMS older with his hat on.)
Noun a word that labels a person, place, thing or idea (The TROLLEY in WASHINGTON, D.C. is a wonderful FORM of TRANSPORTATION on which to see the CITY.)
Plural Noun a noun that names more than one person, place, thing, or idea (TOURISTS from all over the world enjoy the narration of the tour guide.)
Possessive Noun a noun that shows possession of something; usually ends in 's (The EMPLOYEES' union voted to strike last Monday.)
Predicate the part of a sentence that tells the reader what the subject is or does (My wife's sister WON THE LOTTERY.)
Pronoun a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence (Yolanda saw the book and immediate bought IT.)
Proper Noun a noun that names a specific person, place, thing, or idea (The excitement of seeing GEORGE WASHINGTON'S house is beyond description.)
Question a sentence that asks something; at least part of the verb comes before the subject (Does Julio want the job?)
Sentence a group of words that contains a subject and a predicate and expresses a complete thought; the basic building block of clear, effective writing (My dog is my best friend.)
Sentence Fragment a group of words that does not fulfill the three requirements of a complete sentence (My wife's sister.)
Simple Subject the key word in the subject of a sentence that tells the reader whom or what the sentence is about (My wife's SISTER won the lottery.)
Subject the part of a sentence that tells the reader whom or what the sentence is about (MY WIFE'S SISTER won the lottery.)
Verb the key word in the predicate of a sentence that tells what the subject is or does (My wife's sister WON the lottery.)
Created by: pamelluna
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