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Ch. 6B Flashcards

Flashcards to review for Quiz Ch. 6B

Give examples of virus caused diseases. flu, chicken pox, warts, AIDS, rabies, cold sores, mumps, measles, hepatitis, polio
Disease causing agent that does not reproduce on its own. The cell which it infects reproduces it. virus
nucleic acid surrounded by a protein coat virus
Which are smaller, bacteria or viruses? viruses
injection of a harmless form of a virus to stimulate the body to form antibodies vaccination
type of virus that remains inactive for a period of time before becoming active latent
How are viruses reproduced? Infected cells reproduce them
The two substances that make up a virus nucleic acid and protein
The protein coat of a virus capsid
How do newly made viruses spread to infect other cells? They burst or destroy the cell that made them.
Why do many scientists not consider viruses as living organisms? They have no cytosol, organelles or cell membrane and no ability to reproduce on their own.
Some scientists are investigating what possible means of replacing defective genes? using viruses to insert correct DNA
Three means of fighting viral infections Good hygiene, healthy living habits, vaccination
What are two examples of good hygiene that help prevent the spread of viruses? Washing hands often and thoroughly, covering the mouth when sneezing or coughing
What are two examples of healthy living that help prevent getting sick from a virus? Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly
What does a virus use to control the cell it infects? Its nucleic acid that it injects into the cell
What is kind of procedure would involve replacing mutations with the correct DNA carried by a virus? Gene therapy
Why won't antibiotics work against a virus? It is not alive
What does your body use to fight a virus? antibodies
What viral disease against which we have been immunized would attack the brain and spinal cord and cause paralysis? polio
What viral disease affects the immune system that fights against disease? AIDS caused by HIV
What viral disease against which we have been immunized causes high fever and sometimes death in children younger than 5? Measles
What viral disease that has been eradicated used to be disfiguring or even deadly? smallpox
a viral infection that is most commonly transmitted to humans by the bite or saliva of an infected animal rabies
What viral disease caused by a blood borne pathogen affects the liver? hepatitis
What is the disease that we call the flu? influenza
What does a virus do after it attaches to a cell? Injects its DNA
What is used by a virus to produce more viruses? The machinery (nucleus and ribosomes) of a cell
If a virus is not a latent virus it is considered to be ________. active
After an infected cell makes many viruses what happens to the cell? It burst releasing viruses to infect other cells
bacterial skin disease that can be curable if caught early leprosy
Also called Pertussis caused by bacteria that leads to severe and uncontrollable coughing especially serious for babies
bacterial disease also called lockjaw involves severe spasms and tightness of muscles
bacterial disease that is contagious and spreads through coughing affects the lining of the lungs
result of toxins produced by bacterial contamination food poisoning
Created by: Mr.JFoster
Popular Biology sets




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