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CH. 7

Skin Structure, Growth, & Nutrition CH. 7 flashcards

A physician who specializes in diseases and disorder of the skin, hair, and nails is a dermatologist.
Healthy skin has a fine-grained texture and is smooth.
Appendages of the skin include hair, nails, and sudoriferous and sebaceous glands.
The epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous correctly identifies the layers of skin and fat from the outermost layer to the innermost layer.
As cells die they are pushed to the surface to replace dead cells that are shed from the stratum corneum.
The layer directly beneath the epidermis is the papillary layer.
Subcutaneous tissue gives smoothness and counter to the body, contains fats for use as energy, and also acts as a protective cushion for the skin.
Motor nerve fibers are distributed to the arrector pili muscles attached to the hair follicles.
Nerves that regulate the excretion of perspiration from the sudoriferous glands and control the flow of sebum to the surface of the skin are secretory nerve fibers.
Sensory nerve fibers react to heat, cold, touch, pressure, and pain.
The amounts and type pf pigment produced in an individual is determined by his or her genes.
Skin gets its strength, form, and flexibility from collagen and elastin.
The sudoriferous glands excrete perspiration, detoxify the body, and regulate the overall function of your cells.
To keep your body healthy, you must be sure that what you eat helps to regulate the overall function of your cells.
Vitamin C aids in and accelerates the skin's healing processes and is vitally important in fighting the aging process.
The epidermis is the thinnest layer of the skin.
The scalp has larger and deeper hair follicles than the skin in the rest of the body.
During excretion, perspiration from the sudoriferous glands is excreted through the skin.
One of the best ways to follow a healthy diet is to read food labels.
Emotional stress and hormone imbalances can increase the flow pf sebum.
The nutrient needed for energy to run every function within the body is carbohydrates.
The USDA recommends that people eat moderate amounts of salt and sugar.
Vitamins are considered nutritional supplements.
Water makes up 50-70 percent of the body's weight and is necessary for virtually every function of the cells and body.
Lack of water is the principal cause of daytime fatigue.
Small, cone-shaped elevations at the base of the hair follicles are dermal papillae.
The layer of the epidermis where the process of skin cell shedding begins is the stratum spinosum.
The coiled base of the sudoriferous gland is known as the secretory coil.
A small elevation on the skin that contains no fluid but may develop pus is a papule.
Fatty tissue found bellow the dermis is subcutaneous tissue.
A raised, inflamed papule with a white or yellow center containing pus in the top of the lesion is a pustule.
The outer layer of the epidermis is the stratum corneum layer.
The clear, transparent layer of the epidermis under the stratum corneum is the stratum lucidum.
A fatty or oily secretion that lubricates the skin and preserves the softness of the hair is sebum.
The layer of the epidermis also known as the basal cell layer is the stratum germinativum.
Created by: Kiwis
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