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Medical Terms PCP310

PCP 310

1. Aberrant conduction Aberrant conduction - conduction of the electrical impulse through the heart’s conductive system in an abnormal fashion.
2. Abrasion Scraping or abrading away of the superficial layers of the skin; an open soft tissue injury.
3. Absolute refractory period The period of the cardiac cycle when stimulation will not produce any depolarization whatsoever.
4. Acquired immunity Immunity that develops over time and results from exposure to an antigen
5. Active immunity Acquired immunity that occurs following exposure to an antigen and results in the production of antibodies specific for the antigen
6. Acute arterial occlusion The sudden occlusion of arterial blood flow
7. Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Form of pulmonary edema that is caused by fluid accumulation in the interstitial space within the lungs
8. Allergen A substance capable of inducing a specific hypersensitivity. Allergens may be protein or non-protein although most are protein
9. Allergic Reaction Exaggerated response by the immune system to a foreign substance
10. Allergy A hypertensive state acquired though exposure to a particular allergen
11. Amputation Severance, removal, or detachment, either partial or complete, of a body part
12. Anaphylaxis An unusual or exaggerated allergic reaction to a foreign protein or other substance
13. Aneurysm A weakening or ballooning in the wall of a blood vessel
14. Angina pectoris Chest pain that results when the blood supply’s oxygen demands exceed the hearts
15. Angio edema Marked edema of the skin that usually involves the head, neck, and upper airway a common manifestation of severe allergic reaction and anaphylaxis
16. Anoxia The absence or near absence of oxygen
17. Antibody Principle agent of a chemical attack of an invading substance
18. Antigen Any substance that is capable under appropriate conditions of inducing specific immune response
19. Apnea Absence of breathing
20. Arrhythmia The absence of cardiac electrical activity; often used interchangeably with dysrhythmia.
21. Arteriosclerosis A thickening, loss of elasticity, and hardening of the walls of the arteries from calcium deposits.
22. Artifact Deflection on the ECG produced by factors other than the heart’s electrical activity.
23. Ascites Bulges in flanks and abdomen
24. Asphyxia A decrease in the amount of oxygen and an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide as a result of some interference with respiration
25. Atherosclerosis A progressive, degenerative disease of the medium-sized and large arteries.
26. Auscultation Listening with a stethoscope for sounds produced by the body
27. Avulsion Forceful tearing away or separation of body tissue; an avulsion may be partial or complete.
28. Babinski response Big toe dorsi flex and other toes fan out when sole is stimulated.
29. Bag-valve mask Ventilation device consisting of a self inflating bag with two one way values and a transparent plastic face mask
30. Basophil Type of white blood cell that participates in allergic responses
31. Battle’s sign Black and blue discolouration over the mastoid process.
32. Bipolar leads ECG leads apply to the arms and legs that contain two electrodes of opposite polarity (leads 1, 2, 3).
33. Blood pressure Force of blood against arterial walls
34. Bradycardia Pulse rate slower than 60 BPM
35. Bradypnea Slow breathing
36. Bruit The sound of turbulent blood flow through a vessel; usually associated with atherosclerotic disease.
37. Bundle branch block A kind of interventricular heart block in which conduction through either the right or left bundle branch is blocked or delayed.
38. Bundle of Kent An accessory AV conduction pathway that is thought to be responsible for the ECG findings of pre-excitation syndrome.
39. Capnography The measurement of exhaled carbon dioxide concentration
40. Cardiac arrest The absence of ventricular contraction.
41. Cardiac monitor Machine displays electrical activity of the heart
42. Cardiac tamponade Accumulation of excess fluid inside the pericardium.
43. Cardiogenic shock The inability of the heart to meet the metabolic needs of the body, resulting in inadequate tissue perfusion.
44. Cellular immunity Immunity resulting from a direct attack of a foreign substance by specialized cells of the immune system
45. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) A disease characterized by a decreased ability of the lungs to perform the function of ventilation.
46. Claudication Severe pain in the calf muscle due to inadequate blood supply. It typically occurs with exertion and subsides with rest.
47. Closed pneumothorax Air enters the pleural space through an opening in the pleura that covers the lung
48. Collagen Tough, strong protein that comprises most of the body’s connective tissue.
49. Co-morbidity Associated disease process.
50. Compartment syndrome Muscle ischemia that is caused by rising pressures within an anatomic fascial space.
51. Compliance The stiffness or flexibility of the lung tissue
52. Congestive heart failure (CHF) Condition in which the heart’s reduced stroke volume causes an overload of fluid in the body’s other tissues.
