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BSCI 337 Orders

collembola - springtails - mostly in leaf litter but also tidepools, freshwater, caves, canopies, and glaciers - they "spring: around, fast moving - diverse diets
protura - <2mm - eyeless, no antennae, slow - first pair of legs used as antennae - in leaf litter and rotting wood
diplura - eyeless, have antennae, fast - in leaf litter - visible cerci: short/long
archaeognatha - jumping bristletails - long antennae, large - leglike maxillary pals - most abdominal segments with styli - pair of long cerci, even longer median caudal filament - HUGE compound eyes that touch - jumps frequently
zygentoma - silverfish - superficially similar to archaeognatha - long antennae, 3 long terminal abdominal styli - flatter, lack huge eyes, smaller maxillary palps, avg. abdominal styli (7-9 segs) - ancestrally wingless - leaf litter
ephemeroptera - mayflies - wings, soft-body, short-lived adults - aqua immatures (nymphs/niads) - nymphs: 3 vis long end append. + plate-like lateral abd tracheal gills (gas E) - adults: reduced mouth + degen. digestive tract - big comp eyes - can emerge @ once
odonata - dragonflies + damselflies - adult: powerful fliers - large comp eyes - secondary male genital: sperm storage, penis-like on 3rd seg on abd - primary mal genital = genopore - sperm extruded on 9th abd seg - nymphs aquatic + voracious predators
zoraptera - <3mm - under bark, leaf litter - social but not division of labor - 40 spp known: small order
dermaptera - earwings - flat - short, hard forewings (tegmina) - rarely fly (many w/out wings) - cerci at tip of abd: typically hard forceps, mating + fighting - some maternal care
plecoptera - stoneflies - virtually all terrestrial adults (close to water) - aqua nymphs: cold, O2 rich water - long antennae - huge comp eyes - adults and nymphs usually vis pair of cerci at abd tip
orthoptera - grasshoppers and allies - typically vis chewing mouthparts - well-devel hind legs mod for jumping - many rub body parts together to produce sound for comm
mantophasmatodea - now known only from S. Africa - tiny order
grylloblattodea - ice crawlers - small order - very narrow niche --> climate change threat - cool/cold, stable temps + high humidity; mtn + high alpine regions, edge of glaciers
embioptera - web spinners - tropical - wingless females v. wing/wingless males - large silk glands in foreleg tarsi --> make galleries, form colonies w/in - male: short-lived, don't eat --> use mandibles to grasp female prior to sex; may get consumed after sex
phasmatodea - stick/leaf bugs - impressive camouflage - some eggs mimic seeds, brought back by ants - capitulum (egg) mimics elaiosome (seed ) - wingless/reduced wings - asexual reproduction common
mantodea - mantids - special predators: well-devel raptorial forelegs capture prey - long prothorax: triangular, mobile head with big comp eyes - reduced/no wings --> if preset, forewings = hard tegmina - camouflage - nymphs resemble ants
blattodea - roaches + termites - roach diversity in tropical forest - termites have sterile castes (workers and soldiers) of both sexes - termites eat wood, rely on gut microbes for cellulose digest
psocodea - bark + true lice - bark lice eat algae, fungi, and lichens - bark lice reduced/no wings - true lice flat, reduced/no eyes - true lice are ectoparasites: in host's skin/coats
hemiptera - super diverse - basal portion of forewings thicker than membranous distal portion - sucking mouthparts: sap, blood, fungi, other bugs
thysanoptera - thrips - tiny - wings narrow with fringe hairs - reduced right mandible - piercing and sucking mouthparts - life cycle had complete + incomplete metamorphosis - some highly social - many haplodiploid sex determination
hymenoptera - ants, bees, wasps - feed on plants, predators, parasitoids - most bees + some wasps pollinate flowers - many ants have diverse mutual relationship with plants and other bug - many are solitary but several have complex social behavior - haplodiploid
raphidioptera - snakeflies - N. Hemisphere only - adults and larvae feed largely on tiny, soft-bodied arthropods (aphids) - run on vegetation rather than fly
megaloptera - dobsonflies, fishflies, alderflies - predacious aqua larvae w/ lateral abd tracheal gills - close to water - <10 cm
neuroptera - lacewings, antlions - green lacewing larvae: feed on aphids and relatives - often used as biocontrols - larvae camouflage themselves with debris
strepsiptera - endoparasites on wasps, bees, etc. - highly mod morphology and life - larvae and larviform females are endoparasites --> lack wings, distinct legs, antennae, and eyes --> forewings highly reduced (function like halteres)
coleoptera - beetles - most diverse - hardened forewings (elytra) - flight powered by hind wings - many phytophagous (feeds on plants)
trichoptera - caddisflies - aqua larvae --> build protective cases with their silk + materials from env - wings of adults densely covered with hairs (homo to lepidopteran wing scales) --> held tentlike over abd - long antennae
lepidoptera - moths and butterflies - wings covered with scales - tubular mouth parts - wide size range (3mm - 30 cm)
siphonaptera - fleas - small, wingless ectoparasites - specialized for mammal and bird hosts - short antennae - hindlegs mod for jumping - laterally compressed body - piercing, sucking mouthparts - larvae lack legs and eyes
mecoptera - scorpion flies - genital seg of male resembles scorpion sting - typically narrow beak or snout
diptera - flies - hind wings reduced --> stubby, halteres --> direct + stabilize flight - sucking mouthparts varied legless larvae
Created by: coletty218
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