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envs 101 exam 2 review

where is the water? primarily in oceans, small amount in atmosphere, small amount is freshwater of freshwater, most is frozen, then groundwater, very little is actually reachable
embedded water water used to create products, farm food, etc
riparian rivers
lacustrine lakes, ponds
oxygen levels anoxic, hypoxic, hyperoxic
autocthonous nutrients generated within the system
allochtthonous nutrients from outside the system
groundwater dependent ecosystems contain stygobites creates which live exclusively in the groundwater
lentic ecosystems still water
lotic ecosystems flowing water
littoral zone shallow water near the shore, diverse
pelagic zone photic and aphotic zones away from shore, defined by light
wetlands seasonal or permanent water saturation varieties: swamps, fens, bogs, marshes, salt marshes, mangrove swamps, estuaries, deltas
aquifer recharge rate about 1000 years
Ogallala aquifer provides water for 80% of residents in 8 states 100 ft has been drained only gains back 0.02-6 inches of water a year
subsidence overpumping of aquifers causing collapse of land, sinking, or tilt
human impacts on hydrosphere impermeable surfaces, drainage, infiltration, use of dams, reservoirs, canals, pipelines, pollution, eutrophication, lake drainage
nonpoint pollution cannot identify the source ie rainfall, snowfall picking up a bunch of random things
point source pollution source of pollutant is identifiable - ie a factory
Safe Water Drinking Act sets maximum levels for contaminants in drinking water establishes BAT standards for pollution control
Clean Water Act prohibits the pollution of surface water - need permits to discharge from point pollution
eutrophication high levels of nutrients, low levels of oxygen, kills fish
mesotrophic moderate nutrients and oxygen levels, modest food web
oligotrophic low nutrient levels, high oxygen, complex food webs
Antarctic Ice Sheet 5.4 million square miles, which, if melted, would raise ocean by 200 feet
headwaters upward zone of accumulation in a watershed
transfer zones lower zones in a watershed where the are streams, rivers, and tributaries
depositional zone where the river valley opens into flood plains
upwelling upward flow of deep water, which brings up nutrients, which is good for primary productivity and fish populations
downwelling downward flow of surface water, which brings down oxygen
Created by: mcarson29
Popular Ecology sets




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