53. Contusion Closed wound in which the skin is unbroken, although damage has occurred to the tissue immediately beneath.
54. Cor pulmonale Hypertrophy of the right ventricle resulting from disorders of the lung
55. Crackles Light crackling and popping heard during inspiration
56. Crepitation Crunching sounds of unlubricated parts of joints rubbing against each other.
57. Crepitus Crackling sounds
58. Crush injury Mechanism of injury in which tissue is locally compressed by high-pressure forces.
59. Crush syndrome Systemic disorder of severe metabolic disturbances resulting from the crush of a limb or other body part.
60. Cullen’s sign Discolouration around the umbilicus
61. CVD (Cardiovascular disease) Disease affecting the heart, peripheral blood vessels or both.
62. Cyanosis Bluish discolouration of the skin due to significantly reduced hemoglobin in the blood. The condition is directly related to poor ventilation
63. Decerebrate Arms and legs extended
64. Decorticate Arms flexed and legs flexed
65. Deep venous thrombosis A blood clot in the vein
66. Defibrillation The process of passing an electrical current through a fibrillating heart to depolarize a critical mass of myocardial cells. This allows them to depolarize uniformly, resulting in an organized rhythm.
67. Degloving injury Avulsion in which the mechanism of injury tears the skin off the underlying muscle, tissue, blood vessels, and bone.
68. Delayed hypersensitivity reaction It takes place after the elapse of some time following re-exposure to an antigen. Delayed hypersensitivity reactions are usually less severe than immediate reactions
69. Diaphoresis Sweatiness
70. Diastolic blood pressure Force of blood when heart is relaxed
71. Diffusion The movement of molecules through a membrane from an area of greater concentration to an area of lesser concentration
72. Dissecting aortic aneurysm Aneurysm caused when blood gets between and separates the layers of the aortic wall.
73. Down time Duration from the beginning of the cardiac arrest until effective CPR is established.
74. Dyspnea Difficult or laboured breathing; a sensation of “shortness of breath”
75. Dysrhythmias Any deviation from the normal electrical rhythm of the heart
76. Ecchymosis Blue black discolouration of the skin due to leakage of blood into the tissues
77. Ectopic beat Cardiac depolarization resulting from depolarization of ectopic focus.
78. Ectopic focus Non-pacemaker heart cell that automatically depolarizes; pl. ectopic foci.
79. Electrocardiogram The graphic recording of the heart’s electrical activity. It may be displayed either on paper or on an oscilloscope.
80. Epithelialization Early stage of wound healing in which epithelial cells migrate over the surface of the wound.
81. Erythema General reddening of the skin due to dilation of the superficial capillaries.
82. Extubation Removing a tube from a body opening
83. Fibroblasts Specialized cells that form collagen.
84. Flail chest 3 or more ribs fractured in two or more places, creating an unattached rib segment
85. Gangrene Death of tissue or bone, usually from an insufficient blood supply; deep space infection usually caused by the anaerobic bacterium
86. Glucometer Tool used to measure BGL
87. Granulocytes White blood cells charged with the primary purpose of neutralizing foreign bacteria.
88. Grey-Turner’s sign Discolouration over the flanks suggesting intra-abdominal bleeding.
89. Hematoma Collection of blood beneath the skin or trapped within a body compartment.
90. Hemoglobin The transport protein that carries oxygen in the blood
91. Hemopneumothorax Condition where air and blood are in the pleural space.
92. Hemoptysis Coughing of blood that has origin in the respiratory tract.
93. Hemostasis The body’s natural ability to stop bleeding, the ability to clot blood.
94. Hemothorax Blood within the pleural space.
95. Histamine A product of mast cells and basophils that cause vasodilation, capillary permeability, bronchoconstriction and contraction of the gut
96. Humoral immunity Immunity resulting from attack of an invading substance by antibodies
97. Hymenoptera Any of an order of highly specialized insects such as bees and wasps
98. Hypersensitivity An unexpected and exaggerated reaction to a particular antigen it is used synonymously with term allergy
99. Hypertension Blood pressure higher than normal
100. Hypertensive emergency An acute elevation of blood pressure that requires the blood pressure to be lowered within one hour; characterized by end-organ changes, such as hypertensive encephalopathy, renal failure, or boldness.
