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Dentistry Test 1

The correct way to hold a dental instrument is referred to as the modified pen grasp
What is the main purpose of the fulcrum to steady the instrument to avoid slippage
you must always have a steady ____ ____, which ideally should be on a tooth in the same quadrant you are working on fulcrum finger
All strokes should be ___ from the gingiva away
What are the 4 ways to take care of dental instruments normal use of instrument regular and ultrasonic cleaning sharpening autoclave
normal use of instrument entails regular use during prophy; sharpen as needed can just use a gauze square to clean off the end of the instrument
regular and ultrasonic cleaning entails scrub with chlorhexidine solution and toothbrush ultrasonic clean the same as surgical instruments but no milk
sharpening entails sharpening after cleaning guarantees the sharpening stones will not become contaminated any oil or shavings must be removed
autoclave entails the group that requires the instruments needs to make sure that they are autoclaved
how do you know when to sharpen dental instruments you have to be using the instrument correctly to evaluate this accurately. is it "grabbing" correctly can use acrylic test stick. Visually inspect it
What is used to restore the cutting surface without changing the original shape of the instrument sharpening stones
what sharpening stone is used at UGRC Arkansas stone with mineral oil
Why do we polish teeth to smooth out the thousands of microscopic grooves left in the tooth after the cleaning procedure making it more difficult for the reaccumulating of plaque. also removes any plaque that is left on the tooth after scaling
how much pressure should be used on the polisher enough to flare the prophy cup
how long should you polish each tooth max 5secs
if polished for more than 5 seconds what happens can cause tremendous heat build up which can permanently damage the tooth
where should you polish the complete crown of the tooth as well as down into the gingival sulcus
what is a water pik used for rinse the gingival sulcus with chlorhexidine solution after a complete prophylaxis
what can you use instead of a water pik syringe and small gauge IV catheter
how many measurements should be taken when probing. what unit is it measured in 4-6 in different spots measured in mm
what is the common sulcus depth of a dog 3mm or less
what is the common sulcus depth of a cat 1mm or less
what is the most common or widely used charting system Triadan System
what does the first number of the triadan system indicate the quadrant of the tooth and whether it is permanent or deciduous
what does the 2 and 3 number of the triadan system indicate the exact tooth and location
what teeth are cats missing upper 1st premolar and lower 1st and 2nd premolars
what is the 2nd most popular system used anatomical system
primary teeth in the anatomical system are denoted with lower case letters
The anatomical system works well ____ but does not ___ well verbally visually communicate
anatomical system is difficult to use with ___ ___ computerized records
sonic and ultrasonic scalers allow ___ and __ removal of calculus with the use of ____ rapid easy vibrations
what is the reasons for the water stream on mechanical scalers enhances the vibrations cool the scaler and the tooth flushes away debris for better visualization
ultrasonic cleaners available are either ___ or ___ and both use energy in the form of __ ___ ___ magnetostrictive Piezolelectric high frequency vibrations
Magnetostrictive consists of a ___ control unit, an ultrasonic handpiece and an ultrasonic ___ power insert
the magnetostrictive stack is made up of a group of ___ ___ metal strips
the magnetostrictive scaler vibrates to the tip like a ____ jackhammer
you should only use the ___ of the magnetostritive scaler since the tip can gouge the enamel side
heat build up of the tooth can cause pulpitis
how does the piezoelectric scaler work converts alternating current through a piezoelectric crystal
how does the tip of a piezoelectric scaler vibrate in a linear motion
what scaler is the least traumatic and why piezoelectric because of their cool operation and linear vibration
how does the magnetostrictive scaler work the magnetic field produced by the coil causes the metal strips in the stack to vibrate
how does the sonic scaler run by compressed air
how are vibrations produced in a sonic scaler by air passing through a metal rotor in the hand piece
true or false sonic scaler vibrate like a jackhammer true
what scaler is considered the least efficient and why sonic scaler- delicate and expensive to repair
use only ___ or ___ tap water for scalers distilled filtered
what scaler consist of a power box with speed controls, a foot activated switch and a slow speed hand piece containing a micro-motor. motor in hand piece is capable of rotating in either direction electric driver
when working within __ meter of the patient you should wear ___, safety ___ and ___ in order to be protected from the contamination 1 mask glasses gloves
the water spray may only be used ___ the gum line above
what are the 3 benefits of a fluoride treatment desensitizing exposed dentin strengthens tooth enamel and remineralizes it some antibacterial action which prevents the build up of plaque for some time
fluoride treatment must be applied on ___ teeth to be effective dry
how long does the fluoride gel remain on the teeth 1-4mins
how do you remove fluoride treatment remove any excess with a clean gauze square
what is the most common fluoride treatment 0.4% stannous fluoride
UGRC has a fixed setting of ___ KVP and ___ ma 70 7
what contains the electrical circuitry that automatically compensates for any fluctuations in line voltage and controls KVP and exposure time the master control
what contains all the switches, dials and indicator lights necessary to control and verify exposures the control panel
exposure time selector which selects the exposure time in ___ second pulses in ___ settings from 3-99 1/60th 29
remote station exposure switch is a ___ ___ switch on a 12ft cord dead man
what rotates on a suspension arm and can rotate both vertically and horizontally tube head
what establishes the distance to the patients head and assists in positioning the tube head at the correct angle cone
what cone length is used for bisecting angle technique short 8"
what cone length is used for parallel technique long 12" focal length
Created by: SelinaW
Popular Dentistry sets




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