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Scanning Technology

Part B: Scanning Biotechnology

What is homeostasis and what are the conditions? When the body maintains a certain range of physical/chemical conditions. (Ex: body temp, sugar levels, water, O2)
What is positive feedback? Your body's response to encourage an action
What is negative feedback? Your body's response to stop/reverse an action
What is an MRI? (Magnetic Resonance Imagining) Uses magnets and radio waves to take images of organs, inside of bones. Magnets react with hydrogen in the body along with radio waves to generate an image.
What is an ultrasound? Uses soundwaves to bounce off tissues and organs, fetus to produce an image.
What is a CT Scan? (Computed Tomography or Computer Assisted Tomography) Uses x-rays to take 3-D images of certain organs.
What is a x-ray? A type of energy wave. Can penetrate through tissues/organs but not though metal and bone.
What is cloning? The process of creating identical genetic copies of organism.
What is vegetative propagation? Cutting a piece of plant and planting it in the root.
What is reproductive cloning? Creating a genetically identical copy.
What is gene cloning? Injecting a bacteria with a gene so that the gene can be reproduced multiple times.
What is therapeutic cloning? Same as reproductive cloning except embryo is destroyed and used for its stem cells.
What are the two reproductive technologies? Artificial Insemination and In vitro Fertilization
What is Artificial Insemination? A catheter (glass tube) is placed up the female's uterus and sperm is being released.
What is In Vitro Fertilization? A sperm is injected into an ovum in a petri dish (outside the body) then incubated and placed inside a woman.
What is gene therapy? Replacing defective genes on chromosome with healthy genes.
What is xenotransplantation? Transporting animal organs to humans.
Created by: Nehilen
Popular Biology sets




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