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Bio - Reproduction

Bio Reproduction Test Review Sheet

Asexual Reproduction One parent, identical offspring
Sexual Reproduction Two parents, offspring has both parent's DNA
Mitosis Used for growth, repair, and development, two diploid cells, two daughter cells
Meiosis Makes sperm and egg, half the number of chromosomes, haploid cells
Sporulation Releases spores, asexual reproduction, identical
Regeneration Organs can grow back
Vegetative Propagation Plant reproduction that is asexual, identical
Binary Fission Splitting of a cell into two, asexual reproduction, identical
Budding New individual buds off of an animal
Cancer An uncontrollable growth of cells, mitotic
Diploid 2n cells that contain double the amount of chromosomes
Haploid n cells that contain half the amount of chromosomes
Gamete Sperm and egg created through meiosis, sex cells, produce hormones
Gonad Ovary and teste
Gametogenesis Process of making sex cells
Spermatogenesis Process of making sperm cells, makes four cells
Oogenesis Process of making egg cells, makes one egg and three polar bodies
Polar Bodies Cells made in oogenesis that are not used in reproduction
Cell Plate Created during cytokineses in plants to separate cells
Cleavage Furrow Created during cytokineses in animals to separate cells
Uterus Organ where the fetus develops
Cervix Muscle that holds fetus in
Vagina/Birth Canal Passageway that receives sperm from the male and the passageway that a baby must go through to be born
Fallopian Tubes (Oviduct) Leads the egg from the ovaries to the uterus
Fertilization Sperm and egg meet, the cell starts to divide by mitosis
Menstruation Prepares the female for pregnancy
Ovulation Egg is released from the ovary
Follicle Stage Egg matures in a follicle in the ovary
Hermaphrodite Contains both sets of reproductive organs
Parthenogenesis Females produce eggs that develop without being fertilized
Differentiation Cell undergoes mitosis and becomes specialized for function
Gastrulation When three cell layers of the embryo occur
Internal Development Fetus develops inside of the body
Internal Fertilization Eggs get fertilized inside of the body
External Development Fetus develops outside of the body
External Fertilization Eggs get fertilized outside of the body
Placenta Connection between the mother and embryo that allows for the diffusion of nutrients and gasses
Pollination When the sperm from one flower gets placed on the stigma of a flower
Urethra Transports urine out of the body in males and females, transports sperm
Testes Male gonad that makes sperm and testosterone
Pituitary Gland Controls the other endocrine glands
Scrotum Sac that hold the testes outside of the body
Glands Group of cells that make special chemical for the body
Yolk Nutrient rich food supply
Estrogen Released by ovaries to stimulate lining of uterus to thicken
Progesterone Released by ovaries to stimulate lining of uterus to thicken
Cotyledons Provides nutrients for the seed
Flower Site of fertilization and gamete formation in plants
Fruit Ripened ovary
Pistil Contains the style, stigma and ovary in plants, female reproductive organ
Stamen Male reproductive organ in plants, contains filament, anther, and pollen
Identical Twins Zygote splits into two and produces two identical zygotes
Fraternal Twins Two eggs are both fertilized by separate sperm (no more alike than any other sibling)
Marsupials Born very young and complete development in pouches
Self Pollination The flower contains both pistil and stamen
Cross Pollination The flower has either a pistil or a stamen
The steps of zygote development Fertilization, differentiation, cleavage, growth
The steps of the menstrual cycle Follicle stage, ovulation, luteal phase, menstruation
Created by: 28lins
Popular Biology sets




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