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2001 Midterm

study guide

1) In every day conversation, secondary xylem is referred to as _______________. The main function of xylem is to conduct _______________ in an upward direction from roots. heartwood; carbohydrates and water
2) A/n _______________ is the point of leaf attachment. If one leaf occurs at this point, the leaf arrangement is _______________. If two leaves occur at this point, the leaf arrangement is _____________. (What about more than two leaves?) node; alternate; opposite; whorled
3) A seed cone that is sealed with resin, opening only after heat from fire melts the resin, is a/n _______________ cone. Sand pine (Pinus clausa) is a relatively local species having this type of seed cone. serotinous
4) An erect, aerial extension of a plant’s root system which serves to oxygenate roots is called a/n _______________. Black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) is a coastal shrub featuring many such structures in a population. Pneumatophores
5) A fruit composed of the ovary plus flower parts external to the ovary is a/n _______________ fruit. accessory fruit
6) Elongation of a stem or root is a result of cell division at the ________ meristem; elongation is called __________ growth. Increase in girth/diameter of a stem or root is called _________ growth, and results from cell division at a/n________ meristem. apical meristem; primary growth; secondary growth; lateral
7) Sharp pointed projections, serving to protect the plant, that are derived from dermal tissues, and are more or less randomly scattered on a stem, are called _____________. (Know also the other types of sharp “stickers” thorns
8) Moisture regime is an important abiotic factor governing plant species that inhabit the site. A site which generally has adequate water supply (except during drought), that is usually not too wet nor too dry, has a _______________ moisture regime. mesic site
8.5) A site that has excessively well-drained soil (e.g. coarse sand) or supports thin soil closely underlain by rock, exemplifies a _______________ moisture regime. (What is a third moisture regime?) Xeric ;Hydric site
9) A small, often raised, corky spot or line found on a twig or stem whose function is gas exchange with the atmosphere is a/n _______________. lenticel
10). When leaflets of a compound leaf radiate from a central point, the leaf is said to be _______________ compound. When leaflets are arranged along either side of a rachis, the leaf is _______________ compound. palmately; pinnately
11) A plant that produces unisexual flowers w/ both staminate and pistillate flowers present on the same plant is said to be _______. If uni. flowers occur on separate plants, functionally making individual plants male or female, this species is ______. monoecious; dioecious
12) A dry indehiscent fruit with one seed connected to the pericarp at one point is called a/n _______________. When such a fruit has a connecting wing designed for wind dispersal, the fruit is a/n _______________. achene; samara
13) A fruit derived from more than one pistil of a single flower is a/n ___ fruit. A fruit derived from more than one flower is a/n __ fruit. (Both fruit types are ex. of “compound” fruits; name in any species have covered w/ either compound fruit?) aggregates; multiple Southern dewberry
14. A modified legume that breaks into segments between each seed is called a/n _______________. These can be covered with Velcro-like hairs as in the genus Desmodium, or can be smooth. mericarps
15._____ are typically paired appendages, technically part of the leaf, that subtend the petiole and blade. These features can be fused to each other or adnate to the petiole. When present, they can be persistent or caducous (fall off early in the season) Stipules
16. A fleshy fruit with its pericarp differentiated into three layers, and with a single seed enclosed within a hard bony endocarp is called a/n _______________. Drupe
A genus that we have covered possessing this fruit type is _______________. (What type of fruit is fleshy throughout, lacking a pit?) Diospyros; Persimmon
17. The _______________ is a collective term for all petals of a flower. The _________________ is a collective term for all sepals of a flower. Corolla; Calyx
18. _________________ is the transfer of pollen from anther to stigma. pollination
19. If a structure is smooth and lacks hairs, it is said to be _______________. If a structure has short stiff hairs giving a rough sandpaper-like texture, the structure is _______________. glabrous; scabrose
20) A dry dehiscent fruit that splits along more than two lines of suture is called a/n _______________. Legume
21) truncate leaf apex its a square like top
22) cordate leaf shape spade shape
23) crenate leaf margin small close waves, christmas berry leaves
24) lanceolate leaf shape sword shape, lance shape
25) oblanceolate leaf shape upside down sword/lance shape
26) doubly-serrate leaf margin tooths with little tooths on the tooths
27) dentate leaf margin tiny little tooths
28) acuminate leaf apex long tear shape
29) elliptic leaf shape football shape
30) ovate leaf shape tear drop shape
31) linear leaf shape very long straight leaf
32) entire leaf margin has no serrations
33) (T/F) Inferring leaf arrangement of a deciduous tree during the dormant season requires one to obtain a twig from the tree’s crown and closely examine leaf scars on that twig. not something one can easily do by glancing up and surveying the crown. False
34) (T/F) According to the current rules, the first letter of a specific epithet must always be lowercase, even if that epithet commemorates a person or place. true
35) (T/F) Any given tree of Taxodium distichum can be expected to produce both pollen cones and seed cones. Therefore, T. distichum is dioecious. false
36) (T/F) Leaves in the lower part of a tree’s crown are thinner and broader than leaves in the upper part of crown. Lower crown leaves are in a diffuse light environment. These “shade leaves” look atypical, while “sun leaves” more in shape of the spp. true
37) (T/F) Wetland delineation requires assessment of hydrology, wetland vegetation, and wetland soils features. For legal purposes, a site must have at least two of the three criteria met to be considered a wetland. true
38) (T/F) The genera Carya and Fraxinus are similar in having odd-pinnately compound leaves. However, they differ in leaf arrangement with Carya having opposite leaves and Fraxinus having alternate leaves. False
39 Exotic shrub with leaf nodules harboring a symbiotic bacterium Ardisia crenata
40 Fruit is a samaroid schizocarp maturing in late winter/early spring Acer rubrum v. drummondii
41 Tissues of this plant have urishiol Toxicodendron radicans
42 Large multi-trunked shrub with opposite simple, persistent leaves; fruit a drupe maturing dark blue/black; urbaninterface weed Ilex decidua
43 Large tree, twigs slender, leaves alternate simple, leaf margins doubly serrate, leaf bases asymmetrical Ulmus americana
44 Large tree with loose pale gray shaggy bark; leaves compound, lateral leaflets falcate; fruit ellipsoidal, consisting of a nut enclosed within a husk carya illinoinensis
45 This oak occurs on lower wetter sites in bottomland hardwoods, leaves have acute lobes with bristle tips, and cupules have a distinctive nipple-like projection connecting them to pedicels Quercus texana
46 This classic riverfront pioneer species is dioecious; fruits are capsules, seeds are tiny with a tuft of hairs for wind dispersal platanus occidentalis
47 Axillary buds of this small riparian/floodplain tree are hidden beneath dilated petiole bases; leaves and branching pattern are opposite Acer negundo
48 Typical leaves of this large weedy oak are spatulate; however, leaves of seedlings and saplings vary wildly in shape Quercus nigra
49 This small tree exudes milky latex where wounded; our worst terrestrial invasive exotic triadica sebifera
50 Fruit of this large tree is a very distinctive multiple of capsules liquidambar styraciflua
51 One of our two native species of palms Sabal minor
52 A small to medium tree with black blocky bark resembling alligator hide; fruit a delicious orange berry maturing in late fall Diospyros virginiana
53 Shrub with trailing stems, the stems and leaves armed; leaves alternate and compound with 3 or 5 leaflets; delicious fruit in May and June Rubus trivialis
Created by: MaddieAlexE
Popular Ecology sets




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