101. Hypertensive encephalopathy A cerebral disorder of hypertension indicated by severe headache, nausea, vomiting, and altered mental status. Neurological symptoms may include blindness, muscle, twitches, inability to speak, weakness, and paralysis.
102. Hyperthermia Increased in body’s core temperature
103. Hypotension Blood pressure lower than normal
104. Hypothermia Decrease in body’s core temperature
105. Hypoxia State in which insufficient oxygen is available to meet the oxygen requirements of the cells
106. Immediate hypertensive immune reaction A reaction that occurs swiftly following re-exposure to an antigen. Immediate hypersensitivity reactions are usually more severe than delayed reactions. The swiftest and most severe of such reactions is anaphylaxis
107. Immune Response Complex cascade of events within the body that woks towards the destruction or inactivation of pathogens, abnormal cells, or foreign molecules
108. Immune System The body system responsible for combating infection
109. Incision Very smooth or surgical laceration, frequently caused by a knife, scalpel, razor blade, or piece of glass.
110. Induced active immunity Immunity achieved through vaccination given to generate an immune response that results in the development of antibodies specific for the injected antigen, also called artificially acquired immunity
111. Inflammation Complex process of local cellular and biochemical changes as a consequence of injury or infection; an early stage of healing.
112. Inspection The process of informed observation.
113. Keloid A formation resulting from overproduction of scar tissue.
114. Korotkoff sounds Sounds of blood hitting arterial walls
115. Laceration An open wound, normally a tear with jagged borders.
116. Lesion Any disruption on normal tissue
117. Lymphangitis Inflammation of the lymph channels, usually as a result of a distal infection.
118. Macrophage Immune system cell that has the ability to recognize and ingest foreign antibodies.
119. Mast cells Specialized cell of immune system that contains chemicals that assist in the immune response
120. Myocardial infarction (MI) Death and subsequent necrosis of the heart muscle caused by inadequate blood supply; also acute myocardial infarction. (AMI).
121. Nasal cannula Catheter placed at nares
122. Nasal flaring Excessive widening of the nares with respiration
123. Nasopharyngeal airway Uncuffed tube that allows a nature curvature of the nasal pharynx, passing through the nose and extending from the nostril to the posterior pharynx
124. Natural immunity Genetically pre-determined immunity that is present at birth, also called innate immunity
125. Naturally acquired immunity Immunity that begins to develop after birth and is continually enhanced by exposures to new pathogens and antigens throughout life
126. Necrosis Tissue death, usually from ischemia.
127. Neovascularization New growth of capillaries in response to healing.
128. Non-compensatory pause Pause following an ectopic beat when the SA node is depolarized and the underlying cadence of the heart is interrupted.
129. Normal sinus rhythm The normal heart rate rhythm.
130. Open pneumothorax Air enters the pleural space through an injury to the chest wall.
131. Oropharyngeal airway Semi circular device that follows the palates curvature.
132. Orthopnea Dyspnea while lying supine
133. Pallor Paleness
134. Palpation Using your sense of touch to gather info
135. Paradoxical breathing Asymmetrical chest wall movement that lessens respiratory efficiency
136. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea Short attacks of dyspnea that occur at night and interrupt sleep
137. Passive immunity Acquired immunity that results from administration of antibodies either from the mother to the infant across the placenta barrier (natural passive immunity) or through vaccination (induced passive immunity)
138. Pathogen A disease-producing agent or substance
139. Percussion The production of sound waves by striking one object against another
140. Perfusion Blood movement through and organ or tissue
141. Pericardial Tamponade A restriction to cardiac filling caused by blood (or other fluid) within the pericardial sac.
142. Pericardium Area of the chest wall overlying the heart.
143. Periorbital ecchymosis Black and blue discolouration surrounding the eye sockets.
144. Phagocytosis Process in which a cell surrounds and absorbs a bacterium or other particle.
145. Pleural friction rub Squeaking of pleural linings
146. Pneumothorax Air in the pleural space.
147. Polycythemia An excess of red blood cells
148. Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) A method of holding the alveoli open by increasing expiratory pressure. Some bag-valve units used in EMS have PEEP attachments. Also, EMS personnel sometimes transport patients who are on ventilators with PEEP attachments
149. Primary response Initial, generalized response to an antigen
150. Prinzmetal’s angina Variant of angina pectoris caused by vasospasm of the coronary arteries, not blockage per se; also called vasospastic angina or atypical angina.
151. Pulmonary embolism (PE) Blood clot in one of the pulmonary arteries.
152. Pulse Oximetry A measurement of hemoglobin oxygen saturation in the peripheral tissues
153. Pulse pressure Difference between systolic and diastolic pressures
154. Pulse quality Strength which can be weak strong thready or bounding
155. Pulse rate Number of pulses felt in one minute
156. Pulse rhythm Pattern and equality of intervals between beats.
157. Pulsus alternans Alternating amplitude of the P, QRS, and T waves on the ECG rhythm strip as the heart swings in a pendulum-like fashion within the pericardial sac during tamponade.
158. Pulsus Paradoxus Drop of greater than 10 mmHg in the systolic blood pressure during the inspiratory phase of respiration that occurs in patients with pericardial tamponade.
159. Puncture Specific soft-tissue injury involving a deep, narrow wound to the skin and underlying organs that carries an increased danger of infection.
160. QT interval Period from the beginning of the QRS to the end of the T wave.
161. Refractory period The period of time when myocardial cell have not yet completely repolarized and cannot be stimulated again.
162. Relative refractory period The period of the cardiac cycle when a sufficiently strong stimulus may produce depolarization.
163. Remodeling Stage in the wound healing process in which collagen is broken down and re-laid in an orderly fashion.
164. Respiration The exchange of gases between a living organism and its environment
165. Respiratory effort How hard the pt. works to breath
166. Respiratory rate Number of times pt. breaths in a minute
167. Resuscitation Provision of efforts to return a spontaneous pulse and breathing.
168. Return of spontaneous circulation Resuscitation results in the patient’s having a spontaneous pulse.
169. Rhabdomyolysis Acute disease that involves the destruction of skeletal muscle.
170. Rhonchi Continuous sounds with a lower pitch (snoring quality)
171. Secondary response Response by the immune system that takes place if the body is exposed to the same antigen again; in secondary response, antibodies specific for the offending antigen is released
172. Semi-Fowler’s position Sitting up at 45 degrees
173. Sensitization Initial exposure of a person to an antigen that results in an immune response
174. Sphygmomanometer Blood pressure measuring device
175. Spontaneous Pneumothorax A pneumothorax (collection of air in the pleural space) that occurs spontaneously, in the absence of blunt or penetrating trauma
176. Stridor Inspiratory wheeze associated with laryngeal obstruction
177. Subcutaneous emphysema Presence of air in the subcutaneous tissue
178. Sudden death Death within one hour after the onset of symptoms.
179. Synchronized cardioversion The passage of an electric current through the heart during a specific part of the cardiac cycle to terminate certain kinds of dysrhythmias.
180. Systolic blood pressure Force of blood when ventricle contract
181. Tachycardia A heart rate of more than 100 bpm.
182. Tachypnea Fast breathing
183. Tension lines Natural patterns in the surface of the skin revealing tensions within.
184. Tension Pneumothorax Develops when air in the pleural space cannot escape, causing a buildup of pressure and collapse of the lung.
185. Tidal volume Amount of air move in and out of lungs in one breath
186. Toxin Any poisonous chemical secreted by bacteria or released following destruction of bacteria
187. Tracheal deviation Any position of the trachea other then midline
188. Tracheal tugging Retraction of the tissues of the neck due to airway obstruction or dyspnea
189. Tracheobronchial Tree The structures of the trachea and the bronchi.
190. Transmural infarction Myocardial infarction that affects the full thickness of the myocardium and almost always results in a pathological Q wave in the affected leads.
191. Turgor Normal tension of skin
192. Upper Airway Obstruction An interference with air movement through the upper airway
193. Urticaria The raised areas of wheals, that occur on the skin associated with vasodilation due to histamine release commonly called hives
194. Varicose veins Dilated superficial veins, usually in the lower extremity.
195. Vasculitis Inflammation of blood vessels.
196. Ventilation The mechanical process of moving air in and out of the lungs
197. Venturi Mask High flow mask that uses a venture system to deliver relatively precise oxygen flow
198. Wheezes Continuous musical sounds
Created by: SeanMcGee